Picture of the DAC tower

Office of Multicultural Affairs

Who We Are

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) strives to foster a more inclusive and culturally competent campus environment where students feel a strong sense of belonging and where their similarities and differences of identity and experience are acknowledged, understood, valued, and celebrated.  

Our office offers program, services, and spaces to all students, though our programming is geared toward tailoring our programs to educate about and highlight the experiences of historically underrepresented groups and their cultures. 

We live out our mission by providing educational opportunities, informative trainings, rich cultural programs and inclusive services.  We regularly collaborate with internal and external campus partners to challenge and rid out systems of oppression and inequality that have historically oppressed underrepresented groups. By doing so, we work to strengthen our institution's legacy of service and inclusion. 

As a department, we work to increase students' awareness of others and to expand their capacity for empathy by exposing them to cultures and experiences often different than their own.  We are involved in multiple areas of the institution that are charged with addressing campus climate issues for historically underrepresented groups and  we promote global citizenship and inclusion of these groups by facilitating opportunities for self-actualizing growth and development.  

To learn more about our offerings, view the OMA Programs and Services Brochure (PDF) or click the below accordions to learn more.

OMA Signature Programs

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Over two decades of student success at St. John’s!


PROJECT AIM is a peer-mentoring program that promotes Student Belonging and Success by supporting Holistic Development and Retention of first year and second year international undergraduate students. 

Through a social and intellectual learning environment that occurs beyond the classroom, PROJECT AIM supports student success through five targeted pillars: 

  • Acclimation to the University
  • An Increased Sense of Belonging
  • Global Cultural Awareness/Appreciation
  • Leadership/Career Development
  • Academic Achievement.


Mentoring is a brain to pick, a warm heart to care for, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, and a push in the right direction for success!

Register to become a PROJECT AIM mentee and receive a professional mentor to work side by side to achieve your success throughout the academic year!


  • First year and second year international undergraduate students with F-1 or J-1 visa.
  • Domestic freshmen with foreign academic credentials. 

Click Mentee Registration Form to apply. 

Mentee spots are limited! 

The Mentee registration is open until all spots are filled or by mid-October.


For questions about Project AIM: International Mentoring Program, please contact:

Rosa C. Yen, M. Ed.'03 | M.A. '12 & '21

Director of International Student Development & Multicultural Affairs 

D’Angelo Cetner Room 124



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ISC: strives to support international students with F-1 or J-1 visa at all levelsby ensuring they utilize the tools and resources that university is offering to increase a stronger sense of belonging and to achieve a holistic college experience and success. Students who participate in ISC are provided with a centralized platform to elevate their voices and address their needs, to build global community, to respond to global concerns impacting students,and to enhance campus engagement that leads to a stronger sense of belonging at St. John’s University.


S.C.O.P.E. to Elevate Support and Success for International Students at St. John's!

Scan the campus and global environments to surface essential needs and/or trending global issues impacting the international students and/or the international student experience.

Create opportunities and spaces on campus for international students to share their needs and concerns and to regularly update students on positive, proactive changes that the University is making.

Offer recommendations to the ISC Chairs for institutional responses to global and/or campus issues impacting international students and/or the international student experience.

Promote a welcoming environment for all students and visitors, with a focus on international students.

Engage international students by addressing student needs and implementing select/approved programming and policy-based solutions.

The ISC partners with the Administrator Action Committee (AAC) that is chaired by Office of International Student & Scholar Services (ISSSO).   

Be the voice of St. John’s international Johnnies!

All students with F-1 or J-1 visa are welcome to apply. 

Click ISC Member Application Form to apply. 


For questions about International Student Council (ISC), please contact:

Rosa C. Yen, M. Ed. ‘03 | M.A. ’12 & ‘21

Director of International Student Development & Multicultural Affairs 

D’Angelo Cetner Room 124



Heritage Month Celebrations


In appreciation and celebration of historically underrepresented groups, the Office of Multicultural Affairs collaborates with student leaders, student organizations, and campus partners to host month-long observances or one-off cultural events. The heritage months our office organizes are below.

Latinx Heritage Month (LHM)

Latinx Heritage Month, also known as National Hispanic Heritage Month is nationally celebrated each year from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Native and Indigenous Heritage Month (NIHM)

Annually in the month of November, we recognize, appreciate and celebrate the shared history and culture of Native and Indigenous peoples of America. 

Black History/Heritage Month (BHM)

Black History/Heritage Month, or National African American History Month, is an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. history.

Asian American/Pacific-Islander Heritage Month (APHM)

Typically recognized nationally in May, our University celebrates this month in April.  Asian American /Pacific-Islander Heritage Month is a celebration of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders history and contributions in the United States.  The cultures celebrated in this month include those from all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.

Special Events

In addition to heritage month celebrations our University offers special events for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lunar New Year, Juneteenth, LGBTQ History Month, PRIDE, and other salient days. 

Lunar New Year

21st Annual Lunar New Year Celebration
D’Angelo Center Ballroom
Friday, February 16, 2024 from 5 to 8 p.m. (doors open at 4:45 p.m.)

St. John’s University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs and Campus Activities cordially invite you to attend the 21st annual Lunar New Year Celebration.

In East Asian astrology, 2024 is the year of the Dragon. An imaginative creature capable of transforming negativity and divisiveness into positivity and unity, the dragon symbolizes power, wisdom, prosperity, kindness, auspiciousness, and success in traditional Asian culture. It is commonly viewed as the best and luckiest of the 12 animals in the Eastern Asian Zodiac. The year 2024 is the Wood Dragon year, which is predicted to be a year for prosperity, happiness, improvement, abundance, and long-term success.

Come join us in attracting positive energy for the Year of the Wood Dragon through a traditional lion dance by Awaken Lion NY; music by DJ Zeke Entertainment, LLC; cultural performances by St. John’s Asian student organizations, Project AIM, and our international students; fun cultural activities, and raffles with prizes. The dinner menu includes authentic cuisines of Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese, Halal, bubble tea, and desserts.  

Collaborators include Campus Activities, the OMA Heritage Month Council, the Institute of Asian Studies, the International Student Council, Project AIM, and the following Asian student organizations: Chinese Cultural Association; Chinese Student and Scholar Association; Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.; Philippine-Americans Reaching Everyone; and Vietnamese Student Association.

Seating is limited. All guests MUST RSVP for seating arrangement. 

Join Our Heritage Month Student Planning Council

If you are a student interested in joining our Heritage Month Student Planning Council, a student council that assists our office with the planning and implementation of the above-mentioned cultural/heritage month events, please complete the Heritage Month Student Council Application or contact a member of our staff.

The Diversity Peer Education Program is dedicated to creating an inclusive campus environment by spreading cultural awareness and sensitivity while promoting diversity and social justice at St. John’s University. 

SEW Leaders Serve as DPE Facilitators
Student Equity Workshop (SEW) Leaders are trained undergraduate students who work for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and who facilitate Diversity Peer Education (DPE) Program courses.  SEW Leaders help cultivate authentic spaces where student participants can share their experiences, identities, and connect across difference in a brave learning environment. These SEW Leaders utilize their voices and passion for equity, inclusion, and social justice to help create a more inclusive campus community.  

DPE Program Training Courses
Our staff created a series of social justice training courses that increase in level of self-awareness, social justice knowledge, and skill. Each training is about two hours in duration. You must complete the training courses in order.

DPE Level One: Increasing Cultural Competency
This introductory training will help participants understand who they are, their cultural influences, and how those aspects intersect. Through interactive activities and discussions, participants will explore their current cultural competency and learn more about each other.

DPE Level Two: Social Justice Foundations
Through interactive activities and discussions, this training will allow participants to further explore their identities and learn more about power, privilege, and intersectionality.

DPE Level Three: Understanding and Reacting to Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
Through interactive activities and discussions, this training will help participants recognize and respond to implicit bias and microaggressions while also increasing the skills necessary to interact effectively with a diverse group of people.

DPE Training Requests
If interested in participating in the DPE training courses, please access the forms, below.

All training requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance and you must have a confirmed space or room reservation. Departments: If you would like to reserve the IRC lecture room on behalf of your student led program, please email oma-irc@stjohns.edu before completing this form to see if the IRC is available. Your training is not confirmed until you receive confirmation from a member of our staff.

SEW Workshop Request Form

For more information regarding the Diversity Peer Education Program and other social justice trainings, please the Assistant Director of Social Justice Training & Education Programs, Lové Johnson (johnsol2@stjohns.edu). 

SEW Leader Applications!

If you are interested in applying to be a SEW Leader, charged with facilitating DPE Program workshops, click the link to apply.  Applications are open, with interviews occurring in the spring.

Queens & Staten Island SEW Application Form



Common Ground Dialogues is an Intergroup Dialogue Program, adapted from the University of Michigan, managed by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.  Common Ground provides opportunities for students to come together virtually and in-person to share experiences relating to their social identities, lived experiences, and connections to each topic.  Students who take part in these energized sessions enjoy the peer-led dialogues centering on relevant equity-centered issues.

Elements of Common Ground Dialogues:

• All Common Ground Dialogues are co-led by pairs of St John’s University undergraduate student leaders called facilitators.  These facilitators have gone through countless hours of extensive training. All dialogues are for students and led by students using the University of Michigan's Intergroup Dialogue framework.

• One of the fundamental principles underlying the Common Ground Dialogues program is that some of the most powerful learning occurs through exposure to and consideration of multiple perspectives. Therefore, one of the most important goals is to create a dialogic environment in which students talk openly and candidly about their individual identities, background, and its connection to social justice education.  Specifically, participants connect each hot topic to systems of power, privilege, oppression, while listening carefully to the views and experiences of other participants. Our dialogues create opportunities for individuals to emerges with a deeper and more complete understanding of their own identity, environment, and how the topics presented connect to social justice.

Register to Attend Our Hot Topic Dialogues!

SEW CGD Workshop Request

OMA Student Equity Workshop (SEW) Leader Positions!

The Common Ground Dialogues, Safe Zone, the Diversity Peer Education Program, and the Dismantle Oppression Series are all housed under the Student Equity Workshop Programs (SEW).  We have filled our leader seats for the current academic year.  If you are interested in becoming a SEW Leader for the next academic year, click the application link to apply.  Applications are accepted all year; though, hiring beings in the spring.

Queens & Staten Island SEW Application Form



The Dismantle Oppression (DO) Series is the newest student equity workshop. The DO Series focuses on the antiracist’s journey. DO incorporates and builds on the work of historian and author Ibram X. Kendi from one of his recent books, “How To Be An Antiracist” (2019). DO is a student-led virtual series developed in response to what has been happening in our country, including and before we found ourselves in quarantine. This series, while unique and timely, couples well with existing student-led and student-centered workshops offered by our office.  DO Series aims to provide a more direct pathway for students looking to take action to dismantle white supremacy and all its connected forms of oppression.

Students often wonder ‘What can they DO?’.  Our office would offer this program series as an actionable response--you can dismantle oppression. DO offers a critical and self-reflective process filled with thoughtful peer-to-peer learning, practical application, and antiracist tools to dismantle oppression.

Students can sign up for any of the five DO modules through the SGI x OMA "Curated SEW Series" or by signing their group up for a workshop.

SEW Dismantle Oppression (DO) Workshop Request


The Office of Multicultural Affairs is now the managing department for the Safe Zone Program at St. John's University.  Since the summer of 2020, the OMA has worked with several student leaders, faculty, and staff to revitalize its program.  

SJU Safe Zone Program

St. John's recognizes and celebrates the intrinsic worth of all individuals. 

The Safe Zone Program was revamped during the 2020-21 academic year by Spectrum leaders and SEW leaders from the Queens and Staten Island, NY, campuses. Safe Zone remains a university collaboration of students, administrators, faculty, and staff .  This program would not be as successful without key support by members of Spectrum Student Organization, Wellness, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Office of Equity & Inclusion, the Office of the Provost, and other key divisions. 

The primary mission of St. John's University's Safe Zone Program is to create a means through which we can consistently support members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and other community members (LGBTQ+) in their growth and development, while honoring and celebrating the holistic experiences of the individual. 

To achieve this, the Safe Zone Program seeks to:

  • Educate community members in a broad model that may surface inner biases and/or conflict preventing folx from offering authentic support to students.
  • Heighten awareness of current issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community at St. John's University
  • Recognize the needs and identities of LGBTQ+ folx, inclusive of all Gender & Sexual Minorities, in university-wide programming
  • Partner with individuals who desire to be active allies and to expand their understanding of the rich, nuanced, and lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Build the network of trainers/facilitators who seek to provide brave spaces, education, support, information, and connection.

Safe Zone offers 3-levels before participants can be Safe Zone Certified. Once participants are certified, they can sign up to become Safe Zone Facilitators by taking the 3-Hour Safe Zone Train the Trainer workshop. Any current St. John's University student, faculty, staff, or administrator is certified can request to attend train the trainer sessions.

Safe Zone Training/Workshop Offerings

Level 1: "Get Used to It: Gender, Sexuality & Love"

Level 2: "Pride Applied: Intersecting Identities and Effective Allyship"

Level 3: "Allyship: More Than a Buzzword"

Train the Trainer: "Step Up or Move Back!"

Safe Zone workshops are offered on the Queens, NY, and Staten Island, NY, campuses, as well as virtually. Students, faculty, staff, or administrators interested in becoming a St. John's University Safe Zone Certified ally or trainer may sign up, below. 

Safe Zone Participant Sign-Up/RSVP


From the Blog

St. John's University First-Generation College Student, Teodita Cabral

Breaking Barriers: A First-Generation College Student’s Story

My name is Teodita, pronounced “tea-oh-dye-tuh.” I once felt my name was a burden, as it often led to teasing from peers and teacher mispronunciations. However, my name embodies my identity. I am half Guatemalan and half Dominican, and both cultures have profoundly influenced who I am as a first-generation college student.

Teodita Cabral
Student at a Spectrum LGBTQ+ Club tabling event at St. John’s University, celebrating inclusivity and community

LGBTQIA+ Student Support: How St. John’s University Leads the Way

As an LGBTQIA+ student, choosing a college or university that truly supports and celebrates you can transform your experience. St. John’s University is committed to creating a campus where you feel safe, valued, and empowered. Here, you find a community that genuinely embraces diversity with a strong dedication to fostering personal growth and academic success.

In this blog, you explore the resources and initiatives at St. John’s that make it a leader in LGBTQIA+ support. Plus, you hear directly from students and faculty involved in making campus life inclusive and supportive.

Young female professional
Toni Critelli
St. John's University building focused on diversity, equity and inclusion

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: St. John’s Commitment

At St. John’s University, our dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion isn’t just a philosophical stance—it’s the beating heart of our institution. As a Catholic and Vincentian university, we are deeply rooted in the values of compassion, justice, and solidarity with the marginalized. For over a century and a half, we have upheld these principles, striving to create an environment where every member of our community feels welcomed, respected, and empowered to thrive.

Profile photo for Candice D. Roberts

Q&A with Candice D. Roberts, Ph.D.

Meet Candice D. Roberts, Ph.D., pronouns: they/them; Director, The LGBTQ+ Center; Associate Professor, Division of Mass Communication.

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