Bermuda College

Students at Bermuda College can transfer even more smoothly to one of America's leading Catholic universities through a new transfer articulation agreement with St. John's University, NY.

The agreement reflects St. John's long-standing relationship with the people and institutions of Bermuda. Through its School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science (SRM), a division of The Peter J. Tobin College of Business at St. John's, the University also has a loyal and prosperous alumni network in Bermuda.

Officials from St. John's and Bermuda College signed the agreement on November 8, 2006. Representing Bermuda College were Dr. Lorita J. Alford, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, and Georgina Graham, Chairperson, Division of Business Administration and Hospitality. 

St. John's representative was Theresa Marro, Assistant Director of the Division of Marketing and Industry Relations in the School of Risk Management. 

Through the agreement, Bermuda College students with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree may transfer up to 66 credits to three divisions at St. John's University: St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies or The School of Education.

Upon evaluation by the Deans, students at Bermuda College also can transfer credits to two other divisions at St. John's University: The Peter J. Tobin College of Business and The College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences.

Established in 1974 by an act of Parliament, Bermuda College has an enrollment of approximately 1,215 students pursuing Associate of Arts and Associate of Sciences degrees as well as professional certificates and diplomas.

In cooperation with Mount Saint Vincent University, Bermuda College also offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Business Administration and in Child and Youth Studies.

Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Fathers, St. John's University enjoys an international reputation for excellence and service. The University has three residential campuses in New York City, along with Graduate Centers in Oakdale, NY, and in Rome, Italy.

For more information, contact the Office of Admission at St. John's University: 1 (888) 9STJOHNS; email

Additional Information

The intent of this agreement is to facilitate the smooth transfer and transition of Bermuda College students to St. John’s University, NY. The successful implementation of the Agreement depends on communicating its contents to all concerned participants, and the assumption of responsibility by both institutions for such communication.

I. The Agreement

This Agreement is between St. John’s University, New York (“University”), an institution of higher education formed and existing under the New York Education Law, and Bermuda College (“Bermuda”), a community college created by the Parliament of Bermuda, an institution of higher education.

WHEREAS, Bermuda desires to provide for the preferential transfer admission of well-qualified Bermuda students to the University, and

WHEREAS, the University desires to accept as transfer students such well-qualified Bermuda enrollees

NOW THEREFORE, Bermuda and the University agree as follows for the mutual covenants contained in this agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged.

II. Transfer Students Holding the A.A. or A.S. Degree

Students who have been awarded the A.A. (Associate in Arts) or A.S. (Associate of Science) from Bermuda College will be deemed to have met the academic standards for admission to St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SJC), the College of Professional Studies (CPS), or the School of Education.  If admitted, the A.A., A.S. holder may transfer up to 66 credits, exclusive of developmental or remedial work, toward a B.A. or B.S. degree in these Colleges. 

Transfer applicants to B.A. or B.S. degrees in the Peter J. Tobin College of Business (TCB) or the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences must have their academic record evaluated by the Dean’s designee to determine acceptance and the courses for which credit will be awarded toward a degree program in these academic units.

Transfer students who have been awarded a A.A. or A.S. degree must successfully complete a minimum additional 60 semester hours (64 semester hours for St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) including (a) six semester hours in Philosophy and six in Theology (unless previously satisfied), and (b) requirements for the selected major concentration. 

This amount of transfer credit will allow students to complete their undergraduate degree at St. John’s University in two years of full-time study, provided students make acceptable academic progress in courses they register for and complete at St. John’s University.

Nothing in this agreement guarantees a student will be admitted to their major of choice at St. John’s University.  Students who are not accepted to their initial school or major of choice can, after consultation with and agreement of the appropriate Dean, be accepted to a different school or major for which their coursework and achievement qualifies. 

Agreements covering articulation between specified programs may be developed in addition to this General Agreement. These may detail courses and or grade point requirements necessary for admission.

III. Transfer Students Without an Associate Degree

A student applying without an Associate’s degree must have his/her file evaluated for acceptance by a Dean in the St. John’s University school to which he/she is applying. 

Upon acceptance, St. John’s will transfer credits toward a St. John’s degree in accordance with the Transfer Guide (explained below), or in consultation with the appropriate Dean when the Transfer Guide does not refer to a particular Bermuda course completed by the transfer student.

Deans will attempt to maximize the utility of Bermuda credits, consistent with St. John’s degree program requirements and academic standards. In addition to fulfilling major requirements, students without an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree will have to complete certain University core curriculum requirements.

To assist students who have not completed the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science, the Schools will meet and confer to develop a “Transfer Guide,” which among other things will set forth the St. John’s majors into which Bermuda College students may transfer if accepted; designate the Bermuda courses for which transferring students will receive credits toward their degree at St. John’s; and provide information about St. John’s graduation requirements and minimum transfer requirements. 

St. John’s agrees to evaluate all applications from Bermuda students, and assess their candidacy on a case-by-case basis.  Moreover, St. John’s will permit prospective transfer students without an Associates degree, to make a written application to the Dean of the University school or college to which the student intends to transfer to request a waiver of any requirement, which will be approved or denied at the Dean’s sole discretion.

IV. Administrative Responsibilities

 St. John’s and Bermuda College also will meet from time to time to identify any difficulties in the program, evaluate course sequence and content to facilitate transfers with minimal academic disruptions, and update the Transfer Guidelines, with particular attention to course equivalencies (i.e., Bermuda classes for which students will receive St. John’s credits). 

St. John’s reserves the right in its academic discretion to modify or amend programs, as it would with its four-year students, whenever it deems appropriate.  Either party, St. John’s University or Bermuda College, also reserves the right to end this arrangement, with one year’s notice of the termination of the agreement.

 St. John’s personnel will make themselves available as reasonably requested to meet with Bermuda’s transfer services staff and, when St. John’s believes it to be helpful and necessary, prospective transfer students, to assist in the planning and coordination of transferring students.

Because the efforts of the schools in launching and maintaining this program will not bear fruit unless Bermuda College's current and prospective students are made aware of it, St. John’s and Bermuda will make joint efforts to publicize the program internally and externally. 

Each School must approve any information or statements about the program, whether published only in one School’s materials (including admissions information, student bulletins, course guides, etc.) or otherwise.

We are delighted to enter into this arrangement, and look forward to working together:

St. John’s University, New York 

Julia A. Upton, R.S.M., Ph.D.

Bermuda College

Larita Alford, Ph.D.
Vice President, Academic Affairs

Course Equivalencies: The Peter J. Tobin College of Business (St.  John's University) and Bermuda College

Bermuda CollegeSt. John's University
Eco. 1101Eco. 1302 (3)
Eco. 1102Eco. 1301 (3)
Eng. 1111Eng. 1000 (3)
Eng. 1112Eng. 1100 (3)
Eng. 2212Spe. 1000 (3)
One course from:   
Eng. 2203, 2204, 2220,2230, 2236, 2238,2240, 2250, 2254, 2255

Eng. Elective (3)
His. 1140His. 1000 (3)
Any Science at 1000 level or higher
Sci. 1000 (3)
Ins. 1101RMI 2301 (3)
Mgt. 2222Mgt. 2301 (3)
Mgn 2210Mkt. 3301 (3)
Mat 1132Math 1320 (3)
Mat 2233DS 2333 (3)
Mat 2234DS 2334 (3)
Acc 1135Acc. 2338 (3)
Acc. 1145Acc. 2399 (3)
CIS 1120CIS 1332 (3)
One course from:
Eco 2201, 2202, 2250, 2298

Eco. elective (3)
Rel. 1101 or 1102Theology elective (3)
Six credits Foreign LanguageLanguage and Culture (6)
This provides for transfer of up to 63 credits.