Instructional Television, Film and Radio Center

What We Do

The Television, Film and Radio Center is a broadcast-quality HD production and post-production facility that can accommodate both in-studio and on-location productions.

The Television, Film and Radio Center is a broadcast-quality HD production and post-production facility that can accommodate both in-studio and on-location productions. The TV Studio features three Hitachi Z-HD6000 HDTV cameras with Cartoni pedestals, a JonyJib with a Panasonic 4K Professional Camcorder, a computerized lighting system, a 48-channel Soundcraft Si1 professional audio board with digital effects, dedicated studio green screen, ChyronHego MX character generator with animated graphics capability, Panasonic AV-HS6000 HD video switcher, CueScript teleprompter, and a professional announcer booth for voice-over recordings. The facility can accommodate the recording of talk shows and interview or instructional programs to digital formats. Dedicated laboratories allow for digital video and audio editing, and computer graphics and animation.

Additional Information

Instructional Television, Film and Radio Center


Carollyn Rutigliano

Carolyn Rutigliano '01
Associate Production Manager


Richard Martinez

Rich Martinez '01
MS '13
Senior Broadcast Engineer 


Television Center Equipment Checkout Guidelines, Procedures and Penalties Summary

*This handout is for use only as a guideline in signing out equipment from the TV Center. Please refer to the complete version available in the Production Office, Marillac Hall Room 411, for full details.

Carolyn Rutigliano, Associate Production Manager:
(718) 990-7477, [email protected]

Dennis Vernaleo, Mass Communication Technology Coordinator:
(718) 990-2347, [email protected]


Section I
Guidelines and Procedures

1. A student must complete an equipment request form and submit it to his/her professor via email. The professor’s signature on the request verifies that the student is using the equipment for a class project and is qualified to use the equipment they are requesting. (Professors must not sign off on any equipment that the student is not qualified to use.)

No exceptions are allowed.

Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro Cameras The Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro cameras are to be signed out using ONLY the designated sign out form for that camera. Only students who have been taught this camera, and has been certified by a qualified professor, can sign out this camera. You must indicate on the form which professor taught it to you, and the semester you learned it. Failure to do so will automatically nullify your request.

There are no exceptions.

*Note to Professors
-Do not sign a blank equipment request form. All information must be filled in.

2. The TV Center requires each student to submit their request form via email at least three days prior to the requested check out date. No Exceptions are allowed.

At this time, the TV Center will NOT be accepting physical forms. All requests must be made via email.

3. If a student does not pick up equipment on the day they have requested it, their request form becomes void. A new form must be signed by a professor and submitted within the proper timeframe.

4. All equipment will be reserved for students (in an approved TVF/COM class) on a first come, first serve basis.

5. The student is authorized to sign out only the equipment checked or noted on the request form that they are qualified to use and only on the specific date that is noted.

6. Equipment check out times and check in times are dependent on classes and the need for equipment in those classes. Check out/in times will vary by semester and may also vary by the equipment requested.

• Check out - 1:30pm-4:30pm Monday - Thursday
• Check in  - 9:30am-12:30pm Monday -Thursday

7. A student may take out equipment for up to 2 nights maximum during the week and 5 nights maximum over a weekend.
*There is no certainty or guarantee that the equipment will be available for the maximum amount of time.

8. The student assumes all responsibility for the safety and proper usage of the equipment signed out to them.
             -The student is responsible for reporting any malfunctioning equipment or damaged equipment as soon as the damage/malfunction is noted. Return it to the TV Center and report it in person.

9. Equipment may be taken off campus, but the student is responsible for returning the equipment in the same condition it left the TV Center, at or before the time noted on the sign out sheet under all circumstances. Violations are subject to disciplinary action and fees (see section II).

10. Digital Voice Recorders for radio production classes may be taken out for a maximum of 1 week with the class Professor’s approval and a properly filled out form.

Section II Disciplinary Action for equipment brought in late, damaged or stolen.

If equipment is brought in late:
A fee of $75.00 per day will be charged through the Bursar to the student for late equipment returns.
A fee of $150.00 per day will be charged through the Bursar to the student for late Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro equipment returns.

*All fees must be paid in full before the student may use equipment and facilities again. A receipt from the Bursar will be required.

*Continued lateness will result in suspension of equipment privileges.

If equipment is brought in damaged:
Students will be liable for all costs to repair or replace damaged equipment. This will be charged through the Bursar to the student.

*Continued damage to equipment will result in suspension of equipment privileges.

If equipment is lost or stolen: 
Students will be liable for all costs to replace lost or stolen equipment. This will be charged through the Bursar to the student. Along with this monetary charge, the following disciplinary action will also be taken: 1st Offense: Late fee/replacement fee 2nd Offense: Late fee/replacement fee and suspension of equipment privileges for semester 3rd Offense: Late fee/replacement fee and revocation of equipment privileges. *Any suspicion of criminal activity or theft in relation to university equipment will be referred to public safety and/or civil authorities as deemed necessary.

**Your signature on the equipment request form and reservation sheet indicates that you have read, understand and will abide by all these rules and that you were given all equipment in working order.


Hitachi Z-HD6000 HDTV Studio Cameras

Cartoni P90 pedestals

Soundcraft Si1 audio console

ChyronHego MX character generator with Lyric X software

CueScript teleprompter

Panasonic AV-HS6000 2ME live production switcher

Blackmagic Hyperdeck Studio player-recorders

Panasonic AG-UX180 4K Premium Professional Camcorder (JIB Camera)


Avid Media Composer

Avid ProTools

Adobe Premiere

Adobe Creative Cloud

Remote Productions

Nikon D7100 DSLR cameras

Panasonic AG-AC90 Camcorder

AG-HVX200 Camcorder

AG-HPX500 Camcorder

Sennheiser & Sony microphones

Tascam audio recorders

Lowell light kits

Dracast LED light kits

ARRI 16mm film cameras