Registration & Class Schedules
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- Registration & Class Schedules
Registration & Class Schedules
Students access Registration through Signon.stjohns.edu and select the New UIS Experience.
They can also access the Registration links though - connect.stjohns.edu or use the connect app on a smart phone, choose the New UIS Experience widget. (If you don’t see the New UIS Experience widget on the mobile app click on the Find New Widgets icon on top right.)
Please view the Web Registration Instruction Worksheet
Before you begin the registration process:
- Confirm your Registration Time Ticket (registration date and time) by selecting academic profile. Make sure to choose the semester you are registering for.
- Check to see if you have any holds (select academic profile and select registration term).
- Review the Graduation checklist/summary of JD Requirements.
- Run a personalized Degree Works Advisement report to review any degree requirements you have not yet met via the signon.stjohns.edu portal.
- Be sure you have the necessary pre- or co-requisites for the courses you would like to take.
- Classes may be closed, and you will want to place yourself on the waitlist. To do so you must select the “Waitlist” option and click “Submit Changes.”
- Are you in an externship? Read the Externship Registration Instructions.
- Are you in a clinic? You will be registered automatically by the Registrar’s Office.
- Are you in both an externship and a clinic? You should not be! Law students may not be enrolled in a clinic and externship simultaneously, nor may you have any type of outside employment (even if unpaid or volunteer) while in a clinic unless the outside employment has been disclosed to and approved by your clinical professor.
Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 11:59 p.m. each day.
(Access Canvas or The West Education Network (TWEN) for individual course pages.)
Summer 2025
The office of the Registrar announces the exact dates for registration in advance of each registration period. Continuing students register in November for the Spring semester April for the Summer semester and in June for the fall semester.
Summer Registration will begin April 2, and April 3.
Students must view their Time Ticket for their registration date and time. signon.stjohns.edu or connect.stjohns.edu
-New UIS Experience academic profile and select term you are registering for.
Time Tickets are assigned based on credit hours earned when time tickets are assigned.
Registration begins at 7:00 a. m. and closes at 11:59 p.m. each day.
Wednesday | 4/2 | Full-time >=34 credits earned *Credits earned as of January 2025 (exclusive of Spring 2025 pre-session) |
Thursday | 4/3 | Full-time < 34 credits earned *Credits earned as of January 2025 (exclusive of Spring 2025 pre-session) |
Monday | 5/12 | Last day to drop a pre-session course |
Tuesday | 5/13 | Last day to add a pre-session course |
Monday | 6/2 | Drop/Add deadline for summer session. Last day to drop classes before WD appears on transcript. |
Tuesday | 6/3
| WD period begins for summer session. |
Summer 2025 Registration 3/24/25
Summer 2025 Course Schedule - Pre- and Co-requisites 3/24/25
Students can look up courses being offered.
- Log into Signon.stjohns.edu or Connect.stjohns.edu and select NEW UIS Experience.
- Select Browse Classes from the Registration Experience Card.
- Select the term.
- Enter Search Criteria: College – School of Law to see only courses offered by the Law School.
- Scroll through courses
Please note Law students may only take Law classes.
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Summer 2025 APWR AS UBE Course List 03/24/25
Registration continues until the Add/Drop deadline. During the registration process, if you are admitted from the waitlist for a course, students will be notified via email and have twenty-four hours (24) to accept an open seat.
Some courses will have seats reserved for specific groups. The comment RESERVED SEATS will be made on the course schedule to indicate these courses. The important thing for registration is that the course will look to be open when in fact it is the reserved seats that are open. If the course appears open but it is indicated as reserved closed when you attempt to register for it, it is closed, and you should register on the waitlist.
If you have a particular question regarding course requirements, please email lawstudentservices@stjohns.edu with your questions.
The following columns are present in the Browse Classes search results:
- Title: Provides a clickable link for the course. This link contains detailed information such as:
- Prerequisites: All prerequisites will be listed.
- Detailed Prerequisites: Additional prerequisite information such as necessary test scores.
- Fees: Additional fees associated with the course. Fees may be noted as a flat fee or an amount per credit.
- Restrictions: Restrictions may include campus, student class level or status, and more.
- Enrollment/Waitlist: Capacity and waitlist information.
- Corequisites: Lists courses that must be taken concurrently with this class.
- Cross-Listed Courses: Crosslisted courses typically occur when more than one course is scheduled together during the same term, taught by the same instructor, and each CRN has the same meeting times/dates and room (if needed).
- Subject/Course Number/Credit Hours/CRN/Term: These will be displayed after thetitle.
- Instructor: Provides instructor name.
- Meeting Times: Provides a day-of-the-week look at when the class is scheduled as well as time and location.
- Status: A look at remaining capacity. A red exclamation icon will indicate a full or closed class.
- Time Filters: Start Time - Filters classes that begin at or after the hour selected. End Time - Filters classes that end at or before the hour selected.
Summer 2025 Announcements
- PLEASE NOTE: New UIS Experience will not be available starting April 17 through April 21 due to a system upgrade. You will not be able to register or make changes to your schedule during that time.
- Pre-Session Course: Drafting: Contract (5/14 – 5/21)
- Pre-requisite: Criminal Law pre-requisite for Crim Pro: Investigation will be waived for summer registration