For deailed information including links to training workshops on the supported technology tools below, please visit the CTL's campus guide here.
WebEx is a video conferencing application that is available to faculty, staff, and administrators. Faculty can use it to hold virtual office hours and to record and share videos.
Microsoft Teams is a video conferencing platform. In addition, it offers a chat feature and file storage. This tool is a available to faculty, staff, administrators, and students. It can be used to hold office hours, and for faculty and students to record and share videos and presentations.
Panopto is a tool that gives St. John’s faculty and students the ability to import, record, share, and view searchable videos within their courses in the leanring management system. Faculty can use Panopto to create lectures. Students can use Panopto to create presentations and upload multimedia assignments. Panopto is the recommended tool for faculty to record video content.
VoiceThread can be used for creating and facilitating conversations focused on visual media.
Respondus – Lockdown Browser and Monitor
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom web browser that locks down the testing environment within the learning management system. It can promote academic integrity with online assignments and exams.
Respondus Monitor is a companion product for LockDown Browser that helps faculty protect the integrity of online exams by requiring students use of a webcam to record assessment sessions.
- Respondus Lockdown Browser Resources
- Respondus Lockdown Browser Guides
- Respondus Monitor Resources
- Instructor Training Webinars
- Respondus Troubleshooting Guide (PDF)
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is an audience response tool that uses students’ desktop or laptop computers or mobile devices. Students may respond to live presentations in real-time from virtually anywhere in the world.