
The ePorfolio Program at St. John’s University was designed to support students, faculty, and staff in the process of creating dynamic, engaging ePorfolios as a tool for teaching, learning, reflection, transformation, archives of learning, and assessment. Read additional information about where to begin, if you haven’t already.

ePortfolios can be used by advisors to track students’ academic progress, guide students’ professional interests, and determine as well as encourage students’ choices in study abroad programs. For advisors, ePortfolios can be a significant and visible illustration of a SJU undergraduate’s maturation during his or her years at the University. For graduate students, ePortfolios could document students’ personal development plans in the arenas of academics, research, and so forth. In short, ePortfolios will improve student learning, make that learning visible to students, foster reflective learning, and showcase learning to personal and professional communities.

The ePortfolio and University Assessment:

  • Accreditation processes for the University benefit incredibly from an electronic archive of student work that is able to be sorted and indexed to support educational goals. Right now, all that work is collected and sorted by individual professors by hand, which takes far more time.
  • ePortfolios encourage technical competency in the members of the University community and advance a fluency in this area that is necessary in our technological and global world, giving our students an edge compared to students of other universities that do not use ePortfolios.
  • During the University’s Admissions Open Houses, current students can access and exhibit ePortfolios as a way of showcasing to new students the breadth and diversity of experiences and education available at St. John’s University.

In The School of Education our students have used ePorfolios for: Teaching Portfolios.

Teaching Portfolio

Like other professionals, teachers need evidence of their growth and achievement over time. The professional portfolio is a vehicle for collecting and presenting that evidence. For many of us, it's just practicing what we preach. We encourage our students to select examples of their work over time to demonstrate how much they've learned, and we must do the same. Portfolios allow us to become reflective about what it is we do. And they allow us to document the practices we'd like to preserve and even pass on to others.

How do I create a new Portfolio as a student?