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- Advertising Program Director & Professor John Swan Talks the Power of Super Bowl Advertising
Image Credit: Jeanine Poggi / Ad Age
Ever since Apple first ran their commercial 1984 in the game that year, advertising and the Super Bowl have been inextricably linked.
Recently, I was asked for some of my thoughts on this year's game for the media and I thought I would share my comments with you. They are as follows:
First, it rarely makes a huge difference what teams are playing in the game. The Super Bowl is so much bigger than football it represents the country's biggest entertainment event and comes close to what could be called a national holiday. Many think it should be!
It is also unique as a media event. In a world of fragmented media and appointment viewing, it represents the only remaining place where an advertiser can reach almost half the country all at the same time. There is nothing left in the world of media that can even come close.
That ensures the demand to participate will always be there, despite whatever economic situation the country is in. As proof, in a year of a poor economy, rising prices and interest rates along with constant talk of recession, this year's Super Bowl sold out months ago, with some spots going at all time high prices. (there are some rumors that some spots may have gone for as much as $7MM).
And so, while the cost of an individual spot appears to be mind boggling from an out-of-pocket point-of-view, given that uniquely large reach the buy remains fairly efficient on a CPM basis.
Who will advertise? An interesting fact is that for many years, Anheuser-Busch has been the only alcohol advertiser in the game. It is rumored that they have ceded the sole rights, likely because they don't want to commit to the cost that multiple units would require. So, while they will still have a spot or two in the game, I would look for multiple beer brands to be in this year's game, after being shut out for so many years.
The automotive companies are always there, and I would expect that to still be the case, but I would be surprised if we didn't see a huge focus on their EV products.
Another area to look for: sustainability and a focus on the environment, along with how the advertised brand is responding to these key issues, which are so important to many viewers.
And then be on the lookout for the celebrities. They will be in the commercials. A lot of them. Along with pets, kids and a lot of familiar music, all which aide recall and add to likability of the spots.
Finally, you will see some of the usual players: Pepsi, Doritos, Budweiser, Fan Dual, M&Ms and several spots for FOX network programming will all be there as well.
Enjoy the game!