St. Augustine Hall

Middle States Accreditation

Middle States Final Self-Study Report Now Available

St. John’s University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a regional accrediting body that verifies the quality of higher education institutions through peer review, assessment, and evaluation. Middle States conducts periodic review of institutions to ensure compliance with its standards for accreditation.

The evaluation team will conduct their site visit at the Queens and Manhattan, NY, campuses March 23–26. 

How to Get Involved

All University community members will have the opportunity to speak with the evaluation team if they so choose during the open sessions hosted by members of the evaluation team listed below. No registration is required for these informal opportunities to talk with the evaluators. There will also be a help desk outside Room 401 in the D’Angelo Center with a representative from the Office of the Provost to field any questions.

  • Monday, March 24th, 9:10 AM - 10 AM, D’Angelo Center Ballroom, 416C
  • Tuesday, March 25th, 10:10 AM - 11 AM, D’Angelo Center Ballroom, 416C

On the final day of the site visit, the evaluation team will conduct an exit meeting to present their findings and provide feedback on the self-study report and campus visits. Please RSVP here.

  • Wednesday, March 26th, 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM, D’Angelo Center Ballroom, 416ABC

Please submit your questions and comments about the Middle States reaccreditation process to