Tenants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic

What We Do

The Tenants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic is a partnership between St. John’s Law School and The Legal Aid Society Queens Neighborhood Office (QNO), a non-profit organization, through which students will engage in the various stages of landlord-tenant litigation.

The Tenants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic is a partnership between St. John’s Law School and The Legal Aid Society Queens Neighborhood Office (QNO), a non-profit organization, through which students will engage in the various stages of landlord-tenant litigation.

Students in this clinic represent income-eligible tenants residing in Queens who are facing eviction and asserting their rights to safe and habitable conditions, proper rents, and freedom from harassment.  They will interview clients and develop legal strategies to address the range of issues faced by tenants. They will learn to navigate the New York landlord-tenant laws by attending court, negotiating with opposing counsel, conducting legal research, and drafting motions and complaints.  In addition, students may have the opportunity to represent both individual clients and groups of tenants seeking redress for violations of their rights, all while becoming familiar with this ever-changing, complex, and important area of law and will learn how it impacts the lives of low-income New Yorkers.

In this one-semester clinic, students receive 5 credits each semester. They are required to work at least fourteen (14) hours a week at the Queens Neighborhood Office and must also attend a two-hour weekly seminar which will incorporate instruction on housing law and essential lawyering skills, (including client interviewing, negotiation, and oral argument) and roundtable discussions of challenges that may arise in their cases.  The clinic is open to up to six students and recommended requisite courses are Evidence and Trial Advocacy.

Contact Us 

Amee Master
Adjunct Professor of Law
Supervising Attorney

Our Clinic

How to Apply as a Candidate

Students can apply for the Tenants' Rights Advocacy Clinic during the spring semester for fall of the following academic year and in the fall semester for the following spring semester of the same academic year.

Attend a Virtual Clinical Information Session which is held for All Clinics for one day in April and in October.

  • Next Date:   TBD
  • Submit an online application
  • Application URL: 

Upload the following within the online application:

  • Cover Letter stating interest in the clinic 
  • Current Resume
  • Unofficial Transcript