Exterior of Taffner Field House

Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation provides the entire University community with the opportunity to participate in a variety of formal and informal activities.

Our activities encompass team sports, individual and dual sports, as well as competitive and noncompetitive activities. In addition to the obvious benefits of physical fitness, participants will also improve their skills, acquire new and lifelong leisure time skills, and gain social and ethical qualities (cooperation, trust, regard for others, etc.) from our programs.

Campus Recreation Office:
Carnesecca Fitness Center, Room B-02

Fitness Trail

St. John's maintains two fitness trails for walkers and runners on its Queens, NY, campus: a one-mile path and a 1.5-mile path.

The start of both paths can be found outside the D’Angelo Center near the Spirit Rock. There are small markers on light poles along the way to keep you on your respective path.

A map of the fitness trail around the Queens campus

Learn More

Regular Hours *Open
Monday to Thursday8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Friday8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

* Hours are subject to change during holidays and school closings. Any change will be communicated by Campus Rec.

Spring 2025 Special HoursOpen
March 1-2, 2025Closed
March 3-8, 20251 p.m. - 7 p.m.
(Fitness Center only)
March 8-9, 2025Closed
April 17-21, 2025Closed
May 6, 20253 p.m. - 7 p.m.
May 7-14, 202511 a.m. - 7 p.m.

An active StormCard is required to use the tennis courts. Tennis equipment can be rented out from the Campus Rec office (Taffner 105).

For more information, call 718-990-5810 and follow Campus Rec on Instagram!

  • A valid St. Johns University ID card* is required for admission to all recreation facilities.
  • Guests are not permitted to use St. Johns facilities.
  • Alcohol and drug use is not permitted in any recreation facility.
  • Smoking is not permitted in Carnesecca Hall or on any recreational fields.
  • Proper athletic attire must be worn in all recreation facilities. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the facility. Proper attire includes: sweatpants; jogging suits or gym shorts; t-shirt or sweatshirt; sneakers.
  • No one will be permitted to leave their clothes or book bags in the gym or hallways. There are locker rooms and mini lockers to secure your belongings.
  • Spectators may not enter the main gym floor wearing shoes, boots, or jeans. Spectators may observe the activity from the bleachers.
  • During Campus Recreation contests, only those participating may be on the gym floor. Others may not infringe on this space. This includes during play, time-outs, and between halves.
  • Sneakers and rubber-soled cleats (no metal) may be worn on the outdoor fields.
  • No food or beverages, other than water, are allowed in any recreation facility or on any recreational field.
  • ID cards must be carried at all times. If you do not have an ID card you will not be permitted to access any of the recreation facilities.

* Failure to present an ID card when requested by a university faculty or staff member is a violation of the code of conduct and subjects the holder to disciplinary action (suspension). Please see the Student Handbook.

Accidents and Injuries

All injuries must be reported to Campus Recreation immediately. Campus Recreation will contact the Student Health Services and Public Safety.

Lost and Found Articles

Any questions regarding lost or found articles should be brought to the attention of Campus Recreation and/or Public Safety.


All recreational facilities are under the supervision and control of building managers, Public Safety, and Campus Recreation personnel. Any person on the premises without a validated St. John’s University ID card will be removed from campus. Any person caught stealing will be prosecuted. If any other user observes stealing, looting, etc., in progress, please alert any Campus Recreation and Public Safety immediately. We need your participation to keep our facilities safe and secure. Please report all illegal or criminal activities to Public Safety immediately. 

The development of sportsman-like behavior is one of the goals of Campus Recreation. Individual or team competitors must be able to accept defeat without blaming others. Officials, intramural event supervisors or representatives, teammates and opponents all deserve each other’s respect and courteous behavior.

Participants must realize that these are not varsity sports and there are no professional coaches or officials. The following rules regarding sportsmanship will be enforced:

  • A team is responsible for the actions of its individual team members and for spectators directly associated with the team.
  • Harassment of the officials, program supervisors, and other players will not be tolerated.
  • Abusive language, verbal harassment or threats, physical harassment, striking, or intentionally pushing another participant, official or supervisor will not be tolerated.
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior may result in an initial warning, a penalty, technical foul, or ejection from the facility, game or contest. Players or teams may be dropped from the Intramural event, tournament or league, and/or future events.
  • Protests concerning the judgment of officials will not be considered. Therefore, their calls are not open to debate. Questions regarding rule interpretations can be made before or after a game or during a time-out.
  • Malicious behavior, such as striking another participant will result in immediate dismissal from the facility or event, and from future Campus Recreation events.
  • Spectators are also responsible for behaving in a sportsmanlike manner. Anyone exhibiting improper behavior will be asked to leave the facility.

All students, faculty, staff, and administrators currently enrolled or employed at St. John’s University and presenting a validated ID card may use any recreational facility during recreation hours or participate in any of the intramural events or activities. Any individual who is currently a varsity athlete shall be ineligible to take part in the sport or related sport in which he or she is currently competing. Each student participating is responsible for his or her own eligibility. Any player using an assumed name or another individual’s ID card shall be barred from participating in any event offered by the Campus Recreation for that school year.

Student Organizations

Division of Student Affairs

All others (Non-Student Organizations)

Taffner Field House has a primary function of open recreation and intramural programming through the Campus Recreation department.

This space can be reserved for recreational programming as well as events, inside and outside the University. Each request will be reviewed and approved/denied on a case by case basis. 

The following are policies that must be followed when reserving and utilizing Taffner Field House:

  • Each request must come from Conference Services or from Student Affairs and be submitted to the Director of Campus Recreation at least (4) weeks prior to the requested date(s).
  • No events will be approved that require music or entertainment during normal business hours. Any events that require music or entertainment may only begin after 5 p.m.
  • Once the event is complete; it is the responsibility of the renter to ensure all clean up is completed. This would include any of Campus Recreations property put back in its location, and all signs and equipment used for the event removed/taken down.
  • When submitting your request please work with facilities to determine time needs for setup and breakdown. Once determined please indicate on the request the full amount of time that is needed for the event including the setup and breakdown.
  • There is a NO HANGING policy in Taffner. Renters of the space may not hang anything on the red padding or walls. If there are specific requests for something to be displayed you must include that in your request for the space and it will be reviewed.
  • In regards to setups, if the renter is ordering tables and chairs or any outside furniture, the date of delivery and pickup needs to be approved as well by the Director of Campus Recreation. You would include a side note in your setup if you are planning to order furniture.
  • The renter will be responsible for any damage caused in the space from their event.

Capacities for events in Taffner are as follows:

  • For both sides of Taffner with open floor is 1140. For only one side with open floor it would be 570.
  • For a banquet or lecture setup the total would be 600 for both sides and 300 for each individual side by itself.

Dorothy Longworth
‪Director, Campus Recreation
Carnesecca B-02