Two female students laughing while sitting on couch

Business Analytics, Bachelor of Science

Business analytics major provides you with the skills, insight, and capability to transform data into insightful information that will lead to better decision-making.

Our business analytics major will enable you to understand the role of evidence-based data in decision-making and how to transform data into a powerful and predictive strategic asset that will ultimately drive optimal results.  You will learn how to use a data-driven approach to solve business challenges in the era of big data. Business analytics is at the intersection of business and data science, offering new opportunities for a competitive advantage. Business analytics enables you to unlock the predictive potential of large data sets in order to improve financial performance, strategic management, and operational efficiency.

Business analytics is critical in preparing organizations to solve 21st-century business challenges and participants of this program will have exposure to innovative methodologies that support data-driven decision making.  With the interdisciplinary nature of business analytics, this major offers a broad yet rigorous curriculum in business (accounting, finance, insurance, marketing, operations, organizational behavior, strategy), data science (statistics, econometrics, data mining, data visualization), and management science (optimization, stochastic modeling, simulation, supply chain management).

Apply Request Info
Degree Type
Area of Interest
Associated Colleges or Schools
Program Location
  • Queens Campus
Required Credit Hours

Department Contact

Ahmad F. Vakil, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Bent Hall Queens ROOM 304



For more information about admission to this and other acclaimed undergraduate programs at St. John’s University, please visit Undergraduate Admission online. Or contact us directly at the campus of your choice:

Admission Office - Queens Campus

Featured Faculty

Tobin faculty members are seasoned experts in their respective fields. They regularly assist media outlets from all over the world. They provide background information, analyze trends, explain complex issues, and offer perspective on breaking news and events.


In addition to the Common and Distributed Core, and Business Core courses, the business analytics major consists of seven courses (21 credits) comprised of five required Business Analytics (BUA) courses, a Business Analytics elective, and an applied elective selected from a list of analytics courses offered by the various departments in the Tobin College.

The following four courses (12 credits):

BUA 3330 Introduction to Business Analytics 

BUA 3336 Big Data & Data Mining for Business 

BUA 3337 Predictive Analysis & Business Forecasting 

BUA 3350 Business Research Methods 

Select an additional applied analytics elective course from the following:

BUA 3311 Fundamental of Machine Learning 

BUA 3338 Optimization and Simulation Methodology 

BUA 3346 Optimization for Business Decision Making 

BUA 3351 Object Learning Programing

Choose one course from the following (3 credits):

BUA 3310 Data Visualization Principles and Techniques

BUA 3311 Fundamental of Machine Learning

BUA 3312 Sport Analytics: A Managerial Perspective

BUA 3313 Applied Text Analysis for Business

BUA 3338 Optimization and Simulation Methodology

BUA 3346 Optimization for Business Decision Making

IS 1332 Computer Systems and Software for Business Applications

IS 3339 Business Applications Software

IS 3347 Business Data Communications and Network

IS 3351 Object Learning Programing

IS 3352 Database Management

Choose one course from the following (3 credits):

ACC 3352 Financial Statement Analysis

ECO 3345 Econometrics

FIN 3388 Derivative Markets

MGT 4324 Advanced Operations Management

MKT 3313 Analytics for Consumer Insight

RMI 3388 Computer Applications in Insurance

University Core Curriculum

A Group of 5 students hanging outside next to a water fountain talking and laughing

Student Organizations

Students gain an academic and professional edge by joining any one of St. John's more than 180 student clubs and organizations. Business-related clubs in The Peter J. Tobin College of Business include the following:

Advertising Club
APICS, The Educational Society for Resource Management
ASCEND – Pan Asian Student Organization
Economics and Finance Society
Internal Audit Student Organization (IASO)
Marketing Club
National Association of Black Accountants 

Female student looking at computer monitor

Honors Societies

The Tobin College also offers membership in the following honor societies:

Beta Alpha Psi: The national scholastic honor society in accounting
Beta Gamma Sigma: The Iota Chapter of this honor society for colleges of business administration
Omicron Delta Epsilon:  The Theta Chapter of this national honor society in economics
Sigma Iota Epsilon: The Sigma Chapter of the national honor society in management

Fast-Track to Further Specializations

Fast-Track programs are cost-efficient and time-saving ways to provide students the opportunity to advance to a master’s degree from their B.S. in Business Analytics.  Students who select a fast-track into an advanced degree must complete an online application and must meet the admission standards for that graduate program. Students should seek early program guidance from their adviser in anticipation of applying to a Fast-Track Program. Available Fast Track programs for Business Analytics major are:

Interested in Business, but not sure if Business Analytics, Bachelor of Science is right for you?