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- Student Health Insurance
In the event of an unlikely emergency, take some time now to learn how your insurance works so you know what to do, where to go, and who to call.
We make available accident and sickness insurance to all students through University Health Plans.
Residential Students
The University will automatically provide and charge for health insurance for those residence students who have not waived the University provided insurance. The charge for insurance will be added to the semester invoice, due and payable with the tuition and fee charges. New Spring residence students are required to submit insurance information online.
Commuter Students:
Accident and sickness insurance is available to all full-time and part-time commuter students. This insurance can be purchased by enrolling online.
International Students:
All F1 and J1 students are required to participate in the University’s accident and sickness insurance plan. This insurance is mandatory for the student’s entire enrollment at the University.
Vision and Dental Care:
University Health Plans offers voluntary vision and dental care in the Fall only. Rates and enrollment information are available online.
Need More Information?
Information about the accident and sickness insurance program is available online. If you have any questions, please contact Student Financial Services at 718-990-7592 or studentfinancialserv@stjohns.edu or University Health Plans at 1-800-437-6448.
Other Non-St. John’s Health Insurance Resources:
If you are a resident of New York State, you may consider obtaining health insurance through the New York State Health Insurance Exchange.
If you meet income guidelines, you may also be eligible for New York State’s Family Health Plus or Child Health Plus programs. Call 311 and ask for information about public health insurance programs.