Leadership Development

Developing leadership skills and giving back to the community are essential components to the educational experience, and these experiences can lead to greater personal enrichment and academic success.

Faculty Request for a Classroom Presentation

Leadership Development supplements the University mission by providing programs, services and mentorship opportunities that assist and enhance personal growth, decision-making, civic responsibility, and leadership advancement and training.

Leadership Development is comprised of:

  • Emerging Leadership Program (ELP)
  • The Leadership Development Program (LDP)
  • Professional Development Leadership Program
  • Leadership Workshops and Conferences
  • The National Society of Leadership and Success
  • Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society
  • Co-Curricular Transcript 
  • Don’t Cancel That Class (DCTC)    

Contact Us

Queens Campus
Chiang Ching-Kuo (CCK) Hall, Room 119
Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Emerging Leadership Program

The Emerging Leadership Program gives first and second-year undergraduate students at St. John’s University the opportunity to learn about campus life and begin developing their leadership skills.  Students will participate in 5 weekly events, and upon completion, will gain exclusive access to joining the SJU Leadership Development Program (LDP).  Students who participate in LDP will gain a practical and experiential leadership experience. Contact program administrator to register for the Cohort.

Leadership & Goal Setting

  • Meet other students in the Emerging Leadership Program Cohort
  • Learn the fundamentals of leadership and define your leadership goals

Career Services Overview

  • Understand the importance of University Career Services and its services
  • Learn how to use “Handshake” (St. John's University recruiting platform)
  • Recognize the importance of leadership skills on your resume and LinkedIn profile

Student Involvement

  • Learn about Campus Life and ways to get involved through student organizations and departmental leadership roles.
  • Understand the importance of co-curricular activities and creating your Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT)

Networking & Branding

  • Learn about how to effectively use LinkedIn and Handshake in your job search to make connections, get recommendations, and network with industry or interest-specific groups. 

Program Completion & Recognition

  • Examine the results of your Strength Assessment
  • Learn how your strengths (and weakness) can shape your leadership style.
  • Receive Program Certificate of Completion
  • Overview & Registration of the Leadership Development Program (LDP)

Career Advisement Session - this personalized advisement session with your Career Advisor will give you an opportunity to review and update your resume, help you learn how to gain exposure to a specific industry, and provide you with the tools to tackle the challenge of finding your ideal job/internship. Log into Handshake to schedule the 1-on-1 meeting with your Career Advisor as the final step of the Program.

If you are interested in joining the Emerging Leadership Program (ELP), please email leadership@stjohns.edu

Natalie Storelli
Director of Career & Leadership Development

Leadership Development Program (LDP)

The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is designed to help undergraduate students advance their leadership skills.  Students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of leadership, put what they have learned into action, and receive written recognition from Career Services upon program completion. Contact program administrator to register and schedule an orientation session.


  • Meet other students also joining the program, define your leadership goals, and complete an assessment to discover your strengths.
  • Must complete one Orientation to officially register for the program.


  • Participate in one mentor experience offered by the University.
  • Register for a mentor program within the first year of participation in LDP.


  • Complete five video casts offered in-person and online.  Students will learn the fundamentals of Leadership through group discussion and activities after the videos.
  • Complete a minimum of one videocast per semester.

Experiential Learning

  • Complete three experiences plus reflection paper describing how these experiences helped you grow as a leader.  Experiences may include campus-run programs, employer off-site visits, conferences, and/or other professional development activities.  Experiential learning may include one day or multiple day programs.
  • Complete a minimum of one experiential learning per year.

Practical Application

  • Complete one practical application plus a reflection paper describing leadership competencies gained.  During practical application, students should implement what they are learning throughout the program, putting into practice effective leadership strategies.  Practical application may include internships, case competitions, volunteer experience, and more; and is intended to be semester-long or a minimum of 20 hours. 
  • Complete a practical application within two years of participation in LDP.

Program Completion

  • Submit a reflection paper of your experience with the program.  Upon completion, students will receive UCS official endorsement; choose between LinkedIn recommendation and written recommendation (for graduate school, employment, other professional programs).

Please note this program utilizes “Canvas” to collect assignments and track the completion of program requirements while recording overall student status throughout participation in the LDP.

If you are interested in joining the Leadership Development Program (LDP), please email leadership@stjohns.edu

    Professional Development Leadership Program

    The Professional Development Leadership Program offers undergraduate students in their final year a foundation for success in their personal and professional life as they prepare for graduation and beyond.

    Networking and Branding

    • Learn how to effectively use LinkedIn and Handshake in your job search to make connections, get recommendations, and network with industry professionals or interest-specific groups. 
    • Discover what it takes to make your profile stand-out and get noticed.

    Resume & Interviews Skills

    • Understand how to write and perfect your resume to best attract employers for a successful job search. 
    • Uncover key words to ensure your resume is picked up by applicant tracking systems and virtual recruiting platforms.
    • Learn how to prepare for an interview, address challenging interview questions, and hone your skills using the “Big Interview” software.

    Salary Negotiations

    • Learn how to confidently and successfully negotiate your salary and benefits packages.
    • Gain confidence in your negotiation style through facilitated discussion and role-playing
    • Learn how to identify and articulate your personal value and how to develop an arsenal of persuasive responses
    • Acquire the skills to conduct objective market research to benchmark a target salary and benefits

    Big Interview Assignment

    • Complete the “Big Interview” assignment that will put what you have learned into practice by interviewing in a virtual setting.

    Career Advisement Session

    • This personalized advisement session with your Career Advisor will give you an opportunity to review and update your resume, help you learn how to gain exposure to a specific industry, and provide you with the tools to tackle the challenge of finding your ideal job. A link will be provided to schedule the 1-on-1 meeting with your Career Advisor as the final step of the Program.

    If you are interested in joining the Professional Development Leadership Program, please email leadership@stjohns.edu

    Natalie Storelli
    Director of Career & Leadership Development


    The National Society of Leadership and Success

    The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) helps people discover and achieve their goals. NSLS offers life-changing lectures from national leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together to help one another succeed. NSLS serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world.

    ABOUT the NSLS

    The National Society of Leadership & Success (NSLS) is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at St. John’s University was established in Fall 2012. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members.

    Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. Once students join, they have access to:

    The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Hear directly from current members as they share how their experience has changed their life.

    If you become a member, some of the other benefits are:

    • Learn from exceptional leaders during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts.
    • Meet new friends and make lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually).
    • Overcome challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success.
    • Access to private networking events.

    Visit the NSLS website to learn more about and accept your nomination.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Some of the common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, visit nsls.org to chat with a team member or email help@nsls.org. You can also reach out to your campus Society Advisor.

    What do I have to do to become inducted?

    Our five-step program takes approximately 12 hours over the course of the semester/year at your pace.

    Steps to Induction

    1. Attend a Chapter Orientation Session
    2. Discover your passions during Leadership Training Day
    3. Participate in three speaker broadcast events from the nation’s top experts and celebrities
    4. Engage with other student leaders during three Success Networking Team Meetings

    Is the Society recognized on campus?

    Yes – we are recognized at St. John’s University through the area of Leadership Development within University Career Services.

    Stay Connected

    Visit our Social Media sites to get current information on local SJU chapter news and events!

    How Do I Get Involved?

    For more information on getting involved with NSLS, please contact your respective campus Society Advisor:

    Natalie Storelli
    Chiang Ching-Kuo (CCK) Hall Room 119 – Queens Campus
    Director of Career & Leadership Development

    Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society

    Omicron Delta Kappa Society (ΟΔΚ) is the national leadership honor society for college students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni that recognizes and encourages superior scholarship, leadership, and exemplary character. Membership in ΟΔΚ is a mark of the highest distinction and honor.

    Student membership candidates must be juniors, seniors, or graduate students who rank in the upper 35% in scholarship of their school or college (minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA) and must demonstrate leadership in one of the Five Pillars of Campus Life and embrace the OΔK Leadership Values.

    ODK Application - Spring 2024

    Five Pillars of Campus Life

    • Academics and Research
    • Athletics
    • Service to Campus and Community
    • Communications
    • Creative and Performing Arts

    Leadership Values 

    • Collaboration – to work together to achieve a defined and common purpose
    • Inclusivity – to actively seek, embrace, and advance a diverse group of individuals
    • Integrity – to align one’s values and beliefs with behaviors and speech
    • Scholarship – to strive for excellence in academics and pursue lifelong learning
    • Service – to answer the call for action from one’s community or country

    The purpose of ΟΔΚ is three-fold:

    1. Recognize those who have exhibited a high standard of leadership and efficiency in collegiate activities
    2. Bring together student leaders from all sectors of collegiate life in order to help mold the sentiment of the university for questions of local and collegiate interest.
    3. Bring together members of the faculty and the student body on a basis of mutual interest and understanding

    Upon selection, initiation is performed at a special ceremony. The $88 initiation fee is required of each member. Your membership fee includes lifetime membership in ΟΔΚ, your membership certificate, a recognition button, and a three-year subscription to The Circle, the official ΟΔΚ publication.

    Contact your campus liaison for application guidelines and deadlines. Please read the detailed instructions in the document you receive before completing the Online Application to ensure you submit it properly.

    Contact your campus liaison for application guidelines and deadlines:

    ODK Membership Benefits

    Co-Curricular Transcript

    Your Co-Curricular Transcript provides you with a detailed record of your involvement in various student activities and out-of-class experiences. It is designed to assist you in developing a more extensive resume, complementing your academic transcript. All activities are verified by the Office of Leadership Development.

    In order to create your Co-Curricular Transcript, log into your UIS account and proceed to the Student Services section. Follow the directions under the “Co-Curricular Transcript” subcategory or use the Co-Curricular Transcript pdf:

    Your Co-Curricular Transcript will highlight activities such as:

    • Honors
      • Athletic Awards
        Recognition for exemplary participation in an intercollegiate sports team
      • Honor Societies
        Membership or executive board position held
      • Student Life Awards
        Official recognition of contributions enhancing the quality of student life. (These awards are given by the Department of Student Life and its respective areas: Greek Life, AOD, Project AIM, Performing Arts, Campus Activities, Department of Residence Life, and Campus Ministry)
    • Student Organizations and Department Leadership Roles 
      • Clubs and Organizations
        On-going participation (attended 50% or more of the organizational activities) as a general member or executive board member, in approved campus-based clubs, organizations, sports teams, and department programs
      • Department Leadership Role
        Including Orientation Coordinator/Leader, Resident Assistant, Career Peer, Wellness Peer Educator, Project A.I.M. Mentor, Conduct Board Member, Student/Global Ambassador, Student Alumni Association (SAA), Manager of a Sports Team, Member of a Task Force, etc.
    • Educational Workshops and Programs
      • Workshops
        Those sponsored by the Department of Student Life including Leadership Development, Career Services, Greek Life, Student Wellness, Discover New York, Freshmen Center, and various academic departments
      • Conferences and Retreats
        Participation in on- or off-campus educational and leadership conferences and retreats
    • Community Service 
      • Community Service
        Volunteer work in a St. John’s-sponsored community service project (must be ongoing direct community service at least 10 hours per semester)

    Please note that University Service Day and Relay for Life are accepted since they are University-wide events.

    For more information about the Co-Curricular Transcript program, please contact Natalie Storelli at 718-990-2103 or storelln@stjohns.edu.

    Don’t Cancel That Class (DCTC)

    If you are interested in the “Don’t Cancel That Class” Program, please review the below workshop offerings and choose a workshop that would best suit the needs of your students.

    Please be advised that all requests must be submitted at least 1-week inadvance.Upon receipt of the request (subject to availability), a Student Affairs Administrator and/or a trained Peer Educator will be scheduled for your class.

    To request a Don’t Cancel That Class program on the Queens or Staten Island campuses, please complete the Faculty Request for a Classroom Presentation form.


    Leadership Development

    Overview of Leadership Development Programs & Opportunities
    This workshop provides an overview of the various programs and leadership opportunities offered and how students can join.  These Programs include: Emerging Leadership Program (ELP), the Leadership Development Program (LDP), Professional Development Leadership Program, the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) and Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society.

    Career Services

    Career Services Overview
    This workshop provides an overview of all Career Services offerings and how to use the online “Handshake” platform.

    Resume Perfection
    Learn how to write and perfect your resume to best attract employers during your job search.

    Personal Branding: How to Tell Your Story and State Your Value
    Learn about how to effectively use LinkedIn, Handshake, and other Social Media applications in your job search to make connections, get recommendations, and network with industry or interest-specific groups.  

    Strategies for Finding an Internship or Job
    Learn the value of obtaining an internship in your field of study, how to find an internship, and how to get the most out of the experience.

    Center for Student Success (sessions geared to 1st & 2nd year students)

    Time Management/Study Skills
    College life can be hectic and overwhelming. This workshop will help students understand how they work, study best, and find the resources to manage their schedules now and long after college!

    Motivation Magic
    Staying motivated can be a challenge at times, but with the right strategies and mindset, students can boost their motivation and stay on track!

    Improving College Reading
    The transition between high school and college often involves a shift in expectations of student's reading ability! This transition can be difficult, but it is an essential part of developing the skills necessary for higher education and beyond. This workshop can help students develop effective reading strategies and critical thinking abilities, which will contribute to success in college. 

    Queens CampusStaten Island Campus
    Natalie Storelli
    Director of Career and Leadership Development
    Jocelyn Coalter
    Senior Director of Career and Leadership Development