Information for Current Students

Student Forms
First-year students will find the required research and community service contracts and logs. The contracts are due at the beginning of the year, whereas the logs are due once the hours have been completed. Make sure you return these to Marillac SB36.

Before beginning your dissertation, be sure to check the dissertation procedures. Important dissertation forms are available on the School Forms page.

Third and fourth-year students use Time2Track to keep track of externship hours. The monthly totals (table and pie chart) are due to Marillac SB36 the first week after the end of the month for the previous month. They must be signed by the student and the supervisor. Hours do not count for forms that are not returned on time. Students are required to complete at least 750 hours each year on externship.

Fourth-year students will find the application for fifth year internship.

General Information for Students
School psychologists are eligible for loan forgiveness after working in a public school setting for ten years. Please see the information provided by NASP, below.

All entering students receive a student handbook and should take the time to carefully read through them. Students are responsible for knowing all information and for following all the procedures contained in their respective handbook. Information such as course sequence, planning forms, program philosophies, program policies, evaluation forms, contracts, and much more can be found in the handbooks. Please note that each entering class has its own handbook. 

  • St. John’s University Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Fifth Year Internship Application
  • How to Apply for NY State School Psychologist Certification Online (PDF)
    • Apply for certification through the TEACH website (you are applying for “Provisional Certification” through the pathway of having completed an “approved training program”). Our school code is 80299.
    • Send proof of the Violence Prevention, Mandated Reporter, and DASA training to the state after you register.
    • The program sends the School of Education a list of students who are eligible to graduate in May. (Eligible students have passed the comprehensive examination, passed the PRAXIS examination, and met their internship hours.) The School of Education then recommends these students to New York State for certification.
  • Application for National Certification (NCSP) (PDF)
  • Academic Fairness Procedure (PDF)
  • Loan Forgiveness for Public School Employees Including School Psychologists (PDF)
  • Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships

Doctor of Psychology Handbook

  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2024 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2023 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2022 (PDF
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2021 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2020 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2019 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2018 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2017 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2016 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2015 (PDF)
  • Psy.D. Handbook for the Entering Class of 2014 (PDF)

Finding Psychological Measures and Manipulations

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