Student Organizations Conduct Process

I. General Provision

The term “student” includes all persons taking courses at St. John’s University, either full-time or part-time, pursuing undergraduate, graduate or professional studies. The term “student” also includes persons who are enrolled at the University but are on an authorized leave of absence, persons who are between periods of enrollment, and persons who have accepted an offer of admission to the University.

A “student organization” is defined as an organization at an institution of higher education (such as a club, society, association, varsity or junior varsity athletic team, club sports team, fraternity, sorority, band or student government) in which two or more of the members are students enrolled at the institution of higher education, whether or not the organization is established or recognized by the institution. This includes, but is not limited to, an organization recognized by Student Government, Inc. (SGi), all organizations affiliated with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL) and all organizations that are supported or sponsored by an academic or an administrative unit.

All student organizations are expected to act in accordance with the Mission Statement and Core Values of St. John’s University.

A fundamental pillar of the success of any student organization is the election of officers, all of whom strive to ensure that the activities of the student organization are appropriately conducted. It is the responsibility of the officers of each student organization to ensure that the student organization complies with the Student Organizations Conduct Process and to actively oppose and/or prevent any planned or impromptu organizational activity that would violate this process.

Any officer who allows their student organization or a member of that organization to violate the Student Organizations Conduct Process without taking steps to prevent the violation may be referred to the Student Conduct Process and charged with an alleged violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, any officer who knows of an unreported violation of the Student Organizations Conduct Process that has been committed and does not report it to appropriate University officials may be referred to the Student Conduct Process and charged with an alleged violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct. A student organization may also be collectively held accountable if an officer is found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct in their capacity as an officer.

The Office of Student Conduct (OSC) reserves the right to address the behavior of all student organizations, regardless of whether that behavior occurs on-campus, off-campus or online.

Student organizations and their members may be found collectively responsible for any action committed by members that violates any University policy. Disciplinary action taken against student organizations may be separate from action taken against individual members. Facts of an incident may necessitate action taken against both a student organization and the individual members of that organization who were found to have violated University policy.

Policy 703 - Title IX and N.Y. Education Law Article 129-B Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures Policy 704 - Policy against Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment

Student organizations and their members shall be required to adhere to the standards and regulations outlined in the policies below. A violation of any of these policies by a student organization or its members may result in disciplinary action. Attempted violations or complicity on behalf of the organization or its members may also be treated as a violation. Any person having knowledge of any activity or conduct that may constitute an organizational violation should contact the Office of Student Conduct, Office of Campus Activities or Public Safety immediately.

Anyone who recruits students to join a student organization whose recognition had previously been revoked may be charged with violations of the Student Code of Conduct and referred to the Student Conduct Process. An accused student may be subject to the full range of disciplinary outcomes available at the University, up to and including expulsion.

Students who are recruited to join a student organization whose recognition has been revoked are encouraged to report such action to the Office of Student Conduct. A student who was unknowingly recruited to join a student organization whose recognition has been revoked, but then recruits St. John’s students to join that organization at a later date, may be referred to the Student Conduct Process. An accused student may be subject to the full range of disciplinary outcomes available at the University, up to and including expulsion.

The term “University” means St. John’s University.

The term “member of the University community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, University official or employee of a University vendor.

The term “University premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities and other properties in the possession of or owned, used, leased or controlled by the University (including adjacent streets and sidewalks). The term includes property the University leases from third parties or contracts with third parties for the use of, including buses and vans.

The term “Student Conduct Administrator” means a member of the University community authorized on a case-by-case basis to adjudicate alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and to impose outcomes on any student(s) found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct.

The term “member” shall mean a person affiliated with the organization listed on their official roster with the University, a person who actively participates in organization activities or a person who is an alumni member of the organization.

The term “shall” is used in the imperative sense.

The term “may” is used in the permissive sense.

The following are the rights of all St. John’s students participating in the Student Organizations Conduct Process:

Notice: The president (or analogous member) shall receive via their St. John’s e-mail a statement describing the alleged policy violation(s); notification of the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of any scheduled meetings or hearings; the determination of the investigation; and any outcome(s) imposed.

A Fair and Unbiased Process: To be treated fairly and equitably at all stages of the Student Organizations Conduct Process.

Participation: Students may participate in meetings directly by their attendance, provided that the student abides by all University policies when doing so. A student may also participate remotely through video conferencing or by telephone. A student may also choose not to participate or submit a written statement to substitute for their presence. Failure to attend a hearing is not grounds for appeal.

An Advisor of Their Choice (recognized student organizations only): Student organizations recognized by SGi or OFSL may invite their advisor or faculty moderator to support them in the Student Organizations Conduct Process.

Witnesses and Relevant Evidence: To present information or witnesses on their organization’s behalf for consideration during the Student Organizations Conduct Process, subject to reasonable limitations imposed by the Student Conduct Administrator.

Appeal: To appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Administrator.

Non-Discrimination: To be free from discrimination or bias related to actual or perceived race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression, disability, religion, age, alienage or citizenship status, veteran status, or any other legally protected basis.

Freedom from Retaliation: To be free from any act to intimidate, threaten, coerce or discriminate for participation in this process. Students who engage in retaliation may be charged with violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

II. Organizational Conduct Process

Any person may file a complaint against a student organization with the Office of Student Conduct, Office of Campus Activities or Public Safety. The Office of Student Conduct shall review all suspected or reported organizational violations.

Investigations obtain facts about the behavior in question and may consist of gathering witness statements, evidence or other relevant information. The student organization president (or analogous position) may be notified of the investigation by the Office of Student Conduct when appropriate. An organization’s advisor or liaison may also be notified of the investigation.

Investigations may result in the Office of Student Conduct presenting charges of a University policy violation or may result in the closure or dismissal of a complaint based on the information available. If charges are brought, they shall be communicated to the president (or analogous position) of the organization via their St. John’s e-mail account.

Interim Actions: The Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students may implement interim actions to preserve the safety and integrity of the University community prior to the completion of the Student Organizations Conduct Process. Once imposed, an interim action takes effect immediately and cannot be appealed. Interim actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Interim Restriction: Specific restrictions of organizational functions or activities (on-campus, off-campus or online); and
  • Interim Suspension: A complete halt to all student organization functions and activities (on-campus, off-campus or online).

A Student Conduct Administrator (SCA) shall hold a meeting with the president (or analogous position) of a student organization that has been charged with a University policy violation. The organization’s representative shall have the opportunity to respond to the charges and to either accept or deny responsibility for the violation. The organization representative shall also have the opportunity to present any relevant information and evidence on behalf of the student organization.

The SCA shall determine responsibility based on the investigation. An organization’s advisor or liaison may attend, but not actively participate in, any meeting or hearing attended by the organization’s president or designee.

III. Outcomes

The outcomes listed below are put in place by the Office of Student Conduct to address an organizational violation of any University policy. Previous organizational violations may be considered when determining outcomes. More than one of the outcomes listed below may be put in place for any single violation.

Formal Warning: A formal University warning for violating the Student Organization Code of Conduct.

Fine: The University may impose a financial penalty on the student organization, which can be paid from the organization’s SGi budget or its Earned Income. A fine can also result in loss of access to an organization’s SGi budget.

Restitution: Financial compensation for losses or damages that the organization itself would be responsible for.

Discretionary Outcomes: Community service work, reflection papers, behavioral contracts and other discretionary and educational responses related to the actions of the student organization so that its members may better understand the impact of their actions on the University community.  

Probation: Probation is for a designated amount of time. Student organizations found responsible for further University policy violations while on probation may be suspended or have their recognition revoked. Probation may also include specific restrictions, including but not limited to, prohibition of social events on- or off-campus, recruitment of new members, participation in campus activities and completion of specified educational programs.

Suspension: A complete separation of the student organization from the University community for a designated period of time, including indefinite suspension. Suspended organizations may not operate or engage in any University activities, use University funds or resources (including SGI budgets), recruit new members or represent the University in any fashion. Suspended student organizations shall forfeit all reserved space reservations, University funds and other resources back to SGi as appropriate. After the suspension has been completed, the Dean of Students or designee shall review the status of the organization and may impose conditional outcomes on organizations upon return.

Loss of Recognition: The University may revoke all recognition of a student organization, which serves as a permanent separation of the student organization from the University community. This loss of recognition shall prohibit the use of the University’s name and related graphics, recruitment of new members, use of University or SGi funding, and the ability to host events on campus.

Any group of St. John’s University students who continue to function as a student organization after a Suspension or Loss of Recognition shall be subject to the full range of disciplinary outcomes available at the University through the Student Conduct Process, up to and including expulsion.

IV. Appeals

Any outcome imposed shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect through the conclusion of the appeal process. Organizations shall have the right to an appeal, which is to be submitted by the president (or analogous position) of the student organization. The Office of Student Conduct shall not recognize or respond to appeals submitted by any other persons from the organization or from former members of the organization who are no longer St. John’s students.

A finding of responsibility may be revised or overturned only when it is demonstrated that:

  • the student organization has submitted or presented information that indicates an omission in the Student Organization Conduct Process that may have affected the final decision; or
  • there is new evidence that did not exist at the time of the hearing that would have a bearing on the original finding; or
  • the decision-maker had a conflict of interest that affected the outcome of the matter.

An organization wishing to appeal must provide notice in writing within seven (7) days of delivery of the decision letter. Appeals submitted after this time shall not be accepted. The Dean of Students or designee shall determine if the appeal submitted within the appropriate time frame meets the standards identified above.

The Dean of Students or designee may render any of the following decisions:

  • Affirm the decision;
  • Modify the assigned outcomes; or
  • Refer the case back to the Office of Student Conduct for further investigation.

The president of the organization shall be notified of the appeal decision via their St. John's email. All appeal decisions are final.