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Journalism, Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science in Journalism prepares students for careers in all aspects of modern journalism — print, online and broadcast — with skills in writing and reporting in multiple media.

Journalism is an ideal career for those interested in gathering, reporting and analyzing information — and putting that information into an entertaining, easily understood format. It is a competitive field that has changed dramatically over the last few years and is expected to continue changing as new technology is introduced.

Journalists play a vital role in how the public perceives local, national and international events. Careers in journalism require people who are independent, flexible, creative and highly innovative. Successful journalists are exceptional writers who are highly motivated and detail oriented.

You can prepare for these exciting opportunities by earning your Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from St. John’s University. Offered by the Collins College of Professional Studies, the program prepares students for careers in all facets of Journalism, including print, broadcast and the Internet.

Competition for jobs is fierce in large metropolitan and national newspapers, broadcast stations, networks, and magazines. Talented writers who can handle highly specialized scientific or technical subjects will have an advantage and St. John’s can provide you with that advantage.

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Degree Type
Area of Interest
Communications, Marketing & Media
Associated Colleges or Schools
Program Location
  • Queens Campus
Required Credit Hours

Program Contact

We are here to answer any questions you may have about the Journalism program and admission process.  

Michael A. Rizzo

Associate Professor

St.Augustine Hall Queens 2-041



For more information about admission to this program, please visit Undergraduate Admission online or contact us directly at:

Admission Office - Queens Campus

Degree Requirements

The B.S. in Journalism requires all students to complete 120 credits. In addition to the liberal arts core, courses are organized to allow students to tailor their degree to fit their academic and professional goals. The specific requirements for this B.S. degree are:

  • Common Core requirements (42 credits)  
  • Other liberal arts requirements (18 credits) 
  • Free electives (15 credits)
  • Journalism major requirements (24 Credits) 
  • Journalism specialized track requirements (6 Credits) 
  • Journalism business area requirement (3 credits) 
  • Journalism elective courses requirements (12 Credits) 
COM 1001Introduction to Mass Communications
COM 1002Multimedia Communication
COM 2500Visual Aesthetics
JOU 1000Introduction to Journalism
JOU 1402Ethics and Law in Journalism
JOU 2307The Craft of Interviewing
JOU 3300Feature Reporting and Writing
JOU 4703Applying Journalism Principles and Skills

Print Track

JOU 2300Writing and Reporting for Print and Online
JOU 3301Copy Editing

Broadcast Track

JOU 2312Writing and Reporting for TV and Radio
JOU 3312Advanced News Reporting and Writing for TV and Radio
MGT 1001Principles of Management I
ENT 1000Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
JOU 1400Introduction to Magazine Publishing
JOU 1500The History of Journalism
JOU 1501The Press and Government
JOU 1502The Press and Cinema
JOU 1504Religious Journalism
JOU 2201Introduction to Broadcasting
JOU 2204Sports Broadcasting
JOU 2313Podcasting and Innovative Journalism Trends
JOU 3302Magazine Journalism
JOU 3303Business Journalism
JOU 3304Sports Writing
JOU 3309Writing Music, TV and Film Reviews
JOU 3310Investigative and In-Depth Reporting
JOU 3311Crime Reporting
JOU 4301International Reporting
JOU 4302Opinion Writing
JOU 4600Independent Study
JOU 5001Journalism Internship I
JOU 5002Journalism Internship II
JOU 5003Journalism Internship III
JOU 5004 Journalism Internship IV

36 Credits from the following courses:

DNY 1000CDiscover New York
FYW 1000CFirst Year Writing
ENG 1100CLiterature in a Global Context
HIS 1000CEmergence of a Global Society
PHI 1000CPhilosophy of the Human Person
PHI 1024Media Ethics
PHI 3000CMetaphysics
SCI 1000CScientific Inquiry
SPE 1000CPublic Speaking for the College Student
THE 1000CPerspectives on Christianity
THE 1040 SeriesTheology
THEAny Theology Elective

And SIX Credits in Modern Foreign Language/Cultural Studies from any second language

Other Liberal Arts Requirements

HIS 1017Contemporary United States

Choose from one of these two courses:

MTH 1009Calculus I
MTH 1021Introduction to Statistics

SIX Credits in ENG 1007-1072 but not ENG 1040

SIX Credits in Social Science from these choices below:

CourseCourse Area
PSCPolitical Science

Career Outcomes

The Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Journalism prepares students for success in this exciting field by helping them to meet these critical objectives:

  • Gaining hands-on experience through internships at professional newspapers, magazines, public relations firms, advertising agencies, wire services, television or radio stations, broadcast networks or Internet news sites.
  • Acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of and skill in the established writing formats for all journalistic media.
  • Developing skills in researching and reporting news stories and gathering pertinent information.
  • Gaining preparation for graduate work in journalism and related fields

Why Study Journalism at St. John's?

  • Knowledge to complete written, visual, and oral examples of news stories that are factually accurate, unbiased and engaging for audiences.
  • Ability to analyze stories and actions by journalists that relate to news reporting and ethics.
  • Understanding to explain ethical issues in journalism, review situations applying to ethical behavior and propose appropriate ethical actions.
  • Skill to evaluate local, national and international events and how they are covered by different journalism entities.
  • Learn to appraise and contrast journalistic practices in the past, present and developing for the future.
  • Examine the changing techniques of journalists.
  • Explain the role of the news media in American society and the impact of American society on the news media.
  • Analyze news content in multiple media for distinctive styles and writing techniques.
  • Employ modern research methods to develop news stories, verify content and engage with news consumers.
  • Conceive ideas for news stories.
  • Apply writing skills to suggested and assigned stories.
  • Conduct and practice interview skills to develop content for news stories.
  • Produce original news stories on a weekly basis in multimedia formats using all facets of journalism writing, announcing and technical skills.
  • Apply all facets of journalism in internship with professional news organization.

Alumni Success Story

Raquel Ringgold outdoor headshot

Alumna Charts a Pioneering Path in Retail Communications Sector

Raquel Ringgold ’20CCPS, ’21MBA The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Success at St. John's

Annastacia Gladston ’17CPS with Oprah

Shooting for the Stars: from Intern to Webby Award Winner at Oprah Daily

Annastacia Gladston ’17CPS The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies


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