collage of 2024-25 President's Society Students

President's Society

Founded in 1968, the President’s Society honors those students who combine scholarship, integrity, maturity, and a well-rounded personality with University-wide awareness, participation and leadership, demonstrated by their significant contributions to the academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular life of St. John’s University.  Members of the President's Society are ambassadors who support the President at various events and functions. The President's Society is the highest honor society at St. John’s University.  

President's Society Members




Abdullah O. Al-Bayati

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Information Technology

Jaryd Miles Flores Buendia

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Emma Pia Cavalli

The School of Education

Childhood Education

Katherine M. CivitanoSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology/Criminology & Justice

Antonia Cuellar Urrutia

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Brianna Garrison

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Chiyoko H. Goya

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

Olivia Guerra

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Malia Elizabeth L. Jones

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Demetra Koutmanis

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Metka Kunstelj

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Harsha S. Mattappally

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Gunnar W. Mills

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Legal Studies

Lucía Morón Ares

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Thomas Napoli

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Jennifer O. Obiesie

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Gabriella L. Onesto

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Government and Politics

Mikolaj Radaszkiewicz

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Homeland Security

Ryan E. Ripepi

The School of Education

Adolescent Education

Daniel Sanchez

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

Interdisciplinary Business

Lauren Regina Santoro

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Justin D. Siracusa

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Stephen D. SiracusaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting

Nicholas Trama

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Biomedical Sciences

Lauren N. Vetere

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Communication Arts

Giorgia Walther

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

International Management




Enjelique Ruth Adams

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Cynthia Adebayo

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Chemistry and Global Development & Sustainability

Marlie Bien-Aimé

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Government and Politics

Daniel A. Chacko

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

Quantitative Risk and Insurance

Grace Comas

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

Risk Management and Insurance

Emily B. Encalada

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Jianna J. Estevez

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Rosanna Jiang

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Legal Studies

Madison A. King

College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Biomedical Sciences

Angelica Kusnowo

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Jordan Mathis

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Hannah A Mearns

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Environmental Science

Sabrina Nardiello

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Television and Film

Audrey Mary O'Connor

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Sullivan Donald Padgett

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Government and Politics

Kate Reddin

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Speech Pathology & Audiology

Ariana Brielle Robinson

The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

Public Relations

Matthew Siegel

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Jack Sullivan

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Nicole Sutherland

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

English and Communication Arts

Eleonora Tosi

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Jennie M. Vosilla

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Eric T. Weggeland

The Peter J. Tobin College of Business


Lacy Skye Worrall

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Government and Politics

Natalia Raquel AcevedoSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPublic Administration 
Gabriella V. AlcamoThe School of EducationChildhood Education 
Ashley ArnoneThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
Juan ArrietaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Leondre O. Bennett The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice 
Ethan A. BurrellSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesHistory
Jenna Dina CharlesSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry 
Vanessa DiazThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice 
Melanie Dolgonos The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesLegal Studies 
Alissa de Sousa D'ValeSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment and Politics
Anthony EvangelouThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Ivan S. FernandezCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
Gianna FloraThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Sean GeorgeCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
Julianna LoMonteSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry
Andrew McGroryThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Shelby Andre MeristilSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology 
Brooke C. MoscaThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesCommunication Arts
Evan R. NaumannThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessInternational Management
Sofia Selene OrtegaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness
Jack C. PalamaroSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesTheology
Ignacio Prieto Ruiz de OjedaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Analytics
Charles Kingsley SchubertThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Nusrat TabassumCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
Maria VillarroelThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesJournalism
Joseph WisidagamaThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesLegal Studies
First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
KaitlinByrnesThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesHomeland Security/Rhetoric and Public Address
AlexisCasellaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessMarketing
SarahCullivanThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
LizbethEdwardsThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
CarlJijitaThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies, Staten Island CampusHospitality
HuyLeThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessActuarial Science
KyraLewisThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessActuarial Science
NayaLipkensCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesBiomedical Sciences
GabriellaMagrasThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies, Staten Island CampusLegal Studies and Sociology
JasonNikolatosThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
VassiliaPlakasCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
SamanthaReichertThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesHealth and Human Services
SabrinaRizziSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Staten Island CampusPsychology
ColinRobinsonThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
AngelaSaricCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesToxicology
MatthewSchmeiserSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
GajendraSookdeoSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
DanielleSpencerThe School of EducationAdolescent Education
MichaelUrbanoThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
AlexaWilliamsThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessRisk Management and Insurance
MikeshaWithanachchiSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSociology
YueranYuSt. John’s College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
AmandaBelgraveThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
LiamBenjaminThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessActuarial Science 
CarismaCollinsThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
EmilyD'AlessandroThe School of EducationChildhood Education 
JoashahaDrakesThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesHealth and Human Services
JuliaGonzalezSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSpeech Language Pathology and Audiology
HarrisonHarveyThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
MohamedHeikalCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy 
RebekaHumbrechtThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies, Staten Island CampusPublic Relations and English
MatthewKirschenheiterThe School of EducationChildhood Education 
ŠpelaKunsteljSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry
JennaMarrandinoThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
MarisaMurgoloThe School of EducationChildhood Education
ArpitNagraSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Staten Island CampusSpeech Language Pathology
TeresaNeriThe School of EducationChildhood Education 
AnthonySalviaThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesSport Management
AinsleySonnierThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessRisk Management and Insurance 
RyanVentThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Analytics
KayleyWoodThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessMarketing
MaryZouvelosThe Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional StudiesLegal Studies

First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
Najee B.AdamsCollege of Professional StudiesJournalism
TaylormarieCapozielloCollege of Professional StudiesLegal Studies
Celeste AlanaDanielThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
ElviraGarciaThe School of EducationChildhood Education
Daniel C.HaynesCollege of Professional StudiesJournalism
Bethanie R.JonesCollege of Professional StudiesLegal Studies
JordanKampSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment and Politics
Matthew D.MacatulaCollege of Professional StudiesInformation Technology
DimitriMendrinosCollege of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
MarloMitchellCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
ThomasMooreSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
BrendanMyersCollege of Professional StudiesJournalism
TolulopeOmisakinCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
Riley J.ParkerCollege of Professional StudiesSport Management
DevenRodriguezThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessManagement
Giselle Athena R.RosarioThe School of EducationChildhood Education
ErinShoulSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSpeech Language Pathology
DanielSparrowSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment and Politics
DavidTargettThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness
Emily Sarah MorrisseyTovarSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry
Nicholas E.WunschThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
Aarij ShakilZubairSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
Anelis LeaAcevedoSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology
Maria de los AngelesAsencio VargasSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
Derrell J.BouknightCollege of Professional StudiesJournalism
MecaraBruceThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
MatthewCallahanThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
MatthewChanThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
JelaniChristopherThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessEconomics
CatherineD'AngeloThe School of EducationChildhood Education
MelissaDunlopThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessMarketing
AmberHatcherSt. Johns College of Liberal Arts and SciencesEnglish / Government & Politics
Raven PatriceJacksonCollege of Professional StudiesCommunication Arts
Kayla L.KnightCollege of Professional StudiesLegal Studies
JamesMcCarthyCollege of Professional StudiesCommunication Arts
CooperMiqueliSt. Johns College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
NamoshaMohiteCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
AmneekNagraThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
Andrew E.K.PeckSt. Johns College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
KatherineSheldonCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmacy
Christopher P.StephensSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSociology
Matthew J.SulewskiCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
DaisyThomasThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
LaurenUrbanoThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
Nicholas J.VanSlykeCollege of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
NaveenAbdelwahabSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSpeech Language Pathology
ElizabethAdamSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesTheology
AlexanderCheungCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharm.D.
VincenzoDeRosaSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesHistory
JessicaDiBugnoThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
StephanieEvangelistThe School of EducationChildhood Education
CatherineFelleThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
ChristineFreezeThe School of EducationChildhood Education
MarielaJacomeSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesHistory
MohammedJaganaSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
AriaLaucellaSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesEnglish
GabrielleLaurendineCollege of Professional StudiesTV & Film Production
KevinMageeCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
ThomasMarronThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
FrankObermeyerSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesMathematical Physics
FranciscoRojas SignoretThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
BenRothCollege of Professional StudiesSports Management
JessicaSchaeferThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
RobertSlukaSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
PallaviSharma SobunSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSpeech Language Pathology
First NameLast NameSchool/College   Major
JulioBedollaThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
StephenBlakeCollege of Professional StudiesSports Management
RichardCantoralSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesChemistry
NicholasCerboSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology / Theology
SarahChaidesCollege of Professional StudiesSports Management
KassidyDalyCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
John AnthonyDi MariaCollege of Professional StudiesCommunications
FrancisFerraiuoloCollege of Pharmacy and Health SciencesPharmD
ValentinaGioffreCollege of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
KeziaHarrisThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessAccounting
CarmelaHopkinsCollege of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
AlexandraKaiserThe School of EducationChildhood/Special Education
SoEunLeeSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology/History
AnaritaLynchSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
EricMirkovThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
ChiaraMiuccioSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology / Economics
LauraMoneyCollege of Professional StudiesComputer Science
HervyOngThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessEconomics
YougnandPaulThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessBusiness Management
TiffanyPerrierSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
McQuadeRyanCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
JuliaSchwanCollege of Professional StudiesHospitality Management
CatherineSheehanSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesAnthropology / English
CodySheelerSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPsychology
DejaStephensCollege of Professional StudiesPublic Relations
First NameLast NameSchool/CollegeMajor
SabrinaAlvarezSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesSpeech Language Pathology
PaigeBandCollege of Professional StudiesCriminal Justice
CodyBarberCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
JosephBarryCollege of Professional StudiesHomeland Security
Xavier BuckSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesHistory
Harrison J.BurkeSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
GabrielCarrilho CamaraThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessEconomics
AndrewChangThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessFinance
DanielChenSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology / Anthropology
LauraDeaseThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessActurial Science
JosephDe JesusSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
AnnaDi MarcoCollege of Professional StudiesPublic Relations
Thomas FiorilloThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessActurial Science
JosephGrazianoThe Peter J. Tobin College of BusinessMarketing
CarolinaBrandao HojaijSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesGovernment & Politics
Lauren M.IppolitoThe School of EducationChildhood/Special Education
Sang HyoKimThe College of Pharmacy and Health SceincesPharm.D.
Thomas LamsonSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPhysics
Ridge D. McKnightCollege of Professional StudiesHealth and Human Services
MarissaRuotoloSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesPyschology / Theology
VeronicaThompsonSt. John's College of Liberal Arts and SciencesBiology
AdamVaranoCollege of Professional StudiesCommunication Arts
ArtianaWynderCollege of Professional StudiesCommunications

Eligibility for 2025-2026 Membership

Current juniors expecting to graduate in January 2026 or May 2026 from the following schools and colleges:

  • St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • The School of Education
  • The Peter J. Tobin College of Business
  • College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • The Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies

and for Pharm.D. students expecting to graduate in May 2028 from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences are eligible to apply to the 2025-2026 President's Society. In addition, eligible candidates must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher to apply to the Society.

Students will receive information in November and emails to their St. John's account in December and January regarding the mandatory information sessions.

Information Sessions 

All interested eligible students must sign up for a mandatory information session in order to start the application process.

Registration opens on Monday, November 18, and will close on Friday, January 24, 2025, promptly at 3:00 p.m. All eligible students must attend one of the following mandatory information sessions:

• Thursday, January 30 at 2 p.m. at D’Angelo Center 416 – Register here

• Friday, January 31 at 2 p.m. at D’Angelo Center 416 – Register here 

During the information sessions, you will become better acquainted with the application process and responsibilities associated with membership in the Society. Students who do not register within the timeline indicated or who do not attend a mandatory information session will not be able to continue with the application process.

The dress code for the information session is business casual.

For students who have an academic conflict, please contact the Office of University Events via email at BEFORE the sign-up deadline of Friday, January 24, 2025, for special instructions.

Application Process

After eligible students register and attend a mandatory information session, students will be registered in the President’s Society Application Course on Canvas. This is the only way to access the official application form.

To complete the application, students will need to access the Formstack application from Canvas and complete it in one sitting.  The ability to save and return to the application form is not available. (Please note the Canvas login is the same username and password used for St. John’s Connect login.)

Please note that all applications are electronic, and all completed and uploaded applications are due no later than 3 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please call the Office of University Events at 718-990-6365 or email


After the application process is completed the Selection Committee will conduct interviews with select candidates. Following the interviews, the President's Society Selection Committee will nominate new members and submit the list of nominees to the President for final selection.


Members of the President's Society are considered ambassadors of the President and the University. Throughout the academic year, beginning in April 2025, Members will be designated special assignments at various University events and functions. As Members, students are entitled to wear the official insignia of the Society, in the form of a medal and a pin.


Acceptance to the President's Society requires a serious commitment from its student members. Members of the President's Society are expected to attend all University functions designated as presidential events and fulfill their duties during the spring 2025 semester and the 2025-2026 academic year.