Day on Wall Street

The Alumni Insider’s View…Day on Wall Street program is a great opportunity for Business students. Many of our alumni work in major financial firms, and they’d like nothing more than to share the story of how they got there and show you what types of careers are out there for you. It’s an all-day program packed with great information you just can’t get anywhere else.

You’ll visit some of the major financial institutions in the Wall Street area, such as Standard & Poor’s, Bank of America and the New York Stock Exchange, and see what it’s like to be a player in the financial capital of the world. At the end of the day, you’ll enjoy a networking reception and a chance to personally interact with alumni who make Wall Street what it is.

Are You Eligible?

All Juniors, seniors and graduate students from St. John's The Peter J. Tobin College of Business with a 3.0 GPA or higher are eligible to apply. All students who have attended a previous Alumni Insider’s View (AIV)… Program will be given highest priority.

Academic deans and faculty advisors are encouraged to recommend students, and all student applicant names will be forwarded to the appropriate academic dean for input.

More Information

The Office of Alumni Relations