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Opportunities in Education
St. John’s University’s Discover Italy: Education Program is the first and only semester-long study abroad experience in Italy for undergraduate education majors that is based on a collaborative partnership between an American university’s School of Education and a local Italian schools.
Theoretical framework:
Teacher preparation in St. John’s University’s Discover Italy: Education Program is grounded in the consonant/dissonant model of comfort level (Cochran-Smith, 1991). A closer look at the factors in the model reveal its applicability in the foreign setting. First, awareness of cultural context (including the value orientations, communications styles, and conflict styles) enables students to become more self-aware and observant of cultural patterns which are different from their own in the classroom setting. Second, engagement in intercultural encounters (including cultural assumptions and alternative cultural perspectives of both the teacher and the students) provide first-person experiences as the student assumes the teacher role in the classroom.
This theoretical framework is especially appropriate for prospective teachers in a study abroad program because students are continually negotiating the situations and circumstances of varying levels of comfort in order to successfully complete their responsibilities as students in the program. They are learning new material in the university classroom (consonant because it relates to the field with which they are familiar, but dissonant because it is new material) and applying it in the classroom (consonant because they willingly chose to participate in the program, but dissonant because they do not have a plethora of experience teaching, and no experience teaching in an Italian classroom).
Goal and Objectives of the Program:
The goal of the School of Education’s Discover Italy: Education Program is to provide undergraduate education students with an opportunity in international education. The first objective of the Program is to offer students courses by both American and Italian professors on the Rome campus. The second objective of the Program is to promote a collaborative partnership between administrators, professors, teachers, and students with the expressed purpose of observing, team-teaching and solo teaching in local schools. Current schools include the Pistelli Elementary School, St. George’s British International School, the Giovanni XXIII Middle School, the Manara Liceo High School. The third objective of the Program is to increase the level of English language use and instruction in local elementary, middle, and high school classrooms in Rome by teachers, and Italian language use by students through the SOE students’ teaching in those classrooms.
Cochran-Smith, M. (1991). Reinventing student teaching. Journal of Teacher Education 42(2), 104-118.
St. John’s School of Education offers students the opportunity to gain professional experience in their chosen field of study through internships.
Educational Administration
An internship in School Building and/or School District Leadership is required for the completion of the following degrees: Master in School Building Leadership, the Advanced Certificate in School Building Leadership, the Advanced Certificate in School District Leadership, and the Dual Advanced Certificate in School Building/School District Leadership.
A minimum of 540 hours is required for the completion of each related internship. These hours are divided in the following manner:
Part I: The first 270 hours will be embedded into the degree coursework. This instructional model will enable the student to go from theory to practice.
Part II: The remaining 270 hours will be completed in EDU5950 or EDU5951 (depending on the degree desired).
In order to register for Part II of the internship, the student must have completed at least 18 core credits in his/her degree program and meet with the Director of the Graduate Internship Program to discuss any issues relative to a specific internship. The student is then given an internship booklet with guidelines and suggested activities for the student's internship.
Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, founded by Dr. William Bagley in 1911 at the University of Illinois, was established to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. The founders chose the name from the Greek words to represent knowledge, duty, and power. Pioneering from its beginning by including women as well as men, Kappa Delta Pi grew from a local chapter to the international organization it is today, comprising 582 chapters and more than 45,000 members.
Kappa Delta Pi members keep good company. Albert Einstein, George Washington Carver, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Margaret Mead are just a few of the historically known members. Current renowned members include Barbara Morgan, Alfie Kohn, Lisa Delpit, Andy Hargreaves, James Banks, and Howard Gardner. To date, more than 1,200,000 educators worldwide have been inducted into this international honor society
From its inception, Kappa Delta Pi has been dedicated to scholarship and excellence. Yet, this 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization is more than an honor society. Through its programs, services, and products, Kappa Delta Pi supports and enhances the professional growth and teaching practices of its member educators throughout the phases and levels of their teaching careers. This support is essential to inaugurating and retaining the best and brightest professionals in the field of education.
The mission of Kappa Delta Pi is to sustain an honored community of diverse educators by promoting excellence and advancing scholarship, leadership, and service.
The vision of Kappa Delta Pi is to help committed educators be leaders in improving education for global citizenship
Individually and collectively, Society members recognize and honor achievement; strive to a high degree of professional fellowship, leadership, and growth in the field of education; and serve their students and educational community.
From its Alpha chapter beginning to its present-day chapter status that includes professional chapters, community colleges, and international members, Kappa Delta Pi is synonymous with scholarship, teaching, and service. The organization continues to strive to meet the changing needs of educators and their students, as well as provide member educators resources and opportunities that encourage innovative and best practices.
Kappa Delta Pi - Kappa Eta Chapter Webpage
Contact Information
Jordan Gonzalez, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
50th Anniversary
Kappa Delta Pi– Kappa Eta Chapter, an International Honor Society in Education, celebrated its 50th Anniversary in Spring 2014. From its inception, on June 2nd, 1964, the Kappa Eta Chapter continues to maintain the ideals of Kappa Delta Pi. Over the last 50 years, we have enjoyed providing opportunities to serve the community and assist pre-service teachers into becoming knowledgeable professionals. We have come to understand the work it takes to have a successful chapter and the thrill we have when our chapter succeeds.
As a chapter, we have taken pride in our dedication to make a difference in the community; our service projects such as Light It Up Blue, Literacy Alive!, and a trip to South Africa have not only impacted our members, but the people we have served. We have also taken pride in our eagerness to prepare the pre-service teachers within the School of Education with professional development events that allow them to network and learn more about the field of education. The Kappa Eta Chapter has been recognized by our society’s headquarters and has received 5 ACE (Achieving Chapter Excellence) Awards which have reflected our hard work. Whether it’s creating professional development events or embarking on a service project, even the smallest successes within our chapter allow us to continue our commitment to advancing the field of education.
- Clinically-Rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language
- Educational Policies for Promoting Interdisciplinary Education. Approaches for the Scientifically Talented
- In Addition After School Program
- Non-Public School - Aspiring Leaders Program
- PEAK Program (Pathways to Excellence, Achievement and Knowledge)
- Project Bridge
- Project Multi-Age Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Scholarship Programs in Special Education
- Student Support Services- MTAC
- The Stemulator Project
- Twice Exceptional Students Achieving and Matriculating in STEM (TEAMS)