Students Walking on Campus in the Spring

Italian, Bachelor of Arts

Study Italian in New York City at St. John’s University!


Studying Italian at St. John's University allows you to acquire a command of the Italian language as well as to learn about Italy's culture through a wide selection of courses, personalized classes, engaged faculty member who are experts in their fields, and Academic Service-Learning (AS-L), internship, and study abroad opportunities.

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Program Location
  • Queens Campus
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Department Contact

Steve Puig

Acting Chair and Associate Professor of Languages and Literatures

Featured Faculty

St. Johns University Crest
  • Associate Professor of Italian,
  • Italian Coordinator,
  • B.A. St. John's University, Italian


Languages and Literatures
St. Johns University Crest
  • Professor of Italian,
  • Assistant Chair


Languages and Literatures


For more information about admission to this and other acclaimed undergraduate programs at St. John's, please visit Undergraduate Admission.

Study Italian at St. John's

The Italian major requires the completion of 33 credits, including:

  • ITA 3090; 3100 Masterpieces of Italian Literature I & II
  • ITA 3550; 3560 Civilization of Italy
  • ITA 3870 Advanced Italian Grammar and Composition
  • ITA 4990 Capstone Seminar

You also complete 12 elective credits from among the following:

  • ITA 1000 Intensive Italian I; II
  • ITA 2000 Intensive Italian III; IV
  • ITA 1010; 1020 Italian Level I; II
  • ITA 2030 Italian Level III
  • ITA 2040 Intermediate Italian Conversation
  • ITA 3080 Italian Contemporary Readings
  • ITA 3110; 3120 Advanced Italian Conversation I & II
  • ITA 3150 Review of Italian Grammar
  • ITA 3240 Pirandello’s Theatre
  • ITA 3260 Italian Cinema from Neo-Realism to the Present
  • ITA 3520 Italian Culture through the Internet
  • ITA 3530 Italian Culture through Food
  • ITA 3540 Southern Italy: A Cultural Journey
  • ITA 3570 Studies in Italian Culture
  • ITA 3580 The City of Rome
  • ITA 3590 Dante and His Times
  • ITA 3600 The Italian Novella
  • ITA 3610 The Modern Italian Novella
  • ITA 3620 Italian Renaissance Literature
  • ITA 3670 The Modern Italian Novel
  • ITA 3680 The Modern Italian Theatre
  • ITA 3690 Italian Poetry of the 19th Century
  • ITA 3700 Italian Novel of the 19th Century
  • ITA 3710 Trends in Italian Opera, online hybrid
  • ITA 3740 Contemporary Italian Fiction
  • ITA 3760 Contemporary Italy
  • ITA 3810 Advanced Italian for Business
  • ITA 3820 La Divina Commedia
  • ITA 3900 Art and Skills of Translation
  • ITA 4953 Independent Study
  • ITA 4980 International Internship

Italian majors who wish to minor in International Communication must also complete:

  • MCC 1000 Introduction to Mass Communication
  • COM 3101 International Communications: Europe
  • GOV 1610 International Relations

Italian is among the world's five most studied foreign languages and one of the four official languages of NASA. Italy has 60 percent of the world cultural and artistic heritage, according to UNESCO, and it is first in the world in the culinary arts, interior design, fashion design, and graphic design. It is also a world leader in automotive, robotics and aerospace. Italian language skills create opportunities for students around the world in fields such as the arts, international business, education, journalism, fashion industries, homeland security, and hospitality management.

Since language skills complement other fields of study, student in the major are encouraged to double major and minor in areas such as: International Business, Business Administration, International Communication, and Hospitality Management. Combined degree programs are also available.

Italian majors and minors have the opportunity to enroll in a six-credit semester-long internship in Italy (or a three-credit internship in the summer) through a state-of-the-art program in collaboration with various agencies in Rome, including: the Ministry of Health; the Museo of Rome; La Sapienza University; refugee centers; the United Nations (UN) offices in Rome; the Italian Chamber of Commerce; and the Rome Center for Professional Training. Speech-Language Pathology and Psychology double majors will also find opportunities at the Centro Poliambulatoriale di Ricerca (CPR).

Internships opportunities in various fields also include:

Art: Excavation sites in Ostia antica; graphic designers’ studios; the Polmone Pulsante Gallery and Cultural Center; Museo di Roma; Societa` di produzione cinematografica.

Biology and Chemistry: La Sapienza University laboratories; Confindustria; pharmacies, private clinics, and veterinary facilities.

Business: Marketing firms dealing with tourism and the environment; insurance agencies; accounting firms; the Italian Chamber of Commerce.

Communications: Magazines; television; public relations.

Government and Politics: Political campaigns

Homeland Security: Unions specializing in homeland security and international relations

Hospitality Management: Hotels and restaurants throughout Rome

Law: Law firms and nonprofit organizations specializing in legal issues

Public Relations: Travel consultancy firms

Social Sciences: Governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) specializing in immigration, refugees, and the environment

Speech-Language Pathology and Psychology: Centro Poliambulatoriale di Ricerca (CPR)

Students at St. John’s benefit from an amazing variety of study abroad opportunities. The program at St. John’s beautiful Rome Campus is especially popular. There, you can attend class during a regular semester or a summer session. Living in apartments near Vatican City, students travel to Florence and the Tuscan countryside, Assisi, Pompeii, Naples, and Paestum. For more information, visit Global Education.

In collaboration with the Comunita di Sant’Egidio, Caritas, Sisters of Charities and the Missionaries Idente, students may enroll in a service-learning program in Rome.

Internships are also available in Rome in such diverse settings as art galleries, businesses, government offices, and hospitals, allowing students to strengthen their knowledge of Italian while gaining practical knowledge in their career field. Eligible students are in their third year and have completed ITA 3110 or ITA 3080. For more information about Italian-speaking internships and service-learning opportunities, contact Dr. Saccà at

Gamma Kappa Alpha

The Gamma Kappa Alpha Chapter at St. John's University was founded by Gaetano Cipolla, Professor Emeritus of Italian, in 1984. Dr. Russo is the current coordinator.

The Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society acknowledges superior scholastic performance in the field of Italian language, literature and culture at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada.

The Society encourages students to acquire a greater interest in, and a deeper understanding of, Italian culture, art, and history. Scholarships are offered by the national chapter to outstanding undergraduate students of Italian on an annual basis.

Applications for spring induction are available in January and are due in early March. For more information, please contact Dr. Russo at

Arba Sicula

Arba Sicula, an organization that promotes the language and culture of Sicily, holds regular cultural events on campus and publishes a Sicilian-English journal under the auspices of St. John’s University. For more information, please contact Gaetano Cipolla, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, at

Global Language and Culture Center

The Global Language and Culture Center (GLCC) is a state-of-the-art language resource center where students can come and start practicing one or several of the languages currently offered at St. John’s University. Students do not have to be currently registered in a language course to use the GLCC.

Interested in Humanities, but not sure if Italian, Bachelor of Arts is right for you?