St. Vincent Stain Glass

Vincentian Mission Certificate (VMC) Program

The Office of University Mission offers all full-time employees at St. John's University the opportunity to participate in the Vincentian Mission Certificate (VMC) Program. To apply, please click on the link below.  Completed applications must be received by noon on Friday, January 26, 2024. 

Vincentian Mission Certificate (VMC) Application

Program Overview

This 16-month professional development program has been highly successful since its first cohort began in January 2007.

Beginning with its first cohort in January 2007, the VMC program — with its focus on Education, Service and Reflection — empowers St. John’s administrators, faculty and staff to live the Vincentian Mission as Mission Leaders in various departments around the University.

“The poor have much to teach you. You have much to learn from them.” – St. Vincent de Paul

Additional Information

  • An understanding of the life and times, spirituality, and mission and values of the founders of the Vincentian family, with a primary focus on St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac.
  • An understanding of, and appreciation for, the contemporary Vincentian mission, particularly with regard to its application to St. John’s University and its unique heritage, culture, and strategic vision.
  • The ability to engage in mission-related discussions centered on the Catholic and Vincentian mission, particularly within the St. John’s community of current students, alumni, faculty, staff and administrators, in addition to potential students and their families.
  • An inclusive sense of identity with the Vincentian family and a commitment to promoting and living out the implications of that collective Vincentian mission in the twenty-first century.

Ian August
Heather Ball
Jane Barry
Adrianna Berlingerio
Jordan Bouchard
Judy Chen
Jill Christensen
Lisa Getman
Lisa Goldrick
Dana Gouldthorpe
Donna Haynes
Maureen Kerr
Jiyun Kim
Janet Kroll
Andrew Miller
Jennifer Nival
Maureen Noble
Diana Patino
Daisy Saldana
Nick Vendikos

Jason T. Bartlett
Lori Busch
Gail Chiarovano
Michael B. Crossfox
Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio
John F. Doyle
Karen Giovanniello
Paulette Gonzalez
Kyle Gouldthorpe
Jaime Grillo-Nardone
Samuel Jackson
Siddique Mohamed
Victoria M. O'Keefe
Mary H. Pelkowski
Theresa Peros
Stephanie M. Petrellese
Kathleen Spellman
Alyssa Timko
Jennesa Wong
Anna Zak

Kevin P. Barry
Leonard S. Breton
Kemoy A. Briscoe
Rhonda Brown
Patricia P. Canale
Ishita Khemka
Anna Leva
Nancy Morabito
Mary Paskor
Andrea M. Pinnavaia
Elizabeth Reilly
Joshua Rich
Lily Scarabino
Olivia Schum
Laura Vega-Konefal

Stephanie Bakirtzis
Gina Barnett
Carline Bennett
Danielle Bushell
Lisa Hollis Capone
Mary Dineen
Lee E. Elie
Eric Finkelstein
Myrna Fuentes
Dennis M. Gallagher 
Carmen Hammond
Kara James
Darlene Joiner
Jackie Lochrie
Diane Lynch
Natalie Munoz
Steven M. Neier
Natalia Salazar
Patricia M. Voisin
Catherine Wnek-Kawa

Elizabeth Arruda
Laura Bellacicco-Cocchiarella
Nicole Bertram-Secor
Rose Costales
Jodi Cox
Cathleen Dewick
Robert Eschenauer
Jack Flynn
Lina Gilic-Amadio
Fran Goldberg
Colleen Greaney
Sawanee Khongsawatwaja
Melissa Lanctot
Natalie Maio
Erin McDonough
Caitlin McElroy
Vikki Perez-Quinones
Maciej Siekierski
Jim Swike

Roberto A. Alas
Dominic Baccala
Jamaal Brown
Dorothy A. Bukay
Mary Cascio
Mirian Cepeda
Anne E. Cordato
Robert D. Cote
Letitia Davis
Adriana Dino
Denise Forgione
Lucrezia Gavin
Laurajean Holmgren
Frank Jerome
Valerie Kutcher
Michelle Kyriakides, Ed.D.
Victoria Laemmel
Diana Lopez
Sunita Makhijani
Nunziatina Manuli
Patricia Minton
S. Jennifer Miranda-Velazquez, Ed.D.
Sara Purcell
Nicholas Saturno
Stephanie Shaw
Paolo Tagatac

Germana Berni
Althea Brown
Gerard Fabian Cajas
Arsenio Cepin
Francis Connolly-Weinert, Ph.D.
Matia Damiani
Aileen Dominguez
Vilma Greene
E. Francine Guastello, Ed.D.
Erin Hoffman
Kristy Horning
Stanley Jurgielewicz
Louise McKenzie
Judith McVarish, Ph.D.
Jan Melville
Karen Morizio
Jo-An Morris
Audrey Murphy, Ed.D.
Richard Waller
Elena Wasilewski
Maura Woods

Queens Campus

Mark Andrews
Laura Andrews
Clare Byrne
Janet Carl
Soraya Casanova
Kim-Marie Cespedes
Donna Danahy
Abigail Furness
Kate (Catharine) Giancatarino
Rino Griznic
Kathryn Hutchinson
Peggy Jacobson
Marie Mark
Linda Miller
Rev. Robert Pagliari
Stephen Ptacek
Matthew Pucciarelli
Tara Sanon
Joseph Sciortino
Charisse Willis
Bernadette Zacharuk

Staten Island Campus

Connie DeSimone
Kerri Dishuk
Teresa Gallishaw
Theresa Gallo 
Melissa Gibilaro
Denise Hopkins
Andriana Lewinsky
Thomas Marlow
Dorothy Oliva
Nemaris Rodriguez
Isabel Scandaglia
Crystal Vera
Dianne Villar

Paul Agnello
Mary Pat Beirne 
Natalie Bongiorno
Lori Brandston
Camille Cellese
Stephen DeBlasio
Anna Donnelly 
Christine Felicetti
Sr. Annelle Fitzpatrick, CSJ
Sue Ford
Diane Hergenrother
Fr. Evaristus Igwe, C.M.
Jennifer Lebowitz
Ruth Lovelace
Carmela Napoli
Nerissa Palad-Palermo
Lucy Pesce
Barbara Pinnola
George Richardson
Eric Rienecker
Stephen Rzonca
Louis Saavedra
Frances Stathis
Vicky Vagenas
Rosa Yen
Joan Zanni
Joanne Zissel

Queens Campus

Patrick Breen
Susan Bruning
Fran Buscemi
Irene Caccavallo
Marge Cashin
Kathleen Cunningham
Mary Ann Dantuono
Michele Dell'Anno
Regina Demery
Carolyn Gallo
Roseanne Gatto
Christine Goodwin
Smita Guha
Clover Hall
Joseph Hinger
Dr. Nancy Kaplan
Cathy Lancellotti
Xin Zhang Lawson
Doug Leary
Frank Le Veness
Laura Luecke
Janet Mangione
Dr. Andre McKenzie
Rosemarie McTigue
Kathy Meehan
Joni O'Hagan
Patricia O'Keeffe
Margaret O'Sullivan
Jane O'Shea
Marie Paese
George Pietramala
Josephine Pietramala
Yvonne Pratt Johnson
Ellyn Reilly
Adele Rubino
Kevin Ryan
Elizabeth Sullivan
Lynn Stravino
Vivan Vescovacci
Joan Vivian

Staten Island Campus

Maria Allegretti
James Behan
Ellen Boegel
Theresa Cantarella
Margaret Corallo
Fay Dimino
Margaret Haley
Denise Hopkins
Eilean Kosinski
Nick Legakis
Sr. Joan Mahoney
Irene Monaghan
Sharon Norton
Anilsa Nunez
Kim Palmieri
Barbara Peltzman
Susan Ragone
Chadwin Sandifer

VMC Serves

St. Vincent and Students statue on Marillac Terrace

Vincentian Spirituality

Since the start of the VMC Program, St. John’s employees have lived out our Vincentian spirit, most notably in the thousands of hours of service opportunities in which they have participated. While VMC members are encouraged to serve directly with populations, and in support of causes, for which they are passionate about, all VMC service has at its core a dedication to the marginalized and poorest of society. Inspired by his deep Catholic faith, St. Vincent de Paul repeatedly shared that it was here, with his brothers and sisters in society, where he most clearly saw the face of Christ.

Vincentian Spirituality
People on a bench at Ronald McDonald House

Past Service Opportunities

View photos from past VMC service opportunities, including VMC Midnight Runs (Manhattan), VMC Dinner at St. Nicholas of Tolentine (Queens), VMC Serves at Bread & Life Soup Kitchen (Brooklyn), and many more!

Photo Galleries

Contact Us

For more information on the Vincentian Mission Certificate Program, please contact Lucy Pesce, Executive Director for Mission, at 718-990-3004 or