Undergraduate Internships

The Tobin College of Business offers internships for real life experience and we provide our students with opportunities with employers throughout the Metropolitan area.

Credit internships provide business students with valuable work experience, which will enhance their classroom learning. Tobin offers credit internships to first semester juniors, who are currently enrolled and have completed 60 credits with a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.75. This program provides students with the opportunity to develop skills outside the classroom in actual work settings. 

Each internship opportunity lasts one semester and is part-time. Students are allowed up to two for-credit internships during their undergraduate career.

Interns must be supervised by both a Tobin faculty member and someone on-site at the internship. Students must be successfully reviewed for performance after the completion of 135 hours of internship. Application of the principles and theories of a specific business major discipline is emphasized throughout the internship.

Our proximity to New York City's business center opens enviable opportunities for real-world experience prior to graduation. Students may earn course credit by interning at companies such as UBS Financial Services, and Viacom. However, Tobin has sponsoring firms throughout New York and other locations. You might even leverage your internship into a job offer when you've completed your degree.

Internship Types:


  • Academic Internships for Credit
  • Credit bearing work experience
  • One three-credit course only

Internship Benefits:

  • Head start in your career field
  • Learn job-seeking skills
  • Sharpen Essential Skills such as: Written/Oral Communication, Interpersonal Leadership, Technology:Computer Operation, Analytical, Organizational Teamwork/Flexibility
  • Gain real-world experience and networking opportunities
  • Build your resume
  • Opportunity to earn credit toward your major

Learn More

Below is a current listing of some of our Internship Partners:

  • AXA Advisors
  • Broadridge
  • Sony
  • MSG
  • KPMG
  • PricewaterhouseCooper
  • Waldorf Astoria
  • Viacom
  • Warner Music Group
  • Birch Family Services

Prospective Partners Contact:

If you are interested in offering our students an internship at your organization, please contact the following:

See University established Company Guidelines.

Students should be first semester juniors with 60 credits completed at time of application, with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better.

If you do meet these requirements, you may obtain internships through the Internship Coordinator.

Here are the necessary Steps to Follow in gaining your internship experience.

Preparing to Intern:

When you are preparing for your internship, talk with your professors. You should also research your future career area and create an effective resume and tailored cover letters. Learn and practice interview skills and get involved.

Contact Information for Interested Students:

The Student Guidelines and Instructions MUST be read and understood before any student can sign up for an internship!

Contact the Tobin Undergraduate Program Office, if you have additional questions:
Leonora Stancati

Student Guidelines

Course Description:
The Internship Program provides business students with valuable work experience, which will enhance their classroom learning. The internship will provide students with the opportunity to develop business skills in an actual work setting. Each internship is a one-term, part-time, three-credit position within a supervised work environment. Practical application of business practices and theories is emphasized. This course may be taken only twice, if eligible. Approval and registration for internship courses taken for credit must be completed prior to the commencement of the internship. Requests for retroactive enrollment in the internship course will not be considered.


  • First semester Junior standing within the Peter J. Tobin College of Business (minimum of 60 credits completed).
  • Minimum overall GPA of 2.75.

Program Objectives:

  • Students will gain hands-on experience, which will supplement classroom learning.
  • Students will be exposed to real-life business concepts and responsibilities. They will have the opportunity to observe a full range of business applicability of their major and how these contribute to business success.
  • Students will have an opportunity to explore and reaffirm career goals and objectives.
  • Students will gain skills and confidence that will enhance their appeal to prospective employers upon graduation.


  • Students must have completed a minimum of sixty (60) credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 in order to be eligible to participate in the internship program. This status needs to be verified by the undergraduate Dean's Office in the Peter J. Tobin College of Business.
  • All students who meet the academic requirements must have their resumes reviewed in the Career Center.
  • Students may either develop internship contact information on their own from Internet or other sources, such as Handshake (St. John’s Platform for Recruiting Students). Eligibility and access is determined by the Internship Administrator. The students will then mail, email/internet application or fax a copy of their resume with a cover letter to the contact person at those companies. It should be business-like, well composed and polite.
  • The offer of an internship must be confirmed in writing, on company letterhead and it must delineate the responsibilities and tasks that will be assigned to the intern. As an academic experience for which students earn university credit, the internship must include assignments within the organization at an appropriate level. Typing, filing, answering phones, cold calling and photocopying are NOT tasks for interns. If a problem arises with respect to assignment of such tasks, this should be brought to the attention of the internship supervisor immediately. St. John's University reserves the right to approve or disapprove of any internship taken for credit that does not meet these guidelines.
  • Each student is required to work a minimum of 135 hours to a maximum of 160 hours. These internship hours are required to be spread over the entire term in which credit is earned. Students are also required to follow the academic class schedule for the semester they are enrolled; in other words, for insurance purposes you are not permitted to work when school is not in session.  
  • Upon receiving an offer of an internship, students must register for the actual internship course. This must be done before the beginning of the semester in which the internship is to be served. Requests for retroactive registration for internships will not be considered.

Academic Requirements:

  • It is required that each student attend a minimum of one seminar a month with the course intructor. Each academic department is responsible for their internship program.
  • A signed Daily Log is to be submitted semi-monthly to the course instructor.
  • Students must maintain a copy of all forms, assignments, etc. that are submitted to the course instructor during the semester.


  • Each student is evaluated based on the following:
  • Seminar participation
  • Class assignment
  • A term paper (minimum 10 pages)/project on a topic related to the internship assignment
  • A supervisor evaluation
  • Daily logs

Students will earn a letter grade:
Major Elective: 
Satisfactory completion of the TCB Internship Program (Marketing 4399, Management 4399, Economics/Finance 4399 or RMI 4399) will apply towards three credits of major electives.

Business Elective: 
Satisfactory completion of the TCB Internship Program (Accounting 4399, Market 4400, Management 4400 or Economics/ Finance 4400 or RMI 4400)
Comments to Internship Students: TCB students have established an excellent record over the years. Sponsoring companies have expressed their satisfaction with the preparation students have received, their willingness to work and learn, their enthusiasm and commitment.

You represent not only yourself, but also the University. Try to ascertain the nature and scope of the work you will be asked to perform and all other obligations. Be certain the internship assignment you have chosen is the right decision for you. We are here to help, and if you have any questions or problems during the process, feel free to either call or email the Internship Administrator.

The relationship between the academic world and the business community is a vital one. The Internship Program of the Peter J. Tobin College of Business (TCB) at St. John's University is an important link in this relationship. 

The Internship Program provides business students with valuable work experience, which will enhance their classroom learning. Additionally, the Internship Program affords the College further opportunity for evaluating the efficacy of the curriculum in preparing graduates for success in business. 

TCB offers internships to students enrolled in our undergraduate programs with a GPA of 2.75 and higher. This program provides students with the opportunity to develop skills outside the classroom in an actual work setting. Internships are for one term, are part-time and are credit bearing, along with the possibility of compensation (at the discretion of the company).  Interns must be supervised and reviewed. The application of the principles and theories of a specific business discipline is emphasized. Students are covered by the University’s insurance policy during school working hours.

Program Objectives

  • Students will gain hands-on experience, which supplements classroom learning.
  • Students will be exposed to real-life business concepts and responsibilities, have the opportunity to observe full range roles in their major and how these roles contribute to business success.
  • Students will have an opportunity to explore and reaffirm career goals and objectives.
  • Students will gain skills and confidence enhancing their appeal to prospective employers upon graduation.

Company Requirements

To participate in the Peter J. Tobin College of Business Internship Program, companies must agree to the following:

  • Provide Internship Administrator with a job description outlining the intern’s duties, responsibilities and requirements.
  • Provide a quality internship experience to our students. The students should be exposed to as many aspects of the business as is feasible within your company.
  • As this is an academic experience for which students earn university credit, the internship must include assignments within the organization at an appropriate level. Typing, filing, answering phones, cold calling and photocopying are not acceptable tasks for interns.
  • Permit the interns to attend the four mandatory class seminars during the semester by rescheduling the intern’s hours, if necessary. We attempt to schedule the class meetings on different days of the week so as to minimize interference with the company’s workflow. These class meetings bridge the gap between academia and professional business.
  • Sign the daily log sheets prepared by the interns.
  •  Complete the Supervisor Evaluation Form at the end of the internship.

Student Requirements

To participate, business students must meet the following criteria:

  • First semester Junior standing within the Peter J. Tobin College of Business (minimum of 60 credits completed).
  • Minimum 2.75 GPA.
  • Approval of the Internship Administrator after a formal screening process.
  • Arrange class schedule to have two full days off per week to intern, if possible.

Each intern will receive a letter grade upon completion of his/her internship, based on the following course requirements:

  • Assigned project(s) by supervisor.
  • Work week of fifteen hours, for ten weeks during the fall, spring or summer semesters.
  • Minimum of 135 hours (for insurance reasons, students are not permitted to work when the University is closed).
  • Mandatory attendance at four class seminars to be scheduled by the course professor.
  •  Daily logs outlining duties performed and time spent on each.
  •  Term project to be assigned by class professor. This usually involves writing a term paper on the internship experience including the projects(s) the intern performed on the job.

Interview Process

  1. Students view the job descriptions submitted by the companies and select the companies with whom they wish to interview.
  2. Resumes are sent to these companies via mail, fax or email/internet application by the student.
  3. Companies schedule interviews directly with the student(s) of their choice.
  4. All offers are to be communicated to the Internship Administrator for the program. Offers can be made directly to the students initially.
  5. The student will contact the company with his/her response.
  6. Once the student has accepted the company’s offer, the company must mail/e-mail a letter, on their letterhead, to St. John’s stating that they will accept the student as an intern for that particular semester. The student will not be able to register without this letter. Please email the letter to hughesr@stjohns.edu

We hope that your partici