Vincentian Chair of Social Justice 2024-25

Lecture 3 Information

Sabina Alkire

Poverty is about People: “Policy and Poverty- Why is the MPI Necessary?”
Tuesday, March 11
1:50  p.m.
D’Angelo Center, Room 416 C

Each year, the Vincentian Chair of Social Justice (VCSJ) selects a justice theme with the help of the wider St. John’s community. National and international scholars then contribute to the theme’s exploration.

Sabina Alkire, D.Phil is the 2024-25 Vincentian Chair of Social Justice. She earned a D.Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford. Currently, she is a Professor of Poverty and Human Development and directs the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford. Previously, she worked at George Washington University, Harvard University, the United Nations’ Commission on Human Security, and the World Bank.

At St. John’s, she will deliver a series of talks with a central focus on Poverty is about People. You are invited to attend the third presentation on Tuesday, March 11, from 1:50  to 3:15 p.m. in room 416C of the D’Angelo Center. The lecture is entitled “Policy and Poverty- Why is the MPI Necessary?” For those who are unable to join us, the talk will be recorded. 


Watch Lecture 1 Recording