Government Documents

The Rittenberg Law Library is a New York State, United States, and United Nations Depository. Access to government documents is available by appointment. Please contact us to schedule an appointment if you need access to our depository collection.

United Nations Documents Depository (Floor 1M)

A full United Nations depository since 1997, the library receives official records of the General Assembly, ECOSOC, Security Council, Trusteeship Council and Trade and Development Board, as well as the U.N. Treaty Series and various periodicals and masthead documents.

United States Federal Documents Depository (Floor 2M) 

The library has been a United States depository since 1978. Materials are received from a number of governmental agencies including the Social Security Administration; National Institutes of Health; Internal Revenue Service; and legislative materials, such as House and Senate hearings and reports.

New York State Documents Depository (Floor 2M)

The library holds a wide range of legal and non-legal materials from various state agencies, including items related to criminal justice, education, child welfare, the environment, and fiscal issues.

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