Exam Information
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Exam Information
Prior to Exam
1. Look-up your anonymous number through UIS and save it for use on your exams. Your anonymous number can also be found once you open your exam in Examplify.
2. Room assignments for the main exam rooms will be available on the Final Exam schedule prior to the exam period. Room assignments for any student taking an exam outside of the main room(s) are available the day of the exam from the Office of the Registrar.
3. Exams should be downloaded prior to entering the exam room.
4. Students must sign into the exam at the desk outside the room. Photo ID is no longer required. Sign in for the exams begins approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam.
5. Students should plan to be in the exam room and ready to start the exam at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam. The exam is not delayed for late arrivals.
Once in Exam Room
1. Students must sit every other seat in the exam room or where instructed to sit by the proctors. All books, course materials and personal belongings including electronic devices (phones and watches) must be put to the side of the room. Only materials specifically allowed during the exam administration are permitted on the desk. Drinks and “quiet” snacks are allowed.
2. Earplugs are provided. Students are not permitted to use their own. Proctors will be checking to ensure that no student is using headphones, earbuds or non-St. John’s earplugs.
3. Once the room is in exam mode there is no talking or accessing the internet until all exams have been submitted to the proctors at the end of the exam and the room is released from exam mode.
4. Proctors will read instructions prior to the start of the exam. Please pay attention to the instructions since some exams have special requirements. You must start the exam when instructed to do so. You should not start early or delay starting the exam.
5. Law school exams are anonymous. Self-identification of any kind is not permitted. Never put your name, class level or personal comments anywhere on your exam materials unless specifically instructed to do so. Students should NEVER contact the professor until grades have been posted.
6. Anonymous numbers should be put on all exams and used scrap paper submitted to the proctors at the end of the exam. Exam questions may not be taken from the exam room.
7. If the exam is open book students may access their notes on their laptop. Open book exams may or may not have access to the internet as determined by the professor. Students must make sure their notes and electronic casebook are available offline BEFORE the exam for open book, closed internet exams.
8. Questions on multiple choice or true/false questions should be emailed to [email protected] after the exam. Question on an essay should be addressed in the essay answer.
9. Students must notify a proctor before leaving the exam to use the restroom. Students must sign out with the hall proctor when leaving and sign back in upon return. Only one student may leave the exam room at a time. Students may not take any materials with them when they leave the exam room. Students cannot visit their locker, the library, the cafeteria or to speak to anyone when they have left the exam room.
10. Students must notify the proctor if they have completed the exam early and wish to leave the room. No one may leave their seat in the last 15 minutes of the exam.
11. Report problems or complaints to the proctor during the exam. After the exam, problems or complaints should be made to the Registrar. Do NOT contact faculty.
Laptop Instructions
1. Students must provide their own power cord for their laptop. Access to an electric outlet during the exam is not guaranteed; therefore it is recommended that all laptops be fully charged.
2. Disable antivirus software and close any other software prior to the exam.
3. When the proctors begin the exam, they will provide a password to access the exam file. Once the exam file has been opened, all other areas of your laptop will be locked to prevent use and the exam timer will start. You must open the exam as soon as you are instructed to do so.
4. While the exam is in progress the software will save data to a primary file every 60 seconds and to a secondary file every 4 minutes.
5. When the exam is ended you must submit your exam as soon as possible. Depending on your ability to connect to WiFi, you will either see a green screen that reads, “Your exam has been successfully uploaded,” or a screen that reads “Unable to upload.” Students with this screen must retry uploading after establishing connection to WiFi. You will receive an automated email confirming that your answers were successfully uploaded. If you have problems uploading your exam, you should contact Examplify Technical Support (866) 429-8899.
6. If your computer crashes and cannot be restarted after one try, the proctors will provide books so that you can write the rest of your exam.
7. Confirm that your laptop meets the software requirements for Examplify before you download the software. Students should NOT update their operating system until receiving notification from the Registrar’s Office or Examplify that Examplify is compatible with the new operating system. Students should never update their operating system once they have begun downloading their final exams.
Handwriting Instructions
1. Books will be provided for written exams. Please write on only one side of the page and use only blue or black ink.
2. Your Anonymous number needs to be written on all books.
3. If any part of the exam was completed on a laptop, indicate this on the cover of the writing book.
Special Situations/Exam Accommodations
The Regulations governing Exam Scheduling, Conflicts and Hardship are found in the student handbook. If a student is unable to take a scheduled exam due to an emergency, they should contact the Office of the Registrar or the Associate Dean for Students as soon as possible. Do NOT contact faculty. Students with disabilities who are seeking accommodations must register with the University Disabilities Services Office as early as possible in the semester so that there is sufficient time to provide the necessary accommodations.
Step 1: Review your exam instructions on the Online Student Center and your final exam email (date, time limit, password, resume code, Examplify 101 guide etc.) before your exam begins. It is strongly recommended to take the mock exam available in Examplify prior to the start of your exams.
Step 2: Have your log in credentials, passwords, resume codes available. Also, have Microsoft teams available on your computer or mobile device in order to contact Law School Exam Support.
Step 3: Download the exam – Your exam will populate in your Examplify download list at the scheduled exam time. If your exam does not populate, click the refresh exam list arrow at the bottom of the My Exam List.
Step 4: Review the exam details (time, security, your exam tools enabled, calculators etc) and then enter the exam password. This begins the exam and the exam timer if there is one.
Step 5: Download the attached pdf with the exam questions. Split your screen for accessibility. Five minutes has been added to the exam time for upper class exams and fifteen minutes has been added for 1L exams to give you extra time to set up your exam.
Step 6: Answer the exam questions in the corresponding numbered area.
Step 7: Review and submit your exam. Note if your exam is timed, the exam will automatically close and submit once time has ended.
Step 8: Confirm that you have seen the green “Upload complete” screen before you exit Examplify and shut down your computer.
Step 9: Make sure to upload your exam by the deadline. Exams can not be uploaded after the exam deadline.
Step 10: Remember that all exams are taken under the Code of Student Professional Responsibility. Students may not discuss the exam with each other or with the faculty prior to the release of grades.
I’ve never done a remote exam in law school. Will I have a chance to try the system before my finals?
• Yes, Examplify has a mock remote exam you can access so that you can see what your final will look like and how the system will work. You can find the mock exam when you log into Examplify and look at the list of available exams to download. This exam is called “Mock Exam 24” and the password is Mock2024. You can also find a detailed set of instructions for remote exams on Examplify and in the Online Student Center. Contact information for ExamSoft Technical Support, Law School Information Technology and the Law School Registrar’s Office will be posted on the Online Student Center for reference.
What do I need to know about taking a remote exam in Examplify? How will it be different from my usual final exams?
• All exams will be open book. You will have access to the internet and notes on your computer during the exam, although you will not be able to cut and paste text into your exam from other sources. The calculator and spellcheck will be available.
• The password for all Fall exams is -
• Each exam will have the time limit your professor set for you to complete the exam. Once the exam is opened the timer will start.
• We will add five (5) minutes to the length of each exam to give you time to open the attached exam document and get it set up. You can split your screen between the exam questions and exam answers so that you don’t have to flip back and forth between windows.
• If you have a question on part of the exam, you should include your question and the assumptions you are making in your exam answer.
• For all timed exams, you must complete the exam within the time limit specified by your professor once it has been opened.
• All exam answers must be uploaded to Examplify by the time specified in your Exam email.
What if I have a problem or question?
• The Registrar’s Office will be available for exam related questions and problems from 8:30AM EST to 4:30PM EST Monday through Thursday and 8:30AM EST to 3:00PM EST Friday. Contact information for the Registrar’s Office will be posted on the Online Student Center before the exam period.
• If you are experiencing computer issues during the exam, please email [email protected]. You should also contact Law School IT or ExamSoft Technical Support to get the typed portion of your exam from your hard drive.
• Specific contact information for Law School IT and ExamSoft Technical Support will be available on the Online Student Center before the exam period.
Below are instructions on how to access your eBook during an open book, closed internet exam.
Aspen Publishing
Offline Access Tutorial – Aspen Publishing | Customer Support
West Academic
How to Access Your eBook During an Exam
- Login to your eProducts bookshelf at eproducts.westacademic.com before your internet access is restricted.
- Select the correct casebook or coursebook on your eProducts bookshelf and then click the ‘eBook’ button at the top of the page. This will open the eBook up in the RedShelf eReader.
- Leave the eBook window open in the Redshelf eReader before the exam start time (right before the exam or the night before). Be sure you don’t clear your cache before the exam starts.
- You will now have access to the eBook during your open book exam.
How to Turn Your Phone Into a Wi-Fi Hotspot
*Check with your wireless service provider for additional information
Remote Exam Resume Codes
11472 | APPLD LEGL ANLY INTL LLM PT II | Paras | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
10920 | APPLIED LEGAL ANALYSIS PT. II | Paras | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
10860 | APPLIED LEGAL ANALYSIS PT. II | Paras | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
14280 | RACE AND THE LAW | Lee | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
15208 | LEGISLATION STATUTORY INTEPRET | Duryea | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
10773 | SECURITIES REGULATION | Lazaro | M | 28-Apr | 10AM |
10599 | WHITE COLLAR CRIME | Corngold | M | 28-Apr | 3PM |
15197 | CONFLICT OF LAWS | Cavanagh | M | 28-Apr | 3PM |
12215 | ADMINISTRATIVE LAW | Borgen | T | 29-Apr | 10AM |
12220 | CIVIL RIGHTS & CIVIL LIBERTIES | Niles | T | 29-Apr | 10AM |
15194 | ADVANCED CONTRACTS | Ruescher | T | 29-Apr | 10AM |
14235 | ADVANCED CONTRACTS | Ruescher | T | 29-Apr | 10AM |
15348 | LAW AND ECONOMICS | Sharfman | T | 29-Apr | 3PM |
15335 | AFFORDABLE HOUSING LW PRACTICE | Restrepo | T | 29-Apr | 3PM |
10658 | CRIM PRO: INVESTIGATION | Bagnuola | T | 29-Apr | 3PM |
15203 | JUVENILE JUSTICE | Facio-Lince | T | 29-Apr | 3PM |
11289 | PROPERTY | Klonick | W | 30-Apr | 10AM |
12218 | PROPERTY | Sheff | W | 30-Apr | 10AM |
11297 | PROPERTY | Lee | W | 30-Apr | 10AM |
11569 | INTL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS | Warner | W | 30-Apr | 3PM |
12029 | INTL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS | Warner | W | 30-Apr | 3PM |
11115 | SECURIT., STRUC FIN & CAP MARK | Cunningham | W | 30-Apr | 3PM |
12037 | SECURIT., STRUC FIN & CAP MARK | Cunningham | W | 30-Apr | 3PM |
11925 | TAX BASIC FED PERSONAL INCOME | Todres | R | 1-May | 10AM |
14254 | ELDER LAW | Hammid | R | 1-May | 10AM |
11923 | PUBLIC HEALTH LAW | Butts | R | 1-May | 10AM |
12401 | CONDOS COOPS & HOMEOWNER ASSOC | Rainaud | R | 1-May | 10AM |
15345 | FASHION LAW | Jetter | R | 1-May | 10AM |
15196 | BIOETHICS | Vila | R | 1-May | 10AM |
10991 | BUSI BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION | Graham | R | 1-May | 3PM |
12033 | BUSI BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION | Graham | R | 1-May | 3PM |
14274 | NEW YORK CRIMINAL PRACTICE | TBD | R | 1-May | 3PM |
12229 | SECURITIES LITIGATION | Bulsara | R | 1-May | 3PM |
11594 | WAGE & HOUR LAW | Locke | R | 1-May | 3PM |
10663 | TRUSTS AND ESTATES | Subotnik | F | 2-May | 10AM |
10768 | SECURED TRANSACTIONS | Warner | F | 2-May | 10AM |
11037 | REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS | Sein | F | 2-May | 10AM |
15201 | INFORMATION PRIVACY LAW | Klonick | F | 2-May | 10AM |
14247 | CRIMINAL LAW | Chiu | M | 5-May | 10AM |
11296 | CRIMINAL LAW | Malave | M | 5-May | 10AM |
10584 | CRIMINAL LAW | Chiu | M | 5-May | 10AM |
14246 | CRIMINAL LAW | Arons | M | 5-May | 10AM |
10583 | CRIMINAL LAW | Rodriguez | M | 5-May | 10AM |
14245 | CRIMINAL LAW | LaFalce | M | 5-May | 10AM |
12223 | INTL LITIG & DISPUTE RESOLUTN | McGuinness | M | 5-May | 3PM |
12225 | INTL LITIG & DISPUTE RESOLUTN | McGuinness | M | 5-May | 3PM |
14237 | BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS | Wade | T | 6-May | 10AM |
10582 | BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS | Cherry | T | 6-May | 10AM |
15361 | TAX FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT | Todres | T | 6-May | 10AM |
14261 | INTL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION | Thevenin | T | 6-May | 3PM |
14263 | INTL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION | Thevenin | T | 6-May | 3PM |
10767 | EVIDENCE | TBD | W | 7-May | 10AM |
14512 | EVIDENCE | Al-Shabazz | W | 7-May | 10AM |
15193 | ANTITRUST LAWS & COMPETITION | Cavanagh | W | 7-May | 10AM |
10595 | FEDERAL COURTS | Movsesian | W | 7-May | 10AM |
10858 | CORPORATE FINANCE | Pilato | W | 7-May | 10AM |
15210 | TRADEMARKS & UNFAIR COMPET | Sheff | W | 7-May | 3PM |
12222 | ENVIRONMENTAL LAW | Price | W | 7-May | 3PM |
14281 | REAL ESTATE FINANCE | Diamond | W | 7-May | 3PM |
12186 | CONSTITUTIONAL LAW | Clemons | R | 8-May | 10AM |
12185 | CONSTITUTIONAL LAW | Barrett | R | 8-May | 10AM |
12187 | CONSTITUTIONAL LAW | Niles | R | 8-May | 10AM |
12217 | PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY | Alvarez | F | 9-May | 10AM |
15358 | PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY | Yamen | F | 9-May | 10AM |
10581 | PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY | Alvarez | F | 9-May | 10AM |
15198 | COPYRIGHT LAW | Subotnik | F | 9-May | 10AM |
Other Exam Information
Examplify has a mock exam you can access so that you can see what your finals will look like and how the system will work. You can find the mock exam when you log into Examplify and look at the list of available exams to download. This exam is called “Mock Exam” and the password is Mock2024.
It is critical that you have downloaded the Examplify software prior to the exam period and are familiar with how it works so that you can focus on taking the exam once it opens.
The Office of the Registrar will move any exam in conflict to the next available date in the exam schedule without creating another conflict.
Under the conflict policy, the following constitute a conflict:
- two exams on the same day
- two exams in less than 24 hours (3:00PM and 10:00AM the following day) or
- three exams in three days
Students will receive an email with their revised exam schedule at least one month prior to the start of final exams. If any student wishes to take an exam as originally scheduled, they must let the Office of the Registrar know within one week of receiving the exam schedule email.
ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc., the software developer St. John’s University, School of Law has contracted to host electronically submitted exams has released an updated version of their testing software. Users are required to update to Examplify and become familiar with its layout and processes prior to the final exam period. Failure to update comes with the risk of having no technical support from either the Law School Help Desk or ExamSoft personnel. Continue to visit the St John’s School of Law ExamSoft Homepage for access and further details.
St. John’s University School of Law uses Examsoft/Examplify for the administration of exams. In order to make sure Examplify will work on your computer, information on minimum system requirements are available online. Examsoft will work equally for PC & MAC users.
Students will only be required to download and register with the software once. Once you install the software, you will not have to re-download the software again. However, it is encouraged that you update to future releases for access to the latest features and compatibility fixes. You will only be required to download your exams in future semesters prior to the exam period.
Day-of Procedures
Bring your 4-digit anonymous number to the exam room.
Early arrival (at least 30 minutes prior to start) is advised to allow for sign-in and receipt of exam instructions.
All exam materials, including scrap paper, will be provided in the exam room. Pencils and pens are not provided. All materials must be returned to the proctors at the exam’s conclusion.
Handwriting books will always be available for your use in the event of a laptop malfunction.
You must download the exam prior to your arrival at the exam room.
If you experience any problems with your computer on the day of the exam, you must notify the proctor and prepare to write the exam. You will not be given extra time to fix computer problems during the exam.
If you are unable to submit your exam electronically, you can either try to submit from another location in the School of Law or go to IT for assistance. Exams must be submitted before leaving the School of Law. Information Technology office is located in Room 1-06 and will be open for one half hour after exams end.
If you are a returning student, taking an exam for the first time in the current semester, you may receive a “registration expired” alert. You will be able to use the software after continuing normally.
Should there be any problem uploading your exam, you will be contacted and asked to bring your laptop to the Information Technology offices in Room 1-06.
Contact Information During the Exam Period
Business Hours
The Registrar’s office will be available for exam related questions and problems during office hours
8:30AM – 4:30PM, Monday through Thursday and 8:30AM – 3:00PM on Friday.
For questions during business hours, the Registrar’s Office can be contacted in one of three ways.
- Students can call the office at 718-990-2192. If the phone is not answered, voice mail messages are immediately sent to our email account.
- Students can email [email protected] and asked to be called or emailed. The email account will be monitored during business hours.
- Students can download the Microsoft Teams application on their phone or laptop and contact us during business hours at Law School Exam Support. This is the fastest way to contact the Registrar’s Office during exams.
If you request assistance by providing a phone number or email address, please ensure that you are available to be reached at that email address or phone number.
Department | Email Address | Phone Number |
Examsoft | live support: ExamSoft Exam-Taker Help | (866) 429-8889 |
Law Help Desk | [email protected] | (718) 990-1430 |
Registrar’s Office | [email protected] | (718) 990-6600 (option #6) |
Office of Student Services | [email protected] |