The St. John’s Identity
Elevating our National and Global Stature
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- A Five-Year Plan for St. John’s Future
- The St. John’s Identity
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Goal 1
We will support strategic enrollment efforts by emphasizing the University’s commitment to student success through an impactful educational experience, by highlighting the University’s history of elevating students’ social mobility, and by highlighting St. John’s culture of service and service learning.
Action Item 1
Create a robust and diverse library of student, faculty/employee, and alumni success stories to highlight on digital platforms, in print materials, and at high-priority/profile events.
- Metric 1: Complete and publish 50 profiles. [Completed Year 1]
- Metric 2: Complete and publish 75-100 profiles annually. [Years 2 – 5]
- Metric 3: Complete one profile per academic program of study. [Ongoing]
Action Item 2
Foster greater collaboration between Admissions and MarCom to leverage success stories in support of strategic enrollment goals.
- Metric 1: Create digital dashboard to monitor and measure KPIs and facilitate data-informed decision-making. [Year 1 and beyond]
- Metric 2: Identify digital and print outreach opportunities to highlight success stories to prospective students (undergraduate, graduate, and transfer) at all phases of the enrollment process. [Year 1 and beyond]
- Metric 3: Working with the Provost, identify and market key growth programs (e.g., nursing). [Year 1 and beyond]
Goal 2
We will instill pride, foster engagement, and increase support for St. John’s by positioning the University as a leading, global academic institution and by highlighting the achievements of current students, alumni, employees, and members of the University community.
Action Item 1
Implement next phase of brand campaign, transitioning from a local to a regional focus.
- Metric 1: Social KPIs (i.e., impressions; overall engagement; engagement rate; post link clicks; audience growth; video views). [Year 1 and beyond]
- Metric 2: Website KPIs (i.e., users; sessions; average engagement time; percentage of new sessions; session by default channel grouping; pages per session; conversions; views, and views by page). [Year 1 and beyond]
Action Item 2
Expand communications to include strategic partners, alumni, parents, and influencers.
- Metric 1: Distribution of presidential communications and high-profile pieces (i.e., St. John’s University Magazine; correspondence from institutional leaders (President, Provost, EVP for Mission, Deans, etc.) to key audiences. [Year 1 and beyond]
Action Item 3
Complete refresh of the University website to highlight the “St. John’s Signature Student Experience”
- Metric 1: Complete refresh of the website. [Completed Year 1]
Note: We will use appropriate data-informed metrics to validate our policies, practices, research, and other initiatives, as these data points become evident.
Baselines are not readily known for some metrics; therefore, baselines, targets, and target dates marked “TBD” will be determined by spring 2023.