College Bound: Liberty Partnerships Program

The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) was established in 1988 under Section 612, Subdivision 6 of the Education Law to address the significant dropout rate among New York’s youth.

The legislation states “the failure of many young New Yorkers to complete their secondary education limits their opportunity for a life of fulfillment, prevents them from advancing into post-secondary education and hinders the State’s efforts to provide a well-trained workforce for business and industry in New York.”

Liberty Partnerships Programs offer comprehensive pre-collegiate/dropout prevention programs and services to youth in Urban, Rural and Suburban communities of Western New York, Finger Lakes, Central New York, Southern Tier, North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital District, Mid-Hudson Valley, NYC and Long Island.

The St. John’s University College Bound: Liberty Partnerships Program
The St. John’s College Bound: Liberty Partnerships Program’s (CB: LPP)  target  population  is high school students. We currently have partnerships with  John Adams and Richmond Hill High School.

CB: LPP Objectives

  • Provide tutorial programs throughout the academic year.
  • Provide personal guidance and support through mentorship and group counseling.
  • Prepare students for post secondary education and the workforce through workshops and hands on experience.
  • Provide global awareness through various classes, field trips and seminars.

Contact Information

Queens Campus
Tina Souverain- Weekes, Director
8000 Utopia Parkway
St. John's Hall Room 136
Queens, NY 11439
Tel 718-990-6763
Fax 718-990-2447

Learn More

Academic Support
Personalized tutoring can make a significant difference in a student’s comprehension of academic material which results in students achieving better grades. Tutoring is provided at St. John’s University on Saturdays 10am- 3pm and on Mondays through Thursdays weekdays from 3-7pm. The CB:LPP tutors cater to our students needs so that we can build on the students skills, get help with homework, and strengthen their self-esteem and self-respect.

The mentor/peer counselors who are selected are University students and volunteers who have been trained to assist the College Bound: Liberty Partnerships Program students with their journey throughout high school and on to college.  The mentor/peer counselors stay in contact with the students to advise them of program activities, share information and to listen.  They serve as positive role models and are proof that the college experience is attainable.

Summer Youth Employment at St. John’s
The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) provides New York City youth between the ages of 14 and 21 with summer employment at St. John’s University. The CB:LPP interviews applicants through the Police Athletic League (PAL) and find job placement on with departments like After-School All-Stars of New York, Public Safety, Conference Services, School of Education, Office of Student Life, etc.

The Summer Youth Employment Program strives to emphasize real-world labor expectations. It also provides opportunities for career instruction, financial literacy training, academic improvement, and social growth.

Kemoy Briscoe, Director of St. John's University's
Liberty Partnerships Program

Tutoring Program

The CB:LPP provides tutoring in all areas of studies. Chemistry, Algebra, Trigonometry, and we conduct Regents Review as well. Our tutoring program provides one-on-one tutoring for students in the following schools:

  • John Adams High School
  • Richmond Hill High School

The tutoring program is held Mondays through Thursdays from 3 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. during the academic year. The tutoring program caters to the needs of our students as well as strengthens their self-esteem.

Saturday Program

The CB:LPP students are wonderfully diverse. They represent many nationalities, cultures, languages and religions. The students in the program have the opportunity on Saturdays to participate in the following classes: Financial and Computer Literacy, Leadership Academy, Reading and Writing, Speech and Debate, Rap and Sports. Our Saturday programs run from 10am to 3pm, from September through May and are held at St. John’s University. The students also have the opportunity to participate in fun and educational fields trips.

In addition to college preparation through academic enrichment in mathematics, science, and language arts, students receive academic, college, and career counseling. They also receive exposure to diverse career paths through workshops, small group interactive/hands-on activities, forums, lectures, mentoring, and summer youth employment at St. John’s University.

The CB:LPP believes that a strong partnership between schools and parents is essential to the academic well-being of students. When school staff and parents work together to reinforce high standards of conduct and achievement, the result is a school that "works," a learning environment that promotes success. We understand that parents are their children's first and most important teacher. For CB:LPP ’s children to be successful students, a strong school and family partnership is essential.

How Can Parents Get Involved?
When parents are involved in their children's education, kids do better in school by the following:

  • Attend PAC Meetings (Parent Action Committee)
  • Read with your child
  • Checking homework every night
  • Discussing your children's progress with teachers
  • Voting in school board elections
  • Helping your school to set challenging academic standards
  • Limiting TV viewing on school nights
  • Becoming an advocate for better education in your community and state.
  • Attend PAC Workshops

CB:LPP is committed to helping parents realize their roles as children's most influential teachers. If you are a parent, grandparent, or guardian of a CB:LPP student we would appreciate your help to make our programs and services better by emailing us your feedback on the program.

The Senior “Must Do” List
As you plan for graduation and life after Liberty Partnerships Program begin to take shape, follow these steps to ensure timely completion of graduation requirements:

  • Check degree progress
  • Consult with your department’s student services administrator to ensure satisfaction of all requirements
  • Apply to undergraduate
  • Apply for Scholarships
  • Attend Financial Workshops
  • Take a “Writing a Personal Statement & Resume” workshop
  • Notify Spring Quarter instructors of your intent to graduate
  • Thank your instructors and others who have helped you over the past several years.

September – SAT Exam
October – Beginning stages of College Applications
November - Request recommendations from teachers.
December - Dec 1, SAT II
January - Jan 1, most college applications deadline
February - Feb 1, last college applications due.
March – Scholarships applications, community service
April – Scholarships applications due, community service
May - Senior Trip
June- Prom Graduation

CB:LPP involves colleges & universities, schools, parents, alumni, students, community organizations, businesses and local government agencies as stakeholders.

The students who participate in our program all come from partnerships with the schools that the CB:LPP has established. They are considered at-risk for: low academic achievement, poor school attendance, high drop-out rate, exposure to and involvement in substance abuse and gangs, low self-esteem, and little or no after-school supervision or parental involvement in their lives.
Between 2000 and 2007 CB:LPP has accomplished the following:

  • CB:LPP Student / School persistence rate is 98%
  • 11,885 CB:LPP students graduated from High School
  • 10,664 CB:LPP graduates entered postsecondary education or the workforce following graduation
  • 7,262 college-bound CB:LPP students chose to continue post-secondary education IN New York

The CB:LPP mitigates all of these risk factors by offering hope, help, and a positive presence in these youths’ lives. As a result of attending tutoring, students turn in higher quality homework more frequently, and they also gain the basic math and language arts skills they need to come up to grade level. The results also indicated improvements in key skills and indicators of future academic success.