White Coat Ceremony

The White Coat Ceremony is a symbolic rite of passage for students of the healing arts that signifies a professional relationship with other colleagues who provide health care services. Contributing to the care and healing of others is a privilege and a responsibility. The white coat they wear is more than a familiar lab coat: it is a cloak of caring, compassion, and service. 

The event emphasizes the importance of professionalism and compassionate care for the patient as well as several other elements: 

  • Reaffirms the community’s support of the educational process that prepares future health providers for practice.
  • Students pledge their commitment to their profession and the health of the patients they serve.
  • Cloaking of students in their first white coats.

White Coat Ceremony

Clinical Laboratory Sciences White Coat CeremonyOctober 1, 2024
Pharmacy White Coat CeremonyOctober 6, 2024
Physician Assistant White Coat CeremonyOctober 8, 2024
Radiologic Sciences White Coat CeremonyOctober 10, 2024



Business casual attire is required of all participants.

  • Neatly pressed dress pants (e.g., slacks, chinos, suit trousers)
  • Long-sleeved, button-down shirt (ties are expected)
  • Dresses or skirts that are knee-length or longer, to extend at least past the white coat
  • Dressy shoes with a comfortable heel

White Coat Sponsorship Program

Alumni and friends of the College are encouraged to serve as White Coat sponsors to show their commitment to the profession and support for the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Besides the coat, students will receive a note (words of encouragement) from their sponsor on the day of the ceremony. The College expects all students to acknowledge their sponsor’s generosity by sending a thank you card within one month after the ceremony. 

If you know of a family member or friend who would like to sponsor your white coat, please have the request sent to Ms. Diana J. Patino, Assistant Dean of Student Success via e-mail patinocd@stjohns.edu. 


Help us capture and tell the White Coat Ceremony story! This is key milestone in your life which deserves documenting and celebrating.  

Please use #CPHSWhiteCoat on any social media post and tag the College. We will share and repost!


Who will “coat” me?
The Dean of the College, department chair, or faculty members from the program. 

Will students be individually recognized at the ceremony?
Yes, each student will be called by name to don his or her White Coat. 

May my family take photographs or video?
Yes, they may. However, for traffic flow, safety purposes, and to allow the professional photographer to take photos of all students unimpeded, the area in front of the stage must stay clear. Please also show courtesy to other guests around you so that you do not block their views.

Please contact cphs@stjohns.edu if you have any questions about the White Coat Ceremony for your program.