Center for Global Business Stewardship

What We Do

The Center for Global Business Stewardship at the Peter J. Tobin College of Business -- in recognition of the importance of responsible management of the globe’s resources -- has at the core of its mission a commitment to promoting rigorous research, sponsoring conferences and symposia, and creating or maintaining global academic programs all focused on business ethics, CSR, sustainability, and innovative social business models.  To do so effectively, the Center engages in initiatives for faculty and student development while cultivating global partnerships with schools of business and organizations (for-profit and not-for-profit) worldwide. 

The Center for Global Business Stewardship at the Peter J. Tobin College of Business -- in recognition of the importance of responsible management of the globe’s resources -- has at the core of its mission a commitment to promoting rigorous research, sponsoring conferences and symposia, and creating or maintaining global academic programs all focused on business ethics, CSR, sustainability, and innovative social business models.  To do so effectively, the Center engages in initiatives for faculty and student development while cultivating global partnerships with schools of business and organizations (for-profit and not-for-profit) worldwide. 

Linda Sama

Dr. Linda M. Sama

Executive Director 

Dr. Linda M. Sama is the Associate Dean for Global Initiatives and the Joseph F. Adams Professor of Management in the Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University. She earned her Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the City University of New York, a Masters in Philosophy at Baruch (CUNY), and an MBA in International Finance from McGill University. Her doctoral dissertation addressing the twin impact of governance mechanisms and strategic slack on corporate social response strategies earned her the Lasdon Dissertation Award. She is the recipient of several other awards for her business ethics research and spearheaded the college’s decision to become a signatory of U.N. PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) initiative in 2010. She now serves on the board of the North American Regional Chapter of PRME.

Dr. Sama made a transition to academe after a lengthy career in industry, where she acted as Director of Market Planning and Logistics for a major international subsidiary of Transamerica Corporation. She teaches primarily in the areas of International Business, Strategic Management, Business Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship. She has published over 70 articles, proceedings papers and book chapters that address issues of corporate social responsibility, business and the natural environment, integrative social contracts theory, and global business ethics dilemmas in the new economy. Her research appears in journals such as The Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society Review, The Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, and the International Journal of Value-Based Management. She has also published research for the U.S. Department of Transportation related to the effects of NAFTA on U.S.-Mexico border logistics.  She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Academy of Management Learning and Education journal.

Dr. Sama founded, launched and serves as program director for GLOBE (Global Loan Opportunities for Budding Entrepreneurs).  GLOBE is a student-managed academic program at TCB that provides loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world with the help of its field partners, the Daughters of Charity, while simultaneously educating students about microfinance and social entrepreneurship. She also founded the Center for Global Business Stewardship (CGBS) and serves as its Executive Director. The CGBS houses all global programs for the college and engages faculty and students in scholarship related to good business stewardship.

In her role as Associate Dean, Dr. Sama also developed and implemented a Global Destination Course (GDC) program in TCB, offering a menu of undergraduate and graduate business courses featuring a short-term travel component related to the academic content of the course. Students hailing from the various TCB campuses in New York and Rome participate in a unique opportunity, working on-line with a professor to prepare academically for the trip, and traveling together during the intercession for business site visits in exciting destinations within Europe, Asia and South America.

Dr. Sama consults to industry, NGOs, and government on Strategic Planning, Global Leadership and Business Ethics topics and has offered related seminars and training sessions. She has been an invited speaker at a number of international conferences on business ethics, including one hosted by the famed Wharton School. Dr. Sama’s avocation is choral singing and she has graced the stage of Carnegie Hall on over 30 occasions as a member of New York City’s The Cecilia Chorus.


Dr. Linda M. Sama, Ph.D
Associate Dean for Global Initiatives and Joseph F. Adams Professor of Management 
Director GLOBE Program 
Executive Director- Center for Global Business Stewardship

TCB Building - Suite 327, Rm 331

8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439
Ph: 718.990.7323

Additional Information

IVBEC 2022- click here for the Call for Papers 

Click here for the Full IVBEC 2022 Schedule (PDF)

Click here for the IVBEC2022 Official Proceedings (PDF)

IVBEC 2020 - click on link below for the Call for Papers 

IVBEC 2018

In 2018, the 25th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference was organized around the theme of People, Planet, Progress: Business Ethics for a Global Society

The 25th Anniversary of IVBEC was a great opportunity to take stock of our progress for guidance, and to look to the future for innovative solutions to business and society’s most pressing ethical dilemmas. We encouraged proposals from academics, business professionals and young scholars that related to the role that ethical business plays in the implementation and integration of the SDGs in the organizational ethos, and that move us toward a better understanding of targets, measurement and ethical adjustment in our policies and processes.

As we race toward a 2030 deadline to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations in 2015, we focused the theme of the conference on how progress and prosperity in business are achieved in the context of a sustainable future for the planet and all who inhabit it. With research, practice, and educators attending to the responsible management of business, the conference will feature work that highlights the progress made in achieving global development goals and the challenges that remain in institutionalizing them.  

Click here for the final program.

Click here for Official Proceedings.

IVBEC 2015

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business and the Center for Global Business Stewardship hosted the 22nd annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference 2015 (IVBEC2015) in New York City. St. John’s University is the host every third year alternating with our sister Vincentian schools, DePaul University and Niagara University. The conference ran for three days at the New York Marriott Downtown, fittingly placed in the city’s financial center. The conference theme was “UN Global Compact and UN PRME: What we Practice and What we Teach in Business Ethics”.  

There were over 150 attendees from all over the world, mostly academics but also practitioners, who are working in the area of business ethics, sustainability and CSR. The conference consisted of Keynote addresses by business leaders, panel sessions, academic paper sessions and paper development workshops that prompted discussion amongst conference participants on critical ethical issues. The Journal of Business Ethics (JoBE) has agreed to publish a special issue of their journal that is focused on the best papers from IVBEC 2015. Conference participants were asked to submit manuscripts of conference papers for consideration and only papers presented at the conference are eligible for submission.

The breakfast plenary panel included 2 representatives from UNGC signatory firms (Douglas Lankler, Pfizer, and Edward Smith, KPMG, retired) and two representatives from UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) signatory business schools (Sheb True, Kennesaw State and Cynthia Clark, Bentley).  The panel was moderated by our keynote speaker, Mr. Jonas Haertle, head of the UN PRME Secretariat.  Each panelist spoke to what his or her firm or business school does to address the UNGC and PRME principles respectively, with examples of what works, and what challenges them in implementation.   Protiviti, Inc. generously sponsored our breakfast plenary and provided the luncheon keynote speaker, Scott Moritz, Managing Director of Global Lead Investigations & Fraud Risk Management,  who gave a wonderful presentation entitled, “Can Business Ethics Reduce Human Suffering? The Misconception that Corruption is a Victimless Crime.” We received many positive comments from conference attendees, praising Scott’s talk, and letting us know how much they learned from it.

Click here for the final program.

Click here for Official Proceedings

Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Ph.D.

Aleksandr Gevorkyan

Henry George Chair in Economics and Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Finance of the Peter J. Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University in New York City. Dr. Gevorkyan is a Senior Research Fellow at the Vincentian Centre for Church and Society, a Research Fellow at the Center for Global Business Stewardship, and a Board Member at the Armenian Economic Association and Henry George School of Social Science. Dr. Gevorkyan also serves as Economics Subject Matter Expert for the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See To the United Nations. Dr. Gevorkyan’s teaching and research experience covers themes in open economy macroeconomics, macroeconomic policy, economic development, international financial economics, labor migration, and post-socialist transition economics. Dr. Gevorkyan is the author of Transition Economies: Transformation, Development, and Society in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (Routledge, 2018). He is a co-editor (with Otaviano Canuto) of Financial Deepening and Post-Crisis Development in Emerging Markets (Palgrave MacMillan in 2016). He is also the author of Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies (Routledge, 2013 in paperback; 2011 in hardcover). He is also the Editor and Translator of How Did I Survive? by Artavazd M. Minasyan (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008). Learn more about Dr. Gevorkyan’s work.


Sven Horak, Ph.D.

Sven Horak

Sven researches in the field of international business and management. His research interests include the analysis of informal social network structures, socio-cultural aspects of management and business ethics in an international context. His recent studies have addressed, among other things, the impact of variables related to cultural context on managerial decision-making behavior, analyzed through a cross-cultural experimental research design, the dynamics of formal-informal institutional interactions and their co-evolution in transitional as well as advanced economies, challenges to social responsibility and sustainability, and questions concerning ethical behavior within informal social network structures in an international business context. Sven worked for several years in the East Asian automotive industry, managing operations for the Bosch Group in Tokyo, Seoul, and Stuttgart. Before joining Tobin, he was a post-doctoral fellow and research associate funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) and the Mercator School of Management at the Duisburg-Essen University in Germany. Learn more about Dr. Horak


Profile photo for Charles M. Clark, Ph.D.

Charles Michael Andres Clark, Ph.D.

Dr. Clark is currently: Senior Fellow, Vincentian Center for Church and Society; and Professor of Economics St. John’s University. He earned a B.A. from Fordham University and both an M.A. and Ph.D. from the New School for Social Research, writing his dissertation under the supervision of Robert Heilbroner.   Dr. Clark has been Visiting Professor of Economics at University College Cork, Ireland and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome.   Dr. Clark is on the Academic Advisory Board for Social Justice Ireland.  He has conducted research for the Irish Government, the Conference of the Religious of Ireland Social Justice Commission, and many community groups, and advises the New York City Police Benevolent Association; the Holy See Permanent Mission to the United Nations and is an advisor to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Committee on International Justice and Peace.  He was a Delegate for the Holy See Permanent Mission to the United Nations for the United Nation’s High Level Meetings on the Financial Crisis.  He is currently working with Catholic Relief Services and University of Dayton’s Human Rights Center on Forced Labor/Modern Slavery in Brazil.

He came in 246 in Real World Economics Review 2006 reader’s poll of the “Greatest 20th Century Economists” (tied with four Nobel Laureates and GK Chesterton).

He is the author of Economic Theory and Natural Philosophy (1992), Pathways to a Basic Income (with John Healy) (1997); Basic Income: Economic Security for All Canadians (with Sally Lerner and Robert Needlham) (1999), The Basic Income Guarantee: Ensuring Progress and Prosperity in the 21st Century (2002) and Rich and Poor (with Helen Alford, OP) (2010) and the editor of History and Historians of Political Economy (1994); Institutional Economics and the Theory of Social Value (1995); Unemployment in Ireland (with Catherine Kavanagh) (1998), and Rediscovering Abundance, (with Helen Alford, Steve Cortright and Mike Naughton) (2006).  He has lectured widely in the United States and Europe.  He has over 130 publications on: economic policy; poverty and income inequality, the history of economic thought and Catholic social thought.  Dr. Clark has been President of Association for Evolutionary Economics and the Association for Institutionalist Thought.  In 2005 he received the Vincentian Mission Award (St. John’s).  The son of two librarians, Dr. Clark lives on Long Island (where he was born) with wife Dr. Lisa McCarthy Clark.  They have three grown children. Learn more about Dr. Clark


Cynthia Phillips, Ed.D.

Cynthia Phillips, Ed.D.

Cynthia Phillips is an Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting and Taxation in the Peter J. Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University with responsibilities for teaching courses in financial and managerial accounting, cost accounting, and governmental and nonprofit accounting. Prior to her faculty appointment in fall 2012, Dr. Phillips served as Associate Dean for Planning, Finance, and Accreditation in the Tobin College of Business. Dr. Phillips worked as an internal auditor and management accountant in the investment banking industry prior to joining St. John’s University in 1989.

Dr. Phillips’ research and teaching interests converge around managerial accounting and governmental and nonprofit accounting. She conducts research related to education finance, governance, and policy in public school districts and institutions of higher education and has numerous conference presentations and peer-reviewed journal publications on these topics. Dr. Phillips also conducts research on corporate social responsibility and the role of business in alleviating poverty as well as pedagogical research centered on active learning and the flipped classroom. She has been recognized for excellence in teaching by her students and excellence in research by her faculty colleagues and has recently been appointed as a fellow in the Tobin College Center for Global Business Stewardship.

In addition to her teaching and research activities, Dr. Phillips is an inaugural member of the St. Johns’ Chapter of the Ladies of Charity where she serves as the organization’s Treasurer, is an active member of the President’s Multicultural Advisory Committee, and serves on the Preserving the Vision Education Commission for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn. Dr. Phillips holds an Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership and an M.B.A. in Finance from St. John’s University and a B.B.A. in Accounting from Hofstra University and is a Certified Public Accountant in New York State. Learn more about Dr. Phillips                 


Victoria Shoaf, Ph.D. CPA                

Victoria Shoaf

is a Professor in the Department of Accountancy of the Peter J. Tobin College of Business. She received her Ph.D. in Business, with a specialization in Accounting, from Baruch College of the City University of New York in 1997; she was awarded the 1997 Ladson Dissertation Award. In addition to publications addressing financial and international accounting issues and accounting education (The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Association for Financial Professionals Journal, Journal of Accounting Education), her research includes studies of the problems of corporate social responsibility and business ethics dilemmas in the new economy (Journal of Business Ethics, International Studies of Management and Organization). She is a Certified Public Accountant and currently serves on the Board of the New York State Society of CPAs Queens/Brooklyn Chapter. She is also an active member of the American Accounting Association, and has served on the Board (2004-2007) of the Northeast Region of that organization and its President (2005-06). She is a member of the St. John's University chapter of the Ladies of Charity and serves as the Treasurer on the board of the Ladies of Charity USA. She also serves on the board of the Developmental Disabilities Institute as its Audit Committee Chair. 


Abraham Stefanidis, Ph.D

Abraham Stefanidis, Ph.D

is an Associate Professor in the Management Department of the Peter J. Tobin College of Business. He earned his Ph.D. from the Athens University of Economics and Business in Athens, Greece. Dr. Stefanidis has received several honors and awards internationally, including a ‘European Commission Marie Curie Research Fellowship’ in 2008, the ‘Emerald/EMRBI Business Research Award for Emerging Researchers’ in 2011, the ‘John W. Dobbins Professor of the Year Award’ in 2013 and the second place in the ‘Academy of Management Carolyn Dexter Awards’ in 2016. His research is in the area of International Management and it appears in academic journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, the Thunderbird International Business Review and the Teaching and Teacher Education. Dr. Stefanidis is the Associate Editor of the academic journal International Studies of Management and Organization.

Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, PhD Co-authored a short paper that connects with PRIME / SDG initiatives. The article was published by the Henry George School of Social Science and can be found here:

Bergbrant, M. C., Campbell, K. T., Hunter, D. M., Owers, J. E. (2016). Does Deposit Insurance Retard the Development of Financial Markets? Journal of Banking and Finance, 66, 102-125.

Zhu, Yun, Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: An Analysis of Bank Community Responsibility 

Casselman, R. M., Sama, L. M., and Stefanidis, A. (2015). Differential Social Performance of Religiously-Affiliated Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Base of Pyramid (BoP) Markets. Journal Of Business Ethics. vol. 132, pp. 539-552.

Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V. (et al.), Modeling Climate Change Effects on Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources In: Dynamic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Willi Semmler. Springer International Publishing. pp. 121-136.

Horak, Sven & Bacouel, Sabine & Beyler, Inga. (2013). Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Restoring Economic Growth in South Korea by Building a Domestic Green Technology Industry?. Journal of International Business Education. 8. 5-26.

Banai, M., Stefanidis, A., Shetach, A., and Özbek, M. (2014). Attitudes Toward Ethically Questionable Negotiation Tactics: A Two-Country Study. Journal Of Business Ethics. vol. 123, pp. 669-685.

Rediscovering Abundance: Interdisciplinary Essays on Wealth, Income and their Distribution in the Catholic Social Tradition, Charles M. A. Clark, Helen Alford, Steven Cortright, and Mike Naughton. University of Notre Dame Press. 2006.

Aleksandr Gevorkyan: 

World Bank Talk:

On migration:

On climate economics:   

Here’s a link to the chapter: 

Debating UN World Economy Forum, Sustainable Business Investment, and Sustainable Development Goals

Hosted by STJ Economics & Finance Sotiety, Career Services Center & The Center for Global Business Stewardship

Coffee and Conversation with Nathan Schneider- Economic Cooperatives & Catholic Social Teaching 

Hosted by St. John's CRS Global Campus Committee & The Center for Global Business Stewardship

Global Mindset Seminar: Leverage you International Experiences 

Hosted by The Center for Global Business Stewardship, Tobin College of Business

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business (TCB) & The Office of Global Initiatives and The Center for Global Business Stewardship

  • International Visiting Scholars-in-Residence Program (VSIRP)

The International Visiting Scholars-in-Residence program welcomes academic affiliates from around the world to join the TCB community and perform planned research for a specified period of time. It also provides a unique opportunity for TCB faculty and students to interact with international experts in their field and encourages research collaborations and knowledge exchange. International visiting scholars-in-residence can bring new ideas to challenge and encourage TCB professors and offer global perspectives on relevant business themes. Applicants must hold a terminal degree in-field for consideration.

Resources available to international visiting scholars:

  • Access to the university library resources.
  • A St. John’s ID card and email account
  • Desk space and a phone to perform research activities (if available).
  • Invitations to attend and participate in TCB presentations, lectures, conferences, seminars, and other events.
  • Opportunities for collaborative research projects with TCB faculty.
  • Invitations to offer guest lectures to TCB students and faculty in classes and at university-sponsored conferences and seminars.

Services not available to international visiting scholars:

  • TCB does not provide financial support to the international visiting scholars. Many scholars are funded by their home universities/countries, grants, or other institutions.
  • Housing and other amenities are not provided by TCB and visiting scholars must coordinate all living arrangements independently.
  • TCB cannot guarantee access to laptops and expect that visiting scholars will bring their own computing devices

Application Procedure:

Participation in the international visiting scholars program for qualified candidates is approved by relevant the Department Chair in discussion with the department faculty, with final approval by the Center for Global Business Stewardship (CGBS housing the program) in consultation with the Dean. Faculty members recommending a scholar, or scholars expressing an interest through a faculty member, chair or dean, must submit their initial request to the relevant Department chair who will then seek full Department approval. Chairs will forward approved candidates to the CGBS, where consideration is given to the proposed plan for research, the visit dates, and spacing availability. When space or other constraints limit the number of scholars invited to visit over any given time period, priority will be given to those candidates whose research and teaching best aligns with that of the department and college, and where there is a strategic priority dictated by expected partnerships between the visiting scholar’s institution and our own.
To apply, an interested scholar may reach out to the college directly or a faculty member, Dean or Chair may nominate scholars to come to the STJ campus for an assigned period of time (not to exceed one year). Once approved for a visit, interested scholars must send the full application by email to Dr. Linda Sama, the Associate Dean - Global Initiatives ([email protected]).

The application should contain:

 · Completed Request for FORM-DS2019 - Form will be provided by the Dean’s Office
 · A cover letter outlining the purpose of their application and desired dates of stay (time frame – not to exceed one year) in the United States
 · A brief outline of the proposed research
 · Previous research activities
 · A curriculum vitae

Selected Scholars

          · The TCB Dean’s office will issue an acceptance letter to the selected scholars
          · Scholars should work with International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS)     
          · Once FORM DS2019 is issued, the ISSS office will issue the following:
                       o Acceptance letter from ISSS
                       o Directions on how to apply for a visa
                       o SEVIS fee information
                       o J-1 arrival fact sheet
                       o Program Brochure from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
         · Upon arrival, visiting scholars are introduced to the department and the CGBS, and each department is asked to assign a faculty mentor to assist the visitor with needed resources, to provide introductions to collaborative partners, and to coordinate with the Office of Global Initiatives and the Center for Global Business Stewardship for appearances at events, symposia and special lectures.

Application Deadlines:  Applicants are encouraged to apply at least 6 months before their intended start date.


The U.N. PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Steering Committee has approved that a Faculty Research Award be designed to recognize scholarship at TCB that aligns with the PRME mission “to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally”.  The PRME Research Award would be targeted at research projects addressing global issues and values reflected in the six PRME Principles, such as: sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, responsible business leadership and stewardship, stakeholder management, international business ethics, and engagement with civil society and other key sectors to resolve pressing global problems.  This award would join the established categories for research awards that include basic research and pedagogical research, and would be announced as part of the Faculty Research Awards Application memo.  It is further recommended that the UN PRME Steering Committee, with its members most familiar with the spirit of the principles, offer their input to the Faculty Development Committee in establishing the award criteria to the extent those criteria differ from that stipulated for the other awards.  For example, in addition to research rigor, journal quality and value added to the field that may be appropriate criteria for all the awards, we may look for potential social impact, implications of the research for business or policy, and alignment with the U.N. PRME Principles (we can provide these principles to the committee). 

The amount of the award will be determined by the Dean, but is recommended to be the same monetary award as that attached to the other Faculty Research Awards to emphasize the value the College places on mission-related research and the strategic importance of our UN PRME signatory status.


Bergbrant, M. C., Campbell, K. T., Hunter, D. M., Owers, J. E. (2016). Does Deposit Insurance Retard the Development of Financial Markets? Journal of Banking and Finance, 66, 102-125.


Outstanding Research Supporting UN PRME – Dr. R. Mitch Casselman, Associate Professor of Management, Dr. Linda M. Sama, Associate Dean of Global Initiatives and Joseph F. Adams Associate Professor of Management, & Dr. Abraham Stefanidis, Assistant Professor of Management- Differential Social Performance of Religiously-Affiliated Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Base of Pyramid (BoP) Markets


Outstanding Research Supporting UN PRME – Dr. Yun Zhu, Assistant Professor, Economics and Finance- Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: An Analysis of Bank Community Responsibility


Outstanding Research Supporting UN PRME – Dr. Abraham Stefanidis, Assistant Professor in the Department of Management- Banai, M., Stefanidis, A., Shetach, A., Ozbek, M. F., Attitudes toward Ethically Questionable Negotiation Tactics: A Two-Country Study


Exclusive to PRME Advanced Signatories: two free ebook case collections

PRME and Greenleaf Publishing are pleased to support PRME Advanced Signatories, and the cause of responsible management education worldwide. To say thank you to Advanced Signatory schools, Greenleaf and PRME are pleased to offer two important case collections, exclusive to Advanced Signatories, free of charge.

The Oikos Case Collection volumes 1 and 2 are now available and also come with downloadable teaching notes, available on request.

For access to these two titles:

For a quick preview of these two titles here are the links: Case Studies in Sustainability Management and Strategy; and Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

PRME Advanced Signatories also have access to exclusive special offers from Greenleaf. Go to for details.

Greenleaf is the world’s leading specialist publisher in sustainable and responsible business. We have worked closely with PRME to develop material to support the PRME principles and mission, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals