Notre Dame College Alumnae

About Us

Notre Dame College served the community as a premier women’s college for nearly 40 years. During the 1960s, when it became difficult for small colleges to survive, Notre Dame College became a part of St. John’s University, thus establishing the Staten Island campus in 1971. Since that time, the Notre Dame College Alumnae have kept the legacy of their beloved institution alive and well on the Staten Island campus.


Graduates of Notre Dame College are proud of their degrees and, through this Alumnae group, ensure that they keep their legacy alive at St. John’s. Through events, programs, and scholarship support, NDC graduates have a wealth of ways to stay connected. 

This fund was established to benefit close relatives of a Notre Dame alumna or an alumnus from the University’s Staten Island campus, a graduate of an undergraduate program on St. John’s SI campus, or a former scholarship recipient. After serving a life of ministry, scholarship and intellectual challenge of the highest degree, Sister Helen Flynn’s remarkable faith and devotion to God, Gospel and community influenced all who came to know her. The scholarship was established with the belief that those who choose to study at Staten Island campus would do so in an environment conducive to Sister Helen Flynn’s ideals of service, education and faith. Applicant must be an incoming freshman accepted into a three or four year undergraduate program at the Staten Island campus who is a close relative of (son, daughter, brother, sister, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter or first cousin) a Notre Dame alumna or alumnus of a four year undergraduate program from the University’s Staten Island campus.

More Information
Dionne Dorsey '15G
Director, Office of Donor Relations
Tel 718-990-2128

Joan Mazza Dobis '66NDC, President
Mary T. Armstrong '63NDC, Vice President
Marianne Cummins '60NDC, Secretary and Homecoming Chairperson
Raffaela Caputo '62NDC, Sr. Helen Flynn Scholarship Chairperson
Maureen C. O'Brien '62NDC, Past President

Kristine Albano Garlisi '95NDC, '97G
Connie Bowden Lane '57NDC
Joyce Rohl '68NDC
Geraldine Gillio '61NDC
Clare Milza Fennell '80NDC
Grace M. Murphy '60NDC
Diane M. Viggiano '67NDC

Scholarship Interviews (April)
Staten Island Luncheon (April)
Homecoming (April)
Final Board Meeting (May)

New Jersey Luncheon (October)
Christmas Tea (December)

Tara Schaffel '97,'00C
Susan Silvestri '98NDC
Christine Ann Sprufero '99C
Brian Hayes '99CBA
Kimberly A. Suplicki '99C, '01G
ToniAnn Parisio '99Ed
Victoria Walcott '99C
Donna Comanda '99NDC
Ramona Raimondo '99SVC
Jeanine Michelle Capogrosso '99SJC
Nicole Amendolara '00C
Lauren Polemeni '00C,'02Ged
Glenn Heydolph '01C
Kathryn Hayes '01C
William Safte '02C
Karen Kennedy '02TCB
Toni Ann Demonte '02CPS
Janelle Carbo '02C
Nina Alsbrook '02C, '03G
Douglas Victor '02SJC
Lisa Pino '03C
Laura Montagnino '03C
Frank Giardino '03C
Andrea Watson '03C    
Brian Wodzinski '03CPS
Daniel Carbonella '04TCB
Tiffany A. Egan '04Ed
John Tremmel '05CCPS
Nicole Esposito '05TCB,'06MBA
Vanessa L. Ryan '05TCB, '06MBA
Catherine M. Goodheart '05C, '09GEd 
Russell J. Boardman '05TCB
Tatiara Santana '06C 
Steven Troise '06CPS
Cristina Damiano '06C
Kristy L. Horning Butka '06CPS, '10G
Mo'Nique M. Murray '07C
Maria Vigueras '07TCB, '08MBA
Jacqueline Cavaliere '07CPS,'07
Sara C. DiDonato '07TCB, '08MBA
Desiree Buhse '07C
Sharon Eger '07C
Vincent J. Palmieri '08C
Tracie Lynn Szatkowski '08CPS
Steven D. Giglio '08CPS
Kathleen Herron '08Ged
Vincent J. Palmieri '08C
Christina Abate '08C
Novella Dillard '09CCPS
Jessica A. Figuly '09Ed
Robert P. Wilson '09CPS, '13L
Kristen Hughes Hansen '09C
Patrick Donegan '09TCB, '13GEd
Christina Marie Gallo '09TCB
Joseph DeMeo ‘10TCB
Kristin K. McDermott '10Ed, '13GEd
Susan J. Emanuele '10Ed
Michele Trizzino '10CPS
Colin Vautrinot '10CPS
Craig R. Sikorski, '10CPS
Steven R. Gardella '11TCB, '19MBA
Robert Hesterhagen  '11CCPS
Alexandra M. Cagliostro '11Ed
Christopher DeMario '12CCPS
Vito V. Rago '12TCB, '13MBA
Robert Hrankiwskyj '13CCPS
Jessica Ann Marini '13C, '15G
Alexandra Soliman '14CCPS
Anthony Scarito '14CCPS
Alyssa M. Ferraiuolo '15Ed
Christina Caldarera '15CCPS
Joseph Salvatore Anzalone '16TCB
Bailey Cammarano '17TCB, '19MBA
Julie Perosi '17TCB, '18MS
Vincent LoVerde '17CCPS
Kara Gavin ‘17SJC
Ryan Mcdyer ‘17SJC
Stephanie Evangelist '18BSEd, '19MSEd
Nicholas DeMeo '18TCB, '19MS
Kayla Vastardis '18SJC
Ashley D'Agosto '19SJC
Tyler Bruce '19TCB, '20MS
Frank Vigilante '19TCB
Noah Canderozzi '20TCB, '21MS
Joey Eskenazi '20BSEd
Nicholas Zangrillo '20TCB, '21MS
Alexa Iacovino '21TCB, '22MS
Jade Amanda Colon '21CCPS
Julia Timpone '21SJC, '22MSEd
Joseph Vigilante '21CCPS
Jessica Mancato '22SJC
Amanda Vigilante '22BSEd
Marissa Gianni-Bajada '22SJC, '24MA
Emily Esposito '23BSEd, '24MSEd
Alexandra Baratta '23TCB, '24MS
Nicole Fracchiolla '23SJC
Paul Tulino '24TCB
Dianna Gentile '24BSEd
Claire Froehlich '24CCPS
Victoria Driscoll '24BSEd
John Baratta '24TCB
Andi Bajraktarevic '24TCB
Jared Navarrete '24CCPS
Grace Garlisi  '24BSEd
Ciro Colletti '24CCPS
Michael Famulari '24BSEd

*List continuously updated to include recipient names. Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations if you do not see your name listed.

Get Involved!

For more information, contact Nicole Boodhoo, Assistant Director of Alumni Special Events, at 718-990-2321 or email