Parking Program
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2024-2025 Parking Permit Application
Commuter Students, Faculty Members and Employees
Starting August 1st, you can apply for a parking permit online through the T2 Flex Parking Services app through Signon.stjohns.edu
Liability: The University assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time the vehicle is on campus property.
Resident Parking 2024-2025
Resident Village parking will be assigned using an online application.
Please note that the Resident Village parking includes off campus housing locations (DePaul Houses*, Henley Road*, and Seton Complex**)
* DePaul Houses and Henley Road have specific parking locations, including at the residences and General spaces on campus. This does not include RV spaces on campus.
** There is no parking available at the Seton Complex itself.
Parking Pass Guidelines: 2024-2025
Eligibility for the Residence Village Parking Permits is determined by class year. Students interested in purchasing a residential parking permit for the Fall 2024 semester should submit an application using the link below. Only a limited number of permits are available. It is recommended that if you are interested in obtaining a permit, you should fill out the application at your earliest convenience. The permit fee is $500 for the academic year.
Please note that the RV (Residential Village) lot is located in the ROTC/Public Safety parking lot and select spaces at the top of the Gate 6 Garage. Resident Village parking includes the off campus housing locations: DePaul Houses*, Henley Road*, and Seton Complex**
* DePaul Houses and Henley Road have specific parking locations, including at the residences and General spaces on campus. This does not include RV spaces on campus.
** There is no parking available at the Seton Complex itself.
General Permits
Resident students are allowed to purchase General Permits for $100, which entitles them to park on campus from 6am to 3am. However, they must move their car off campus by 3am.
Residence Village Parking Permit Application
Resident Village parking permits will be assigned using the following link: online Residence Village parking application portal. The form will be active from 3pm on August 23, 2024 until 12pm on August 26, 2024.
Residence Village Parking Permit Application
Resident Village parking permits will be assigned using the following link: online Residence Village parking application portal. The form will be active from 3pm on August 23, 2024 until 12pm on August 26, 2024.
Rules and Regulations
Apply for a Parking Permit
***On or After August 1st of every year:***
- Go to Signon.stjohns.edu
** Login to the Sign-On Portal. (If you need help logging in, please see: Sign-On Help Guide ) - Click on the T2 Flex Parking Services app and follow the on-screen instructions.
- All permits will be mailed directly to applicant’s home address within five to seven business days.
Allowed Permits | Parking Lots | Hours of Validity |
Reserve | Red | 6 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.,* Monday to Friday |
Employee | Green | 6 a.m. – 3 a.m., 7 days a week* |
Faculty | Blue | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
General/Student | Yellow | 6 a.m. – 3 a.m., 7 days a week |
Food Service | Yellow | 5 a.m. – 3 a.m., 7 days a week |
Murray Residence | Red | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Maintenance | Yellow | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Residence Village | Orange | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Anyone may park with valid University parking permit in this area (Reserve parking lots that have numeric pavement markings and Employee parking lots during 4:30 p.m. – 3 a.m. on Monday-Friday and 6 – 3 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.)
The Grand Central Parkway Employee lot is excluded. Hours of validity for this lot are from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday
Commuter Students, Faculty Members and Employees
Parking permits can be applied for online starting August 1 by visiting the T2 Flex Parking Services app through Signon.stjohns.edu.
A General Parking permit costs $100 and may be purchased by commuter and resident students.(The General Permit does not allow for overnight parking between the hours of 3 a.m. - 6 a.m.).
All visitors are requested to obtain and display a valid permit. Visitor permits can be obtained either at the Information Booth at Gate 1 or at the Public Safety office. Visitor permits are valid from the date of issuance to the date of expiration indicated on the permit.
Pay a Parking Ticket
- Go to Signon.stjohns.edu
** Login to the Sign-On Portal. (If you need help logging in, please see: Sign-On Help Guide ) - Click on the T2 Flex Parking Services app and follow the on-screen instructions.
Permits for People with Disabilities
The University requires all vehicles parking in disabled-parking areas to display a valid University permit (e.g., employee, student, faculty permit) in ADDITION to a state disabled permit or disabled license plate. Every vehicle parked in a disabled area or using a disabled permit for parking must be the valid owner of the disabled permit.
State disabled permits or license plates may be obtained by visiting the New York State DMV Website — then follow the on-screen instructions.
In short, both a University permit and a State disabled permit or disabled license plate are required to park in designated disabled parking areas.
Temporary Disabled Permits:
A temporary University disabled permit may be obtained for up to two weeks only by visiting the Public Safety office. Upon visiting, the applicant needs to submit valid medical documents or doctor’s note which indicates that the applicant has established physical limitations. In addition, a valid University StormCard is required. Public Safety will NOT accept any substitute forms or letters. Failure to display a disabled hangtag for any reason — will result in a parking violation with NO APPEAL.
Because Public Safety issues temporary disabled permits for only a two-week interval, it is recommended to visit the New York State DMV Website to obtain a state disabled permit or license plate upon one’s need.
Terms of Permit
There is only 1 option available when requesting a St. John’s University Parking Permit:
1. Rearview Mirror Hang Tag:
A. The annual HANG TAG must be displayed on the vehicle’s rearview mirror with the assigned number facing out and clearly visible. If the permit is left in a different vehicle or not brought to campus, a TEMPORARY paper HANG TAG must be obtained from the Department of Public Safety located outside of Gate 6 on Goethals Avenue or at the Security Information Booth located inside Gate 1. If your rearview mirror or a tinted windshield is designed in a way that impedes this type of display, you are responsible to insure it is hung from the mirror, by rope or string, in such a way to make it clearly visible.
B. If you utilize a second vehicle, you are required to obtain a TEMPORARY rearview mirror paper HANG TAG from the Department of Public Safety located outside of Gate 6 on Goethals Avenue or at the Security Information Booth located inside Gate 1. The TEMPORARY HANG TAG must be displayed from the rearview mirror of the secondary vehicle whenever you park on campus.
There is NO APPEAL for a summons issued for failing to display a valid parking permit, which must be affixed as described above. Furthermore, all permits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Illegal Use of Permit:
It is unlawful for any person to produce, alter or to display without the approval of Public Safety, any parking permit indicating eligibility to park; to park a vehicle bearing a permit to which he or she is not entitled; or to display a permit not issued to the specific vehicle(s) to which it was registered. It is also unlawful to purchase a fraudulently produced parking permit or to purchase a permit from another individual. Vehicles registered must belong to the individual registering the vehicle or a member of the person’s immediate family. Registering someone else’s vehicle is prohibited.
Permits are valid up to and including the expiration month, day and year on the permit.
Sale or Trade of Vehicle:
Failure to advise Public Safety of a sale or trade for registration purposes may result in continued responsibility to the permit holder for violations received on that permit. The permit holder has responsibility for removing parking permits prior to selling or trading a vehicle. Persons failing to comply with this requirement shall pay the cost of a new permit.
Lost/Stolen Permits:
Permit holders are responsible for the security of their permits. The theft or loss of parking permit should be reported to Public Safety immediately upon discovery. Permits which are claimed lost may be replaced at the original cost of the permit.
Any permit lost in the mail must be reported within one month of ordering to receive a free replacement. No replacement will be issued beyond the one month requirement.
Invalid Use of Permit:
The ownership of permit is not transferable. Therefore, sharing of any University parking permit issued by the Department of Public Safety is prohibited and subject to fine(s) or suspension of parking privileges.
Daily Hours of Validity:
All general and employee parking permits are valid from 6 a.m. – 3 a.m., seven days a week. Food Service permits are valid from 5 a.m. – 3 a.m., seven days a week. Murray residence and residence village, faculty and maintenance permits are valid 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Change in Residence or License Plate:
Permit holders changing residence or license plates after initial application must contact Public Safety and complete the necessary forms. Failure to do so may result in continued responsibility for violations issued to the old license plate and a loss of parking privileges.
Vehicle Regulations:
- Vehicle Regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
- Motorists are to yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians in a crosswalk.
- Driving vehicles on any of the quadrangles or in the Residence Village is prohibited.
- All vehicles are to be operated with extreme caution and no more than 10 miles per hour.
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
- Traffic controls such as stop signs, speed limit signs, pedestrian right-of-way and the observance of traffic lines are in effect at all times. Drivers are required to park within two white/yellow lines (blue for handicap) of demarcation in parking areas. A driver may be subject to fine(s) and/or disciplinary action for failing to comply with any traffic rules while driving on campus.
- In order to facilitate snow removal during a snowstorm, it is recommended that all cars are removed off campus. However, in an emergency, contact Public Safety for authorization to keep a vehicle in the parking garages. Under no circumstances should vehicles be left in parking lots or on the roads.
- During and after snowstorms, efforts should be made to carpool to and from the campus so that the parking lots may be cleared. Presence of snow shall not be used as an excuse for violating campus parking rules.
- Vehicles with loud and excessive noise are prohibited on campus. Violators will subject to a fine.
- Operating a vehicle on grass, sidewalks, curbs or unimproved areas is prohibited and subject to a fine and/or disciplinary action. Special loading or unloading requirements will be met upon request to the Public Safety.
- Vehicles impeding a fire hydrant, blocking another vehicle, University gates and or walkways, are subject to a fine and/or may be towed.
- Motorcycles and motor scooters require a permit. However, for practical reasons, permits need not be displayed on the vehicle. Operators must carry the permit on their person and present it to a Public Safety officer upon request. Motorcycles and motor scooters must park within one parking space only.
- Any moving violation, such as speeding and excessive noise from the vehicle, is issued via mail when a violator is identified.
- Barriers are placed for safety purposes and must be recognized as such. Evading, driving around or over, or moving any barrier, gate, or traffic control device, unless specifically directed by a Public Safety Officer, is strictly forbidden.
All appeals must be submitted through the online T2 Flex Parking Services app. Please write a brief explanation for your appeal.
If the alleged violator does not appeal a notice of violation within five business days, any fine remains as a charge to their T2 Flex Parking account, any suspension or revocation of parking privileges is deemed final, and the right to appeal will be forfeited. The appeal process usually takes approximately seven business days. All appeals submitted will receive an email notification with the decision. If the corresponding violation is adjudicated, the appellant’s T2 Flex Parking account will be credited.
University members can check their account status online through the T2 Flex Parking Services app under Signon.stjohns.edu
Non-University Members should register and manage their accounts through:
Appeal status can be checked through the online T2 Flex Parking Services app. All decisions made by Public Safety at the conclusion or expiration of the appeal process are final.
All Payments are now managed through our parking portal.
*As of January 2025, we are no longer accepting payments in person.*
University members access the portal through the T2 Flex Parking Services app under Signon.stjohns.edu
Non-University Members should register and manage their accounts through:
Students who do not pay their fines will have a hold associated with their account.
1.Vehicles Without a Parking Permit: The University has access to DMV records and will trace license plates to identify owners. In addition to fines, Public Safety will charge violators a DMV surcharge.
2.Right to Close: The University reserves the right to close any campus parking area at any time it is deemed necessary for maintenance, safety or to meet special needs. Public Safety will notify patrons when possible.
3.Liability: The University assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time the vehicle is on campus property.
4.False Information: No person shall obtain, attempt to obtain or use in a manner contrary to these regulations, a modified parking permit or a permit issued upon false information. A violation of this section includes giving a false name, address, University X number and/or other information known to be false. Violation of this provision shall constitute the illegal use of a parking permit and will be subject to violations.
5. Temporary Parking: A temporary parking permit can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety if the current permit is either misplaced or left at home. At all times while parking on-campus grounds, a valid University parking permit must be displayed.
Gate Closures
Find all the Queens campus gate closure information below.
Drive in gates
- Gate #1, 2, 4, 6: Open 7 a.m. and closed at 11 p.m., Mon-Thur.
- Gate #1: Open 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Friday-Sunday.
- Gate #6: open 24/7. Friday 7 p.m. through Monday 6 a.m. you will need a StormCard to open this gate.
Walk through gates
- Auxiliary lot Gate #9: Open 7 a.m.-11 p.m.
- Gate 5: Open 7 a.m.-11 p.m
- Gate #3: Open 7 a.m.-11 p.m
- Gate #7: Open 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday through Friday. A StormCard must be used to activate the turn-style.
- Gate 1B: Handicap door to be opened remotely upon request until turn-style gate is repaired.
Appeal a Parking Fine
All appeals must be submitted through the online T2 Flex Parking Services app within five business days of issuance of the violation.
A brief explanation must accompany the appeal.
Overnight Parking
(For Residence Village Guests Only)
Guests of a resident student may obtain an overnight permit for up to three consecutive nights. In order to receive the permit, the resident student (hosting the guest) needs to bring his or her own University StormCard. The guest must also be present with a valid picture ID such as State issued ID and Driver’s License. The fee for this permit is $10 and will be posted to the corresponding resident student’s (host) account. There is no fee for guests who are University members.
Off-Campus and Summer School Parking
Off-Campus Parking
Seton Complex, DePaul House, and Henley Road permits are issued in person at the Public Safety office. These permits are determined by the department's senior administrators. Once the determination is finalized, a list of eligible University members (e.g., students, employees, administrators) is forwarded to Public Safety.
Note: The same Parking Rules and Regulations apply when using Seton Complex, DePaul House, and Henley permits on campus.
Summer School Students
Permits for summer school students are issued by the same online procedures as indicated under the Apply for a parking permit section.
Enforcement and Fines
Public Safety officers are entrusted with ensuring the safety of the University community and its visitors. Officers are to be treated with courtesy at all times, particularly when they are enforcing parking regulations. Failure to act in a proper manner may result in the loss of parking privileges; no refund on permit will be issued. All persons using the campus parking facilities are expected to cooperate and accept officers’ directions and suggestions. Officers are required to place parking violations on all cars in violation of parking regulations. There should not be any dispute with any officer issuing parking violations. All complaints may be made to the Executive Director of Public Safety in writing.
Times of Enforcement
Permit Areas: All parking zones are limited to authorized permit holders and will be strictly enforced.
Restricted Spaces: These spaces are restricted for their designated purpose at all times (24 hours a day).
a) Murray Residence Reserved
b) Fire lanes
c) Disabled parking areas
d) Residence Village
e) Faculty
f) Specially signed areas or pavement markings
Lack of a parking space will not be considered a valid excuse for violation of parking regulations. Individuals who frequently violate parking regulations demonstrate a lack of consideration for others and will have their parking privileges revoked. Students are reported to the Dean of Students, faculty members are reported to the Provost, and employees will be reported to corresponding department heads. It is the responsibility of each person to make a prompt settlement with the University.
- Two unpaid parking violations will result in vehicle being immobilized or towed.
- More than three parking violations in one academic year will result in subsequent fines being doubled.
- More than four parking violations in one academic year may result in the loss of parking privileges.
Violation | FEE |
Speeding/ Reckless Driving | $75 |
Disobeying Traffic Signs | $75 |
Parking in Fire Lane | $100 |
Parking in Disabled Parking | $100 |
Unauthorized Space/Lot | $50 |
Parking in Roadway | $50 |
Excessive Noise | $50 |
Failure to Yield to Pedestrian | $50 |
Failure to Display | $35 |
Invalid Permit | $35 |
Improper Permit Display | $35 |
Unauthorized Overnight | $35 |
Other | $50 |
Rhino Boot | $100 |
Unauthorized Boot Removal | $400 |
All Payments are now managed through our parking portal.
*As of January 2025, we are no longer accepting payments in person.*
University members access the portal through the T2 Flex Parking Services app under Signon.stjohns.edu
Non-University Members should register and manage their accounts through:
Students who do not pay their fines will have a hold associated with their account.