Student Government, Inc.

Student Government, Inc. (SGI) is the official representative of the undergraduate student body on the Queens campus of St. John's University and the parent organization of all undergraduate student organizations on campus.

SGI Website Download Nod

Please visit SGI online at!

SGI is responsible for the coordination and regulation of the undergraduate student activities and organizations on campus. SGI allocates funds from the Student Activity Fee to student organizations, SGI committees, college representative programming, and student development projects as well as to community building, service-focused, and social activities.

SGI membership consists of an Executive Board, elected Representatives, and appointed Committee Chairs. The elected members are responsible for communicating the concerns and needs of students from the class that they represent, while the committees of SGI provide the students of St. John's University with programs and services.

Want to Get Involved?

There are a many ways to get involved or learn more about SGI:

  • Stop by the SGI Office, D'Angelo Center, Room 215
  • E-mail us at
  • Call us at 718-990-1587

Nod: An App to Build Social Connections

As the world continues to cope with the challenges of COVID-19, we know that forming and maintaining social connections is more challenging than ever, and in spite of this fact, remains a core component of the student experience. It's what makes St. John's, St. John's.

With that, Student Government, Inc. is proud to announce Nod, a research-backed app for students that taps into positive psychology and the science of social connections to help you build the friendships you want and need. Nod is not a social media app, but is all about helping you achieve your social goals in real life. In student words, “Nod allows me to think of ways to interact with people that I probably wouldn’t have thought of on my own. It opens more opportunities for me.”

  1. Download Nod on your cell phone and create a confidential account with your campus credentials.
  2. Explore ideas, reflections and testimonials
    1. Ideas: prompts based on the science of social connection that help you take action.
    2. Reflections: short in-app exercises to process social experiences, track your mood, reduce self-criticism, and build resilience.
    3. Testimonials: real student perspectives on social connection