Hispanic and Latino/a Alumni Chapter
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- Hispanic and Latino/a Alumni Chapter
About Us
The Hispanic and Latino/a Alumni Chapter is dedicated to empowering alumni and future alumni both academically and professionally.
The chapter is committed to the Vincentian traditions of service and social justice through promoting, providing, and maintaining a medium to educate our global community on the contributions and services of the Hispanic-Latino/a culture.
Provide networking forums for our Hispanic-Latino/a alumni.
Strengthen and enhance the participation of St. John’s Hispanic-Latino/a alumni throughout the St. John’s community.
Educate, assist, and empower the Hispanic-Latino/a community.
Create opportunities for alumni and future alumni to network.
Support Latin Heritage Month at St. John’s University.
Assist the University in achieving its commitment to the education and celebration of cultural diversity among our Hispanic-Latino/a alumni, students, faculty, administration, and staff.
Chapter Leaders
Adriana Cardenas ’91SVC, Cochair
Daniel Vizcarrondo ’12CPS, Cochair
Gerard Fabian Cajas ’91C, ’09G
Joshua Cajas ’18CPS
Marisela Carpio ’11CPS
Arlene Mora Fisher ’88CBA
Claudia Morales Valdes ’91C
Louis Saavedra ’05CPS, ’12G
Pablo Sanchez ’13C, ’14G, ’19GCPS
Mauricio Videla ’04C
More Information
- 1870 Court, hosted by the Hispanic and Latino/a Alumni Chapter (February 3)
- Reunion Week: Hispanic and Latino/a Happy Hour (April)
- Latino/a and Hispanic Month events (September)
- Alumni and Student Mixer
- Hispanic Day Parade
- Hispanic Heritage Night at a New York Mets game